Monday, May 20, 2024

A Beginner's Guide to the Ardaas - A Contexual Translation (Part 2)

The first section of the Ardaas

 ik o’ann-kaar, siree vaahe’guroo jee kee fateh.
The Ultimate One is the source of all, through its Sound expands/creates; all victory is credit to Vaheguru.

 siree bhagau’tee jee sahaa’ey.
May the Power of Vaheguru be of help.

vaar siree bhagau’tee jee kee, paat’shaahee das’veen.
 The poem on the Divine Power of Vaheguru by the Tenth Guru.

pritham  bhagautee  simar  kai,
gur  naanak  leyee  dhiyaa’e.
I first call upon the Power of Vaheguru Ji and meditate on Guru Nanak Ji (in whom Vaheguru Ji revealed Their Power).

fir  ann’gad  gur,  tey  amar  daas,
raam  daa’sai  ho’een  sahaa’eh.
May (the same Power that passed through) Guru Angad Ji, Guru Amar Daas Ji, and Guru Ram Das Ji help me everywhere.

ar’jan  har’gobind  noo,  sim’rau  siree  har  raa’e.
I then meditate upon (the same Power that passed through) Guru Arjan Ji, Guru Hargobind Ji and Guru Har Rai Ji.

siree  har  krishan  dhiyaaee’yai,
jis  diTh’ai  sabh  dukh  jaa’e.
I meditate upon (the same Power that was revealed in) Guru Har Krishan Ji, whose holy vision makes all pains and sufferings go away.

tey’g  bahaadar  simree’yai, 
ghar  nau  nidh  aa’vai  dhaa’e.
Then, I then meditate upon (the Power of Vaheguru Ji revealed through) Guru Teg Bahadar Ji, which causes spiritual treasures to fill my inner-being.

sabh  thaa’een  ho’e  sahaa’e.
May (the Power of Vaheguru Ji revealed through) all the Gurus help me everywhere.

Note: These lines were written by the Tenth Guru.  Following them are words of devotion recited by Sikhs since the Tenth Guru's time.  Together, they form the first section of the present-day Ardaas text.

das'vey  paat’shaah, 
siree  guroo  gobind singh  saa’hib  jee,
sabh  thaa’een  ho’e  sahaa’e.
May (the same Power that passed through) the Tenth Master, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, help me everywhere.

dasaan  paat’shaahee-aan  dee  jyot,
siree  guroo  grann’th  saa’hib  jee,
dey  paaTh  dee’daar  da  dhiyaan  dhar  key,
bo’lo  jee  vaa’eh-guroo.
Turning my thoughts to the same Power that worked in the Ten Gurus and now in the holy words contained in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, connecting with that Power we chant: ‘Vaheguru.’

Note: In a personal Ardaas, simply recite the opening section and then proceed to the closing section.

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