Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sweden Sikh Family Camp 2014...

The annual Sweden Sikh Family Camp was held at Gurdwara Sangat Sahib in Tullinge, Stockholm, from Monday 21st July to Sunday 27th July. The camp was attended by children and adults. Gursikhs from Denmark also attended the camp. The camp seva was led by local sevadaars as well as sevadaars from UK and Amsterdam (Holland). The camp was a week of amazing sangat, amrit-vela, classes for adults and children, jokes and laughs, inspiration, pyaar and Naam rang. One child named Prabhjot Singh, aged 12, told Veer Jaskarn Singh (Holland), "Bhajee this camp should not just be for one week, but for the whole year!" It was encouraging to know that the children really enjoyed the camp and didn't want the camp to end so soon.

It was worth sharing something about 7 year old Gursimrat Singh from UK who attended the camp with his family from Denmark. He showed great knowledge of Sikhi and also thirst for learning more. A very special child! He does a beautiful ardaas every time before he eats food. Also, he didn't eat bubble gum offered by another child, and also didn't eat pasta and pizza offered to him because he said he was ensure of the ingredients. Vaheguru! At the age of 7 he does full Nitnem (daily prayers) every day, ties his own dumallaa, and is very polite. Veer Jaskarn Singh (Holland) shared with me that after his history classes about 1978 and 1984 with Gursimrat Singh's group, when all the other children would go outside to play in the garden or eat Langar, he would ask Veer jee, "Can I please stay longer with you to study? I want to study more... Can please you tell me more Saakhis?"  He was very eager to learn more about the jeevans of great Gursikhs. This is Guru's Kirpaa (Grace) and also the the hard work and investment that his parents have done to raise such a great Gursikh child.

There was one mona veer jee from India who had come to Sweden for a holiday with his wife. Veer jee shared with us that he usually never sits more longer than 15 minutes in the Gurdwara but during the camp was he sitting in the divaan for classes from 10.30am to 5pm. He also said that he never sat for listening Rehraas Sahib before. Veer jee was so interested and inspired by Sikh modern history that that he shared that he wished such camps where you can learn Gurbani and history were available in Panjab. He would after the camp ask questions and enjoy learning more about what was covered in the classes. Veer jee shared the sorry state of parchaar and gurdwaras in villages in Panjab. A nice thing to share is that Veer jee's daughter who was about 14 or so months old would keep repeating "Vaheguru" in such a deep and clear voice. She made the whole camp remember Vaheguru! Coincidentally the baby's name is "Gursimran Kaur".

Over the week camp there were classes on Sikh history (from 1849 to present day), teachings from Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee, Keertan, learning Panjabi and fundamental concepts of Sikhi such as Seva, Simran, Sangat, and sacrifice. As always it was a pleasure to work with the children and adults as they showed so much enthusiasm to learn. The atmosphere of the camp was great. The great weather, scenic Gurdwara surroundings and being in the Sangat of Gursikhs helped to make the camp great. On Sunday nearly all the children that attended the camp came ready wearing dastaars and gurmukhi dress. Each group and child had to present something to the Sangat that they had learnt from the camp. All the children worked really hard to get materials ready and were really excited to present for the Sangat.

Some photos:

 Amrit vela sunrise

 Gurdwara Sahib with its beautiful garden
 Workshop on Sangat with the 8 - 13 years old group, led by Veer Jaskarn Singh (Holland) and Bhenji Parubhjit Kaur (Holland)

The youngest group of campers

Veer Rajpal Singh (Holland) teaching the youngest group

Veer Jagdeep Singh (UK) teaching the middle group keertan

History class with the adults group

The youngest group learning to sing the Gurus names

Fun activities for young and old. "Grape and spoon race/game course."

Fun activities. Campers firing arrow to hit targets (not people - plastic cups!)

Musical chairs in Sikhi style - without chairs and everyone chanting Vaheguru!

Middle group class on Gurbani and how to respect Gurbani

Class on "Nindya" - slander. A very interesting class with the adults group led by Veer Jaskarn Singh (Holland), especially the scenario and group discussions at the end!

 Group work in class about "nindya"

Watching the movie "Apnaa Mool Pachhaan". The movie had some really nice messages about Gurmat and Sikh history.

