Thursday, June 21, 2012

Back to Sikhi: Inspiring Transformations... (Series 3)

ਗੁਰੁ ਦਰੀਆਉ ਸਦਾ ਜਲੁ ਨਿਰਮਲੁ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਦੁਰਮਤਿ ਮੈਲੁ ਹਰੈ ||
ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਪਾਇਐ ਪੂਰਾ ਨਾਵਣੁ ਪਸੂ ਪਰੇਤਹੁ ਦੇਵ ਕਰੈ ||੨||
"The Guru is the River, from which the Pure Water is obtained forever; it washes away the filth and pollution of evil-mindedness. Finding the True Guru, the perfect cleansing bath is obtained, which transforms even beasts and ghosts into gods."
(Ang 1329)
Some interesting and inspiring pictures of people who have gone back to Sikhi.

If anyone else has any pictures showing how they transformed and gone back to Sikhi and wouldn't mind sharing with Sangat then please email me: 

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Does the June protest & rally make a difference?...

On Sunday 10th June, over 30,000 Sikhs across the UK to remember the Shaheeds (martyrs) of 1984, those killed by the tyrant regime India and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Sikh nation. A rally took place in Trafalgar Square which had various speakers given talks on the right of the Sikh nation to freedom and human rights.

The following Sunday after the 10th June programme, I was told about an incident that happened to a Gursikh. An elder Amritdhari Gursikh who attends work meetings across the world travelled to Italy a day or so after the 10th June remembrance march and freedom rally held by the Sikh Sangat of UK. 

Bhai Sahib was sitting in an Italian airport waiting for his flight when a white Italian couple approached Bhai Sahib. They said, "Excuse me, you are a Sikh?" Bhai Sahib said "Yes" and began talking to them. The couple said, "On 10th June we were visiting London for a family wedding. During the wedding, the Sikh peaceful protest march went by. We were taking aback by the amount of people. A kind Sikh man took time out to give us a leaflet and tell us why they were here and what has happened to the Sikhs in 1984 and what is happening to the Sikhs now in India. We were moved with the cause and we support why the Sikhs are protesting." 

They added, "When we got home, we were so amazed and interested by the Sikh protest, more so than the wedding we were invited to, that we went on the Internet and researched about the issues Sikhs are facing in India."

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Update on Planned Peaceful Protest in Leicester...


 **Peaceful Protest against Amitabh Bachchan Cancelled**

It has been confirmed by both the police and Keith Vaz that Amitabh Bachchan will not be attending the Platinum Suite in Leicester on Saturday 16th June 2012. All organisers of the peaceful protest / awareness rally have agreed to cancel.

When alleged leaders of genocide arrive in foreign lands, it is the duty of the sangat and citizens of the country to raise a united voice and send out a firm message that we will not turn a blind eye.

We sincerely thank the hundreds of Sikhs who confirmed their attendance, and we rely upon your readiness and support should a matter of urgency arise in the future.

Please spread the message far and wide, the planned protest will no longer be taking place.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Peaceful Protest in Leicester...


Peaceful Protest to Raise Awareness of Amitabh Bachan's role in the November 1984 Anti-Sikh Pograms

Date: Saturday 16th June 2012, 5pm-7.30pm

Location: Outside the Platinum Suite, Cobden Street, Leicester, LE1 2LB

This is a peaceful awareness protest to educate others about Bachchan’s alleged role in the November 1984 Genocide. Amitabh Bachchan has decided not to attend the event, however other high profile figures will be attending in addition to local and international press.

It is alleged by various sources that Amitabh Buchhan incited mobs to kill Sikhs live on Doordarshan TV, India leading up to the November 1984 National Genocide. It is likely Amitabh Bachchan will not be present at the event, however it has been confirmed that his family will be attending the celebrations taking place at the Platinum Suite.

We would like to highlight to all who are planning to attend the peaceful awareness protest that families with children, Press and Bollywood fans will be present at the event in addition to other high profile persons. This must be taken into consideration at all times. Please refrain from aggressive behaviour.

