Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A child can hear and experience things whilst in the mother’s womb. The mothers of great Gursikhs, used the time of pregnancy to read more Gurbani, more Simran and listen to the stories the Great Gurus and great Gursikhs. .

Whatever the mother exposes her eyes, ears and mouth to, has an influence on the child. It is so sad to see young children swearing or getting angry, and then you wonder if the mother swore and got angry when she was pregnant or perhaps she watched lots of movies with negative behaviour. .

Then you see children full of peace, with a calm aura and who remember Gurbani quickly and do Simran with great love. You then think, the mother must have avoided negative company, thoughts, words and sights during pregnancy and sowed the seeds of the Guru’s love during her pregnancy.🙏🏻

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