 In the evening adults and sevadaars having fun in the Gurdwara garden (not sure of the name of the game)

Bheni Parubhjit Kaur (Holland) teaching the basics of Sikhi to youngest group

 Children having fun outside

 Children preparing for Sunday divaan

Veer Jagdeep Singh (UK) helping the middle group to prepare for their presentations for Sunday divaan

 On the last day of the camp all the campers had a test - including the adults! The adults did the test in groups. They were tested on what they had learnt in the history classes which covered Sikh history from 1849 to present day. It was good to know that the adults had paid attention and remembered key information from the classes.

Sunday divaan Sangat

Guru jee 

Sunday divaan - Keertan by Veer Rajpal Singh (Holland). Veer jee beautifully sung a Shabad of Guru Gobind Singh jee from Dasam Granth: ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਕੇ ਬਚ੍ਯਾ ਦੂਧ ਪੂਤ ਕੇ ਦਿਵ੍ਯਾ ਰੋਗ ਸੋਗ ਕੇ ਮਿਟ੍ਯਾ ਕਿਧੌ ਮਾਨੀ ਮਹਾ ਮਾਨ ਹੋ || "praan ke bachya doodh poot ke divyaa rog sog ke mittyaa kidho maanee mahaa maan ho." ("You are the Saviour of life. The provider of milk and offspring, the eradicator of suffering and grief, and are venerable and deserve high esteem.")

Sunday divaan - youngest group of children sing "Aagya Bhe-ee Akaal Kee..." and sing all the Gurus names to the Sangat

A young camper reciting Mool Mantar paatth to the Sangat

Bhenji aged 5 and Veer jee aged 6 reciting the Gurus names to the Sangat

Sehajneet Singh, Gurpreet Kaur and Bhavdeep Kaur presenting what they have learnt about 1986 Sarbat Khalsa and Operations Black Thunder I and II.

This group talked about the history of the 1978 Amritsar massacre. The young Singh speaking on the microphone was reciting the poem 'Kurbani' written by Shaheed Bhai Fauja Singh jee.

Veer jee presenting some facts about modern Sikh history he learnt at the camp has short cut hair but he showed great enthusiasm in learning about Sikhi and Sikh history.

The child pictured above came late to the Sunday divaan and missed the presentations that the young campers did, but he requested at the end if he could speak. He recited the Gurus names in Sangat having learnt them during the camp. This shows the effort that the children put in and the fact that having the opportunity had a really positive effect on them. When Veer Jasdeep Singh (UK) gave him Panjabi work and other things to do in class, he would go home and do extra and then give it to him the next day, even if he didn't tell him to. This illustrates the dedication and thirst for Sikhi of the children.

Bhai Sajjan Singh jee, local main sevadaar, thanking the Sangat at the end

 Sangat group photo

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Saabat Soorat Dastaar Siraa..

Below is a video of Bhai Harpreet Singh from Melbourne, Australia. I met Bhai Sahib in April 2014 during the Melbourne Vaisakhi Smaagam. Bhai Sahib jee is renowned for tying very neat and beautiful Dumalaa. Please watch the video and the spirit and love of Bhai Sahib to tie a Dastaar despite only having one hand. 


Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Friday, July 04, 2014

Boiled Alive: Shaheed Bhai Gurdev Singh 'Debu'

Shaheed Bhai Dyala jee

In 1675 Bhai Dyala jee, who was arrested with Guru Teg Bahadar jee and two other Gursikhs, was boiled alive on the orders of Aurangzeb for refusing to leave Sikhi. 312 years later, history repeated. On 3rd July 1987, Bhai Gurdev Singh 'Debu' was boiled alive by Panjab Police for the crime of fighting for the freedom struggle and Sikh cause against state terror and oppression.

Bhai Gurdev Singh 'Debu'

The body of Shaheed Bhai Gurdev Singh after villagers recovered it from the Police

Please watch interview of Bhai Gurdev Singh's sister on the life and shaheedi of Bhai Sahib:

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

First TV commercial in US featuring Sikhs...

I just came across this video today on the Internet of a TV commercial that is being aired in the US...

A message from SALDEF, a Sikh American civil rights and educational organization:
"Starting the week of June 30th and running through July 27, 2014, Comcast will donate one million dollars in airtime on cable channels on Comcast to air a PSA featuring Waris Ahluwalia, a Sikh American actor and designer, recognizing Sikh Americans as a vibrant part of America’s cultural tapestry. Using a SALDEF-created script, the PSA demonstrates through words and images how Sikh Americans’ values are America’s values, including a love of service, family, and community."

