Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Khalsa Camp BC (Canada) 2013....

Khalsa Camp BC (Canada) took place from 25th to 30th August 2013. This was the fourth year of Khalsa Camp BC. It was very impressive to see how the camp has grown and developed over the years. The camp was well organised and the atmosphere was inspirational! It was great to have darshan of Bhai Paramjeet Singh Khalsa (Anandpur Sahib wale) who visited the camp for two days and gave inspirational talks.
This years camp had a range of speakers which included Bhai Tarsem Singh jee (UK), Bhai Santbir Singh jee (Toronto), Bibi Amritpal Kaur (Cost Arica), Bibi Sangat Kaur Khalsa (USA), Bhai Martin Singh (Toronto) and Bhai Harmeet Singh (Seattle). Bhai Sadhu Singh and Bhai Paramjeet Singh Khalsa also held workshops.

I found the whole camp amazing! Great atmosphere, great Gursikh speakers, and great Sangat. The most memorable thing about the camp was the mosquitos and being bitten over and over again and being swamped by mosquitos! I tried putting Saro de tel (mustard oil) on the bites but then someone told me that attracts more mosquitos! Vaheguru!

The camp left a very positive impression on my mind and I found it very uplifting and beneficial. May Guru Sahib continue to bless the Sangat and may their flourish in Gursikhi.
Some of the photos from the camp (taken from Khalsa Camp BC Facebook:
Bhai Santbir Singh jee's talk on the Khalsa. Very informative talk which looked at the different reasons given for the Khalsa being formed and assessing the reasons using Gurbani and the history of the Guru Sahibs.
Sangat in lecture hall
Workshop on inspirational Gursikhs of the Panth. Sharing the story of Kaka Darbara Singh and Saka Sri Nankana Sahib.
Bhai Santbir Singh jee's Workshop. He did a very good workshop of Sarbat Khalsa and a practical mock Sarbat Khalsa which was really fun!
Bhai Prabhpreet Singh (a white Canadian Singh) doing Simran on the piano! Vaheguru! Very inspiring Gursikh.
Interactive session led by Martin Singh (Toronto)

Amazing lecture by Bibi Amritpal Kaur Khalsa
 Hike in the hills
Wall climbing
Singhs letting off steam on the trampoline
Bhai Tarsem Singh jee doing Gurmat Vichaar in free time

Campers taking benefit of Babu jee's Gurmat vichaar in free time. I got stung by countless mosquitos during this vichaar!

Tireless dedicated Langar sevadaars. Vaheguru!

Langar. (Seems to a blue theme with the campers)

Langar (rainbow coloured dishes)

Bhai Sadhu Singh jee washing dishes. Vaheguru!

Evening darbaar - Bhai Prabhsimran Singh doing keertan! So much pyaar with Bana, Bani, Simran and Seva. Very humbling.

Evening keertan


Sukhaasan seva

Maharaaj's Sukhaasan seva

I am fan of Bhai Paramjeet Singh Khalsa who does fantastic Kathaa! I was privileged to be able to talk to him.

Talk by Bhai Tarsem Singh jee. Very informative and relevant talk to today's age! Bhai Sahib's talk was about Sikhi in a changing world and how everything is changing but one thing will not change - Amrit Rass! Vaheguru!
Bhai Paramjeet Singh Khalsa's lecture. Short, sweet and heart-moving lecture! Vaheguru!
Bibi Harsangat Kaur Khalsa (USA) talk on Hola Mahalla and her journey to Sikhi! Very interesting and impressive talk.
You don't need Bhang/drugs to be happy! Happy Gursikh pyaare :)
 Games night:  Musical chairs (Gurmat version!) for Singhs

Musical chair finalists! Things getting serious! I think some people took the game too seriously!

Games night:  Musical chairs (Gurmat version!) for sisters
 Open Mic night: Martin Singh's daughter playing the flute
Very creative and funny poem in Panjabi about the camp put together by this Jatha
Question and Answer night

 Last day: campers sitting around a fire (a haven away from the mosquitos!)
Buses ready to take campers back home
Journay back on the bus! It was the best bus drive I have been on! Heavenly keertan by Bhai Tarsem Singh jee (UK). Vaheguru!

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Khalsa Camp California 2013...

This year with Guru Sahib's kirpaa, the first-ever Khalsa Camp was held in USA. Khalsa Camp was established in the UK in 1990 and has been providing inspiration and motivation to young and old seeking to discover the spirit within. Khalsa Camp California (USA) took place from 15th to 18th August 2013 in a camp site in a mountainous area.

It was a great privilege to have Sangat with great Gursikhs like Bhai Sadhu Singh jee, Bhai Jarnail Singh Journalist and other Gurmukh Pyaare. The sevadaars did a great job in organising their first camp. I hope the Gursikhs in California continue to do the good work and with Guru Sahib's kirpaa Khalsa Camp California grows in its success.
The talks were My Panth, sharing examples of inspirational Gursikhs in the Panth and how we can serve the Panth. Bhai Jarnail Singh Journalist (India) presented a talk Sikh Character, which covered the jeevan (lifestyle) of the Singhs of the past and how important it is to adhere to Sikh principals. The last talk was Seva and Simran by Dr. Ravinder Singh (LA), which covered what is haumai and why is it important to overcome haumai through seva and simran. In the afternoons there were workshops led by the various speakers and Bhai Sadhu Singh jee (Fresno).
Some photos from the camp (taken from Flickr):

Camp site in the mountain
 Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee 
Evening keertan
Sangat during lecture
Talk: My Panth
Workshop led by Bhai Sadhu Singh jee
Workshop led by Bhai Jarnail Singh Journalist
 Proud to be Sikh movie - exclusively shown at Khalsa Camp California on Thursday night
Movie night
Aasa Kee Vaar by an elderly white American Singhni. She reads Gurmukhi and sings Gurbani with perfect pronunciation. She has been doing keertan for fifteen or twenty years with Bhai Manmohan Singh (AKJ) from California.
Bhai Jarnail Singh jee doing a speech

Bhai Jarnail Singh jee with USA Gursikhs giving out copies of his book "I Accuse..."
Talk led by Dr Ravinder Singh (LA)
Evening Darbaar - Sangat
Evening Keertan darbar
Evening Keertan darbar

 Question and Answer session
Question and Answer session on last day

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee! 

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Your Help is Needed - Please Sign Petition...

Urgent community notice:
Stop: Meat plant next to place of worship Petition by Respect Worship

On Tuesday 13 August 2013 Bradford Council approved a planning application by Pakeezah Supermarket to open a meat processing plant directly behind Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara, off Leeds Road, Bradford. In doing so, the Council has ignored the voices and concerns of the entire Sikh community, thousands of like-minded constituents and the general public at large who have objected to the plans, as they offend the sanctity of a place of worship and hurt the sentiments of worshipers...
The decision to approve the planning application may well set a precedent going forward. What will stop other Councils from approving similar planning applications which disrespect places of worship?

Bradford Council's decision as it stands means planning permission could be granted for a pork processing plant to be built next to a Mosque or a Synagogue, a beef processing plant next to a Hindu Temple, or a lap-dancing club next to a Church.

ACT NOW: Please sign the petition and add your comments.
This will be used as part of an appeal against the Council’s insensitive and hurtful decision.
Let us remind Bradford Council of their responsibility to uphold the views of their constituents. This decision has an impact not only locally, but also nationally and internationally, as it hurts shared values and sentiments.
By signing this petition you will also be helping protect the sanctity of all places of worship in the future through the #RespectWorship campaign.
Please share with friends and family. 

www.respectworship.com #RespectWorship