Saturday, September 28, 2019

"Thank You Vaheguru"...

Three weeks ago, during the evening children’s class at my local Gurdwara Sahib, I found this thank-you card placed in front of Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It was lovely to read. Aged 7 and 10, two sisters along with other children who attend the class accepted the Gurmat class challenge for the summer holidays of waking up in the morning, doing Gurmat ishnaan (simran or paath whilst having a full body wash) followed by reading or listening to full Japji Sahib and then having breakfast. The children received some prizes for this as encouragement. 

The young girl said to her mum, “Can you ask Bhaji why has Baba Ji (referring to Guru Sahib) not read my card yet?” Seeing her innocent love for Guru Ji was overwhelming! Guru Sahib gave me a thought which I shared... “If someone sent your Bibi Ji (grandmother) a card... would she read it or would she ask you to read it to her because she really loves you?” She replied “Bibi Ji would love for us to open the card for her and read it to her!” I then said “Do you think Baba Ji would like it if you open the card and read it to Him?” She nodded her head excitedly and got her sister to help her to read the card. 

Her mum said to me that the youngest child said to her at home “Baba Ji can see me, hears me doing Paath and speaks to me.” The mum said “how?” She replied “Mum when you look at me, Vahiguru sees me through your eyes. Vahiguru also sees the world through my eyes.” Then she said, “When I do Paath Vahiguru hears me through my ears.” And then she said, “When I do Paath and Simran, Vahiguru speaks to me through my tongue.” I learnt so much from this young child that day, and always learning from these students!

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