This is a great initiative by Sikhs in America. It would be great to see such adverts across the world to help bring Sikhs to the forefront and expose the great contributions Sikhs have and are making to society. Hopefully such videos will dismiss many people's misconceptions of Sikhs and create a greater understanding and appreciation of Sikh identity.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Game of Love' - New Sikhi blog...

Message to Sangat:

Sewadaars of Singh Sabha Gurdwara Bradford have set up a new blog to share inspirational articles based on Gurmat with the Sangat.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Sikh camps for under 16s...

30 June – 6 July 2014
Austria Chalda Vaheer Gurmat Camp (Age: 4  – 18)
Gurdwara Nanaksar Vienna, Wien, Austria 

7 – 20 July 2014
Paris Chalda Vaheer Gurmat Camp (Age: 4  – 18)
Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Lot 1919 No. 85/386, 1618 - Rue De La Ferme, 93000 Bobigny, France
Tel: +33 6 05 92 80 52

19 – 20 July 2014
Sikh Unity Camp (All ages)
9am to 5pm
Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Grant St, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 9HD
Register: www.singhsabhabradford.com

19 – 23 July 2014
South Shields Gurmat Camp
(Age: 5+)
Gurdwara Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas, 
West Way, South Shields, NE33 4

21 – 27 July 2014
Sweden Sikh Family Camp
(Age: 5 – Adults)
Gurdwara Sangat Sahib Förening Dymmelkärrsv. 23 14650 Tullinge, Stockholm.
Tel +46 (0) 8-778 14 14 

21 – 27 July 2014
Holland Chalda Vaheer Gurmat Camps
(Age: 4 – 18)
2 day camps in both Amsterdam Gurdwaras and Rotterdam Gurdwara.

27 July 2 August 2014
Shaheed Bhai Amrik Singh Memorial Gurmat Camp
(Age: 8 –15)
Nanaksar Gurdwara, Wellington Street, Pleck, Walsall

4 – 8 August 2014  
Slough Sikh Family Camp (Age: 5+ – Adults)
Khalsa Primary School
Khalsa Primary School, Wexham Road, Slough, SL2 5QR

3 – 8 August 2014  

Sikh Naujawan Academy Gurmat Camp (Age: 5 – 18)
Guru Nanak Gurdwara South Birmingham
629-635 Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, B11 4LS

4 – 8 August 2014
Slough Sikh Family Camp
(Age: 5+ – Adults)
Khalsa Primary School
Khalsa Primary School, Wexham Road, Slough, SL2 5QR

4 – 8 August 2014
Caldmore Walsall Gurmat Camp
(Age: 5 – 18)
Guru Nanak Gurdwara, West Bromwich Street, Walsall, WS1 4DE

10 – 15 August 2014
Sikh Naujawan Academy Gurmat Camp
(Age: 5 – 18)
Guru Har Rai Gurdwara 128 High St, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 6JW

11 – 15 August 2014

Southall Sikhi Camp
(Singh Sabha Southall) (Age: 7 – 15)
£10 fee and induction on 11th August
Khalsa Primary School, Norwood Green Rd, Southall, Middlesex UB2 4LA

11 – 15 August 2014
South London Sikh Youth Gurmat Summer Camp 
(Age: 8 – 21)
Under 12s £15 fee;  Over 12s £20 fee.
Singh Sabha Gurdwara, 1 Calderwood Street, Woolwich, London, SE18 6QW

18 – 24 August 2014
Connect 2 Sikhi Camp
(Age: 7 – 16)
East London, venue TBC


Friday, June 20, 2014

Khalsa Camp 2014 - Book Now...

Still undecided on your plans for this summer?

Looking for a relaxing but uplifting experience?

Then book a place at Khalsa Camp this year to end your summer holidays with an experience that will spiritually uplift you and aid your journey in Discovering the Spirit Within!

There is less then two weeks left for anyone wishing to take advantage of the early birds discount, so don’t miss your chance to get a place at the UK’s most premium and longest running Sikhi Camp.

Khalsa Camp provides accommodation and food for attendees for the 5-day duration of the camp. The content of the camp is a mixture of talks, discussions, seminars, Kirtan, Simran and activities. We always work hard to bring the most enlightening, inspiring and educational experience you can imagine within a 5-day period.

With us conducting Khalsa Camps around the world and being well-established internationally, you're in the best hands possible to learn about your Guru and grow your Sikhi.