All who attend are required to partake in Naam Simran. We have allocated spokes-people for the protest who will highlight the allegations put forward and will respond to press on the day. All others who attend are requested to partake in the recitations of Chaupai Sahib, Naam Simran and Mool Mantra taking place.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Back to Sikhi: Inspiring Transformations... (Series 2)

ਸੇ ਚਰਣ ਸੁਹਾਵੇ ਜੋ ਹਰਿ ਮਾਰਗਿ ਚਲੇ
ਹਉ ਬਲਿ ਤਿਨ ਸੰਗਿ ਪਛਾਣਾ ਜੀਉ ||੨||

Those feet which walk in the Lord's Way are beautiful.
I am a sacrifice to that Congregation in which the Lord is recognized.
(Ang 103)

I've been emailed some photos showing peoples' transformation from Manmukhs to Gurmukhs. If anyone else would like to share their inspiring photos showing their transformation then please email me.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

The Untold Story of India... Must Watch Documentary

1984 Operation Bluestar - The Untold Story of India by Carol Oczkowska:

Friday, June 08, 2012

10th June - Annual Sikh Freedom & Remembrance Rally

SUNDAY JUNE 10th 2012 

Some FAQs: 
Question: What is the purpose of this rally and march? 
Answer: To remember our Shaheeds, to march for the freedom of the Sikh nation and to support our Sikh freedom fighters who are sitting in jails. 

Question: Is a protest march and rally the most effective way of doing things? 
Answer: This is one of many ways to protest and inform Sikhs and non-Sikhs of the on going injustices and crimes been and being committed against the Sikh nation in India. What can be better way of i) keeping the issue alive, ii) instilling passion and spirit for the Sikh cause in the community, in particular youngsters, and iii) symbolically showing the killers of the Sikhs that Sikhs can never be exterminated and will stand united in becoming the voice of the voiceless.

Question: What is the benefit of Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations spending thousands of money bringing the UK Sangat all together on 10th June?  
Answer: It is only because of the annual protest march and rally that the Indian authorities have not gone further in the torture and mistreatment of Sikhs in India. If Sikhs did not protest, the authorities would step up their acts of terrorism against Sikhs because they would think no one is watching them. The slogans of Sikhs in UK have had such an effect on India that the Indian government has requested the UK government to ban Sikhs from protesting against India in UK. The annual protest creates spirit and passion within Sikhs, in particular the youth, to become Sikhs and remember that the crimes against humanity committed against the Sikhs is an unresolved and on going issue.  

Orange Dastaars, rumaals and Dupattas. Everyone is requested to wear a Dastaar, irrespective if you have Kesh or not, male or female, as a mark of solidarity to the Sikh nation and a visual statement to India and the world that Sikhi will flourish irrespective and never die no matter how many holocausts and genocides they go through.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

House Keertan Programme...

Last Sunday Bhai Ravjeet Singh had a house keertan programme to celebrate Bhenji Simrat Kaur's birthday.

Below are photos from the programme:


Ravjeet Singh and his brother Jagdeep Singh prepared the Gurmat Langar. Both of them are trained well in cooking daal sabjee.

Bhenji Navrup Kaur from Woolwich  made the birthday cake. The cake looked really professional and tasted very nice as well.
If anyone in the London area would like to have any cakes prepared by Amritdharis (i.e. Bibek) then please contact Bhenji and she can take orders. I would strongly suggest we support our fellow Gursikh brothers and sisters in their businesses and also tell your family and fiends.
Details for ordering a custom made cake:
Facebook - Roopi Poopi Cakes
Tel: 07747534502 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Shaheed Bhai Nrimal Singh Chola Sahib Wale...

Please listen to Shaheed Bhaee Nirmal Singh Jee (Chola Sahib Wale) and their Jatha recite the original version of 'Jaago Aaeyaa.'

Shaheed Bhai Nirmal Singh Jee received many threats from the Panjab Police for speaking against the tyranny of the Panjab Police and singing in praise of the Sikh freedom struggle and Singhs. Despite this Bhai Sahib and his Jatha fearlessly sang Vaars (ballards) about tyranny committed against the Sikh nation and the valour of the Sikh defenders of faith throughout Panjab.

Eventually Bhai Sahib was harassed by the Panjab Police and beaten for reciting the following Vaar: 'Eh Khotee Sarkaar Hai Barnaale Dee....' ('This fake government is of Barnala...'). The evil tyrants cut off Bhai Sahib's tongue, gunned him down and then threw his body into a river in a jhoota mukaabalaa (fake encounter). Waheguru. As for their beautiful gift of recitation of Vaaraa(n) the video speaks for itself; they sang from the heart and sang fearlessly.

Links for Shaheed Bhai Nirmal Singh Jee and Jatha Kaveeshri:


Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Episode 4: Sri Anandpur Sahib (Part 2)


When travelling to go to Sri Anandpur Sahib it was nice to see plants and trees had been planted on the sides of the road. We first of all visited 'Viraasat-E-Khalsa' (Khalsa Heritage Museum), which is a new museum/exhibition that has been made to show case Sikh history to the public. In photos and the news the building looks like an eyesore because you can see it from an aerial view. However, in person you cannot realise that much and it doesn't look too bad. Although it is nicely made, it definitely does not reflect Sikh culture and could easily be mistaken for a building in any Western country.

