Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Old Vaisakhi Vs. Guru Nanak's Vaisakhi

'Vaisakhi’ or ‘Vesakhi’ is the first day of the month of ‘Vaisaakh’ in the Sikh calendar. Vaisakhi has been celebrated as a festival before the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. During this time of year, farmers finish harvesting their crops and receive money for it. This is the time of year when people have money in their pockets and able to relax after a hard year of work. 

People celebrated Vaisakhi before Guru Nanak Dev Ji came to this world by getting together, holding Melas (fairs), and men dancing in joy. Some still celebrate Vaisakhi today in the same way as the people of the past, before Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s time. But Guru Nanak Dev Ji showed his disciples, his Sikhs, a new way of celebrating Vaisakhi, a different way of celebrating. 

Vaisakhi comes in the spring season, called ‘Basant’ in Panjabi. During this season nature renews itself with life. The tree branches re-decorate themselves with leaves and greenery, and flowers blossom with a new lease of life. 

Gurbani (scripture) says:
ਵੈਸਾਖੁ ਭਲਾ ਸਾਖਾ ਵੇਸ ਕਰੇ ॥ vai-saakh bhalaa, saakhaa veys kar-e. (The month of) Vaisaakh is so pleasant; the branches (of trees) decorate themselves with new leaves. (Guru Nanak Dev Ji – Raag Tukhari, Ang 1108)

In the season of autumn, called ‘Pat-jhar’, the leaves of the tree fall off and in winter (called ‘Sardee’) the tree becomes dried up. However, the same time in spring (Basant) comes back to life and blossoms beautifully with leaves. But there is a condition for the tree to blossom. The condition is that the tree must be connected to its roots. In the month of Vaisaakh, you can pour buckets of water to a tree, but if its roots have been cut, it will not blossom with life. Such a tree’s branches will not become green with leaves. A tree with separated from his roots, becomes dried up within. The tree that is connected to its roots, not only gets new leaves, it bears fruit, provides shade, and becomes a resting place for birds. 

Gurbani (scripture) says:
ਤੂੰ ਪੇਡੁ ਸਾਖ ਤੇਰੀ ਫੂਲੀ ॥too(n) peydd, saakh teree foolee || O Lord! You are like a tree; all the beings in this world are Your branches that blossom (whilst they are attached to You). (Guru Arjan Dev Ji – Raag Maajh, Ang 102)

God and our faith are our roots. Just like the winter season dries up the tree from within if it is separated from its roots, the influence of Maya (the worldly-illusion) dries up all one’s inner-peace and spiritual-life when we are disconnected from God.

Gurbani (scriptures) says:
ਵੈਸਾਖਿ ਧੀਰਨਿ ਕਿਉ ਵਾਢੀਆ ਜਿਨਾ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਬਿਛੋਹੁ ॥
vaisaakh dheeran kio vaaddee-aa, jinaa prem bi-chhohu || In the month of Vaisaakh, how can the soul feel steady and patience if it is separated from the Beloved-Lord? 
ਹਰਿ ਸਾਜਨੁ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਵਿਸਾਰਿ ਕੈ ਲਗੀ ਮਾਇਆ ਧੋਹੁ ॥
har saajan purakh visaar kai, lagee maayaa dho-hu || Becoming attached to Maya (the world-illusion/ everything that is temporary, i.e. all that is not God) the soul is deceived and forgets the Lord-Creator is its soul’s Life-companion. (Guru Arjan Dev Ji – Raag Maajh, Ang 133)

Those souls that remain connected with their Creator-Lord experience ease within and on the outer they blossom with the happiness. But those who are disconnected from the Creator-Lord end up regretting and repenting that in the distractions of this temporary world (Maya) they forgot the Creator-Lord and lost their spiritual-wealth. 

So, how can we experience inner-ease and peace during times of difficulty? How can we experience happiness and feel spiritually alive? The answer is to remain connected with your spiritual roots, to remain attached to God. To connect with God, we have God’s own words – Gurbani (e.g. the Mool Mantar, Japji Sahib, or Nitnem), we have Simran – repeating God’s Name, and we have Sangat- company of those who help us to stay connected (which can be keeping company of people or even company of inspiring religious books). Whilst thinking about connecting with God, we also need to be mindful of those things, those actions, and those habits that are breaking us away from our roots. Now is the time to think seriously, think about the true meaning of life, connect with God, embrace your faith and give up unrighteous and bad habits like swearing, vaping, drugs, eating meat, etc. 

This Vaisakhi, let’s all make a promise to celebrate Guru Nanak’s Vaisakhi instead of the old Vaisakhi and work towards experiencing inner joy and peace through staying connected with God, like the tree connected to its roots; and may behaviour and life show virtues and godly qualities (e.g. truth, kindness, humility, patience, forgiveness) to the world and those around us, just like the spring season brings out the lush green leaves of the tree. 

Gurbani (scripture) says:
ਵੈਸਾਖੁ ਸੁਹਾਵਾ ਤਾਂ ਲਗੈ ਜਾ ਸੰਤੁ ਭੇਟੈ ਹਰਿ ਸੋਇ ॥੩॥
vai-saakh su-haavaa taa lagai, jaa sant bhettai har so-e ||3|| (With the change of season all nature is looking beautiful, but) the month of Vaisaakh is only beautiful and pleasant for the soul, if we meet and remain connected with the Lord. ||3|| (Guru Arjan Dev Ji – Raag Maajh, Ang 133)

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