No matter what stage of Sikhi you are at in your life, there is one focus at Khalsa Camp - to provide you with the tools to help you 'Discover the Spirit Within'.

Places are going fast, so book now to avoid disappointment!

Please note Khalsa Camp is for anyone aged 16+. If you have any questions you can email us at info@khalsacamp.co.uk

Early Bird bookers fee £150, which includes:

* Inspiring international guest speakers - including the renowned Bhai Paramjit Singh Khalsa Anandpur Sahib wale
* Top class facilities with en-suite rooms
* Wide range of fun activities
* Open andrelaxed atmosphere
* Over 300 people from all backgrounds
* Transportation from around the UK
* Food, accommodation & more included
* Genuine spiritually uplifting experience
* All this for just £150 until 30th June 2014!



Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Leamington's Monday Simran Programme...

Snapshots of Monday Simran from March 2008
Six years ago the youth with the support and blessings of local respected Gursikh Mata jees, began a weekly youth simran programme at Leamington and Warwick Gurdwara every Monday evening. The programme was aimed at encouraging children and youngsters help one another to learn and do Simran on vaaja, Ardaas, Sukhaasan seva and with Guru Sahib's kirpaa Hukamnama seva. At the end of the diwaans a short explanation of the Hukamnama would take place along with a new point about Rehat and a key word would be shared with the children to increase their knowledge of Gurmat. In the beginning years after the programme the dedicated mothers of the children and elderly Mata jees would warm some milk up and someone would make some small snacks from home and share with the Sangat. Over the years there have also been Gurbani kantth (memorising Gurbani) competitions and the giving of prizes for children who memorise Gurbani or achieved enough confidence to start doing simran on the vaja, doing Ardaas or Hukamnama seva.

Snapshots of Monday Simran from July 2008

I remember a short while after the first Gurbani kantth (memorising) competition was mentioned to the children in the sangat six years ago, a 7 year old veer jee came up and said to me that now his morning Nitnem is Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Svaiye and Chaupai Sahib. He also told me that his 10 year old cousin's morning Nitnem is now Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Svaiye, Chaupai Sahib and Anand Sahib. These were children that never did Nitnem, and now with Guru jee's kirpaa and the support of the family do Sehaj Paatths regularly. It is amazing how with a small prize and gift a child can be encouraged to get attached to Gurbani. The nicest point was once when giving a child a gift the child said to me that he now no longer needed a gift for memorising Bani because Guru jee had blessed him with all he could want. Vaheguru!

Group photo taken last month of children who had memorised Gurbani Paatth and were given prizes.

Over the six years, the children have grown up and moved on getting busy with their studies and exams. Now, there is a new group of young upcoming children that have so much energy. Last Monday when I went to the Monday Simran programme I was so happy to see so many new faces and see young children who cannot even reach over the Vaja to pull the fan doing Simran with the help of either their parents or other elder children.

Some photos of the children this Monday evening's Simran programme:



10 year old Jeevan Singh doing Ardaas in a sweet voice and devotion

11 year old Nisha Kaur taking Hukamnama

11 year old Nisha Kaur taking Hukamnama

10 year old Jeevan Singh doing Sukhaasan Seva
10 year old Jeevan Singh doing Sukhaasan Seva

The future of Sikhi is bright if we allow children an opportunity to get involved in the Gurdwara, motivate them to keep Rehat, and create enjoyment in reading and memorising Gurbani. I hope this type of simple format children's programme can be duplicated across other Gurdwaras.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

New month begins: Haarh (ਹਾੜ)...

This month Guru Arjan Dev jee, gives us the following instruction:

ਆਸਾੜੁ ਤਪੰਦਾ ਤਿਸੁ ਲਗੈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਹੁ ਨ ਜਿੰਨਾ ਪਾਸਿ ॥
The month of Aasaarh seems burning hot to that person (and those people heat up like the month of Haarh) who does not have Vaheguru, the Lord-Husband, enshrined in their heart. 

ਜਗਜੀਵਨ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਤਿਆਗਿ ਕੈ ਮਾਣਸ ਸੰਦੀ ਆਸ ॥
They have forsaken (the support of) Vaheguru, the Support and Life of the World, and have come to rely and place hopes in people.  

ਦੁਯੈ ਭਾਇ ਵਿਗੁਚੀਐ ਗਲਿ ਪਈਸੁ ਜਮ ਕੀ ਫਾਸ ॥
(Other than Vaheguru) taking any other support the soul-bride is ruined; around her neck she wears the noose of Death. 