To visit Viraasat-E-Khalsa is free of charge, however you need to get a ticket from the ticket office. There were three lines to queue. One was for men, the other for women and the third was for NRIs and Old Aged Pensioners. There was one man who had a red Dastaar and a  black tied up beard who asked me where the line for the OAPs was. I told him it was the third line and that it is only for 60 years or over people. The guy replied back, "I am over eighty-five years old." A Singh standing next to me and I were shocked that someone of the age of 85 had gone to so much trouble to dye his beard black and 'tried' to look so young. The English saying "Growing Old Gracefully" didn't apply in this case. Chalo.

Sadly as my flip flops had been stolen earlier on in the day, so I was walking around barefooted. It was quite embarrassing going into the Viraasat-E-Khalsa as everyone else had their shoes on and there was me barefooted! Waheguru. When you enter the Viraasat-E-Khalsa the first light, image and sound exhibition is based on village or town scenes of Panjab. Then you are given earphones. You can choose which language you would like. As you walk around the remaining exhibitions on the history of the Sikh religion you are given an audio guided tour. It was pretty impressive and I think the artwork was very creative. The audio tours are available in English, Hindi and Panjabi.

The only criticisms I would have (which are very serious and worrying!) are the following:
  1. The pictures depicting Guru Nanak Dev jee showed Guru Sahib wearing a Selhi Topi (hat), a Tilak (red frontal mark) on his forehead) and earrings in his ears. It looked like the images had been heavily influenced by Hinduism/Sanaatanism.
  2. When explaining the 5 Ks, they had an animation of a Sikh man who was wearing earrings whilst combing his hair.
  3. The pictures depicting the 15 Bhagats showed the majority of them with cut hair and wearing hats. Something I am sure the RSS and other anti-Sikh forces would love.
  4. In the English audio tour they refer to Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee as 'The Holy Book'. 
If those four things could be sorted out by the SGPC then the exhibition would be awesome. Unfortunately they didn't have a suggestion box or a place where we could feedback our comments.
Afterwards we had darshan of Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib and made our journey back home. During the journey back there was a heavy storm. Looking through the car screen I saw so many people nearly getting run over. I suppose the one plus point of travelling by car in India is that you always have "Waheguru" on your lips! Waheguru.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Send A Letter To Shaheed Bhai Jaspal Singh's Family


Sangat From UK and Canada will be visiting India soon and an idea was mentioned to get everyone to type letters or send a personal message, then email it and the Sevadars will hand-deliver all letters to Shaheed Bhai Jaspal Singh's father and mother.

You may wish to send just a small message, a letter or how about have your child do one. Let's show the family that the Panth Is with them.



Thursday, May 17, 2012

Back to Sikhi: Inspiring Transformations...

ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੧ ||
ਬਲਿਹਾਰੀ ਗੁਰ ਆਪਣੇ ਦਿਉਹਾੜੀ ਸਦ ਵਾਰ ||
ਜਿਨਿ ਮਾਣਸ ਤੇ ਦੇਵਤੇ ਕੀਏ ਕਰਤ ਨ ਲਾਗੀ ਵਾਰ ||੧||

A hundred times a day, I am a sacrifice to my Guru;
He made angels out of humans, without delay. ||1||
(Ang 462)

Some interesting and inspiring pictures from the Internet of people who have gone back to Sikhi.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Missing: Pardeep Singh

Message forward: 


If anyone has seen or heard the whereabouts of PARDEEP SINGH please call 07846703969. He is from the Handsworth Wood area in Birmingham and the last reported sighting of him was Saturday morning between 10.30 am and 11.30 am, at the bus stop on oxhill road opposite the grove pub. Please share this photo with all your friends which could help to any clues leading to his finding. Thank you.

This singh has been through alot during his lifetime and does fall into depression occaisonally. Just 2 weeks ago his father passed away because of a heart attack, and his mother is also in hospital at this present time. He has taken with him his medication and all bank cards etc. he told his brother he will be going to the bank but did not return, he turned his phone off and did not come home. Police are currently dealing with the case and we also urge the local community to come foward if they have seen him.

Today we have received information that Pardeep Singh was also spotted in the West Bromwich area on Saturday. It is very likely he got on the 101 bus from Oxhill road where he was first seen and then got on another bus either the 74 or 75 from Soho road to West Bromwhich. Were you on that bus? Did you see Pardeep Singh? or around that area? if you did then please call 07846703969 or 07971965589 which could be a vital clue to his whereabouts. Thank you