ਜੇਹਾ ਬੀਜੈ ਸੋ ਲੁਣੈ ਮਥੈ ਜੋ ਲਿਖਿਆਸੁ ॥
(Nature's law are such that) as someone plants, (according to the past Karma) that what is written on one's forehead, that is which one shall harvest and receive. 

ਰੈਣਿ ਵਿਹਾਣੀ ਪਛੁਤਾਣੀ ਉਠਿ ਚਲੀ ਗਈ ਨਿਰਾਸ ॥

(For the soul-bride who forgets the Support and Life of the World,) the life-night passes away, and in the end, she comes to regret and repent, and then depart with no hope at all. 

ਜਿਨ ਕੌ ਸਾਧੂ ਭੇਟੀਐ ਸੋ ਦਰਗਹ ਹੋਇ ਖਲਾਸੁ ॥
Those who meet with the Guru are honoured and beautified in the Court of the Lord. 

ਕਰਿ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਆਪਣੀ ਤੇਰੇ ਦਰਸਨ ਹੋਇ ਪਿਆਸ ॥
O Vaheguru! Show Your Mercy to me, (in my mind) my I always thirst for Your Blessed Vision.

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੁਧੁ ਬਿਨੁ ਦੂਜਾ ਕੋ ਨਹੀ ਨਾਨਕ ਕੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ॥

(Because) O Vaheguru! Without You there is no other support and hope at all. This is Nanak's humble prayer. 

ਆਸਾੜੁ ਸੁਹੰਦਾ ਤਿਸੁ ਲਗੈ ਜਿਸੁ ਮਨਿ ਹਰਿ ਚਰਣ ਨਿਵਾਸ ॥੫॥

In that person's mind within in which Vaheguru's Lotus Feet abide, they find (even the heated) month of Haarh pleasant (i.e. the world's pain and troubles cannot make them suffer). ||5|| 

(Ang 133)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"There's no good people in the world..."

A re-post of an old inspirational blog post linked to Guru Arjan Dev Jee's Shaheedi day.
(Originally posted 27th September 2011)

During Dastaar Day in London on Sunday, I met Bhai Amrik Singh is a Sikh Chaplain working at Heathrow Airport who shared an inspirational story...

During Guru Arjan Dev jee's Shaheedi purb (martyrdom day) the Sikhs working at Heathrow airport decided to give out free ice creams to the public and at the same time give out a small and simple leaflet about the Gurpurb. Sikh volunteers got on the buses and gave out free ice-creams to the passengers and then handed over the small leaflet. At the end the bottom of the leaflet was Bhai Amrik Singh jee's contact details and phone number.

One young lady who was given a free ice-cream on the bus rang Bhai Amrik Singh that evening. She said,
"Hi, I got a free ice-cream today and got your number from the leaflet. I was going through a really bad day. I am going through a divorce and I am feeling depressed and sad about life and the world. I was thinking there's no good people in the world, when a lovely Sikh man offered me a free ice-cream. I got home and remembered I was given a leaflet. I read the leaflet and found out about Guru Arjan Dev. Reading the leaflet has changed me. I thought my pain and suffering was bad, but reading about Guru Arjan Dev everything got put in perspective. What I was going through was nothing like what the Guru went through. I couldn't believe and get over how he said, "I accept God's Will sweetly" whilst going through so much torture. I just wanted to say thanks for making me realise this and changing my life."

Bhai Sahib said that since they have commemorated the Gurpurb in this way every year and do similar things for other Gurpurbs.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Toronto Singhs Camp 2014...

With the blessings of Guru Sahib, Toronto Singhs Camp was held from Wednesday 28th May to Sunday 1st June. This is the fourth year the camp has been running. Toronto Singhs Camp provides inspiration and motivation to young and old who want to discover the essence of Sikhi. The camp is aimed to reach out to people of different backgrounds and levels of understanding of Sikhi. The camp was attended by around 70 people. The camp is aimed at people aged 17 years and above. It is a great opportunity to experience Sikhi in a relaxed, friendly and spiritually charged environment. Toronto Singhs Camp 2014 took place at camp Kintail, a beautiful scenic camp site located in Southwestern Ontario on the shores of Lake Huron. The beautiful beach scenery and natural surroundings helped to connect with and appreciate the Creator.

The theme of the camp was "khanio tikhee vaalo nikkee et maaraj chalnaa" and looking at the idea of balance in Gurmat in relation to different topics. On Thursday, Bhai Mani Singh did a workshop on survival skills and facilitated capture the flag game, and in the evening Bhai Gursev Singh did a workshop on Gurmat's take on anger, domestic violence and leadership styles. Bhai Gursev Singh's lecture was not only very important and relevant to today's society, but it also challenged the campers minds on how and why we react to situations in certain ways. Very interesting and motivational session! On Friday Bhai Sarbjeet Singh did a workshop on self-defense and Shastar-vidiya. Bhai Sahib is very passionate about Sikhi. He teaches a mixed martial art which includes Gatka and other styles. In the afternoon, Daas did a lecture on Maya and living in this world. On Saturday Bhai Balpreet Singh from World Sikh Organization Canada did a thought-provoking and inspirational talk on the concept of Shaheedi in Gurmat. Who is a Shaheed and what does Shaheedi really mean. In the afternoon Bhai Amar Singh Nihang did a workshop on the beach on what is Dharam and issues relating to Kaam and Kalyug. The last workshop was on Sunday, looking at the concept of love and the obligation to adhere to Rehat and whether they link etc. 

The day began with mandatory Amrit-vela Naam Simran and Nitnem from 4am to 6am, followed by breakfast. Straight after the Nitnem, Aasa kee Vaar keertan took place and then there was breakfast. Yes. The camp was so Chardikala that they provide breakfast twice! lol. After a rest period campers had physical activities provided like water sports, rock climbing and zip wire etc. Then there was lunch followed by workshop/presentation. After a quick food break there was another workshop/presentation followed by Rehraas Sahib and evening Diwaan. The Keertan was just amazing at the camp. From amazing Rehraas Sahib sung on the Vaaja by a Bhaji to the moving keertan sung in Raag by campers. The night time activities included bonfire night, Rainsbaaee Keertan and a workshop talk. I must say the day was very packed but at the same time a lot of freedom and time to relax throughout the day.

The Sangat was really friendly and no one was made to feel like an outsider or feel alone. It was so nice to see the Panthic spirit in the camp with people associated to different Jathas doing Sangat with one another with no issues being made of small difference in understanding of Maryada. The camp sevadaars did amazing job in organising the camp! I must say the camp felt like a mini-Langar Smaagam. I have heard of three meals a day - but I think the Singhs in Toronto achieved a record by having about ten meals a day! Vaheguru. Having been to many camps, this camp and the Sangat left a very positive impression on my mind. I hope the camp sevadaars continue to do the good work and with Guru Sahib's blessings Toronto Singhs Camp grows in its success.

Some photos of the camp:
 Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee

"Jhooltay Nishaan Rehan Panth Maharaaj Ke..."

Amazing talk by Bhai Gursev Singh Toronto. Bhai Sahib's style of presentating is really interactive, fun and motivational.

During the camp there were audition trials for the new Spider Man movie

Volleyball match on the beach.

Action scene for new Punjabi movie. (Self-defense class really) 

Learning how to take a Hukamnama from Larreedaar Saroop of Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee

A new jatha in town. Taking bookings and they accept credit card payments :)

Water sports

 Bhaji preferred to be in the water than the boat.

Langar! Langar! Langar! The Langar Sevadaars did a great job. They probably over fed everyone with a month's worth of Langar in a week, but they worked tirelessly and did a great job. No camper complained about langar but a few campers were left confused how they had ate so much at the camp. lol

Evening Darbaar... mind blowing keertan

Satguru jee's night time resting room

 Workshop - "how to do a Havan". (joking! It was a harmless camp fire and Gurbani vichaar)

Inspiring presentation by Bhai Balpreet Singh on Shaheedi

 Talk on love and Rehat


Campers go to the jungle to find Saag and Thaneeyaa for Langar (joking! - Capture the flag game!)

 Simran and Rehraas Sahib keertan on the beach

Bhai Aman Singh Nihang workshop on the beach. It was lovely weather that day.

 Group photo of some the campers

For more photos check Toronto Singhs Camp Facebook and Bhai Ranjit Singh's Facebook (who took most of the amazing photos!)

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Japanese-American Sikh...

Conversation with Japanese-American Sikh, Bibi Atma Kaur jee (formerly Mary Okazaki):

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!