Thursday, March 27, 2008

Norway Trip (Part 2)


These are photos from Day 2, Thursday 20th March:

Early morning Aasa Di Vaar Keertan

Bhaji Sumeet Singh explaining theme Shabad in Norwegian.

Bhaji Sumeet Singh practising theme Shabad with the children.

Japji Sahib

Satguru Guru Granth Sahib jee Maharaaj

Video of theme shabad being sang in the morning:

Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh teaching the elder group Keertan and Raag.

Making timelines with the younger group.

Bhaji Jujhar Singh doing relaxation and attention exercises.

Elder groups making timelines:

Groups presenting how they have formed their timelines and each group member stating a few facts they have learnt in terms of the Guru Sahib's history and world history:

Daas doing talk on Sikh history.

Bhenji Siri Dharma Kaur doing Gatka outside in the Gurdwara car park.

Evening Q&A session with the whole Sangat in the downstairs Langar Hall.

Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh answering a question left in the Question Box on whether taking Amrit is necessary.

Rehraas Sahib

Theme Shabad being sung in the evening.

Note: More photos of the camp on Norway Gurdwara website

May Guru Sahib keep all the Norway Sangat in Chardi Kalaa and may they remain firm in their Sikhi Sidq. As with all camps it was said to the leave all the Sangat. It felt as if I had been there for months and known everyone for a very long time. It's amazing how Guru Nanak Sahib jee's words of "Ujjar Jaa'o" ("Scatter every where") are so true. Sikhs live everywhere across the world and the Kesri Nishaan Sahib (flag) of the Khalsa flies everywhere in all four corners of the world.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teri Sikhee

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Norway Trip (Part 1)

For the past week Daas has been away. Last Tuesday, Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh jee (Sukhi Baba) and Daas went to Oslo in Norway to do seva in a Gurmat Camp organised by Bhaji Sumeet Singh and the local Sangat for youngsters as well as parents. Bhaji Jujhar Singh jee also went from Birmingham to do seva in the camp.

Daas and Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh travelled from London because we had to arrive back in London. The flight to Norway was from London City Airport. Although the flight was at 5.05pm, Bhaji set off from home at 10am and I set off from home at 11am to catch the train to London. It reminded me of the long journey people have to take from Panjab to Delhi! Unfortunately I forgot to pack my Parothay with me to eat on the way to the airport! Waheguru. We arrived at Oslo Gurdwara Sahib at about 9.30pm or so.

Due to a large number of children, the camp was divided into two. From Wednesday 19th March to Thursday 20th March, there was a two day camp for 12+ years. For under 12 years and also parents, a two day camp was held from Friday 21st March to Saturday 22nd March. Daas only attended the elder children's camp because I had to return back to England on Friday to attend Sukhmani Sahib da Paatth programme and on the following day the Anand Kaaraj of Bhaji Gurpreet Singh from Woolwich. Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh and Bhaji Jujhar Singh stayed till Sunday.

The camp had a great turn out. Approximately 100 people participated in the two days camp for 12+ years. Bhaji Sumeet Singh and Bhaji Sandeep Singh along with the rest of the Sangat worked hard to get the camp organised.

The camp started Simran and Keertan of Aasa Di Vaar by Bhaji Sukhwinder, followed by Breakfast (Porathay and Chaa Paani). At 10am there was Japji Sahib, the theme Shabad, Ardaas and Hukamnama that was explained. Afterwards everyone was divided into four groups based on age. There was one class before lunch, one class after lunch, and afterwards there was a Q&A session which included the whole Sangat. In the evening the theme Shabad was explained and sung followed by Rehraas Sahib and Sukhaasan.

The theme Shabad was:
ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਮੀਤ ਚਲਹੁ ਗੁਰ ਚਾਲੀ ॥
Gursikẖ mīṯ cẖalhu gur cẖālī.
O Sikhs of the Guru, O friends, walk on the Guru's Path.

ਜੋ ਗੁਰੁ ਕਹੈ ਸੋਈ ਭਲ ਮਾਨਹੁ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਕਥਾ ਨਿਰਾਲੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
Jo gur kahai so­ī bẖal mānhu har har kathā nirālī. ||1|| rahā­o.

Whatever the Guru says, accept that as good; the sermon of the Lord is unique and wonderful. ||1||Pause||

(Ang 677 - Read Full Shabad)

Discussing why they are proud to be Sikhs.

Discussing the problems Sikhs face in Norway and the possible solutions.

Discussing how young Sikhs in Norway can do Sikhi Parchaar in terms of short term and long term projects and ideas.

Parents discussing what the role of mothers is in the home, in the local community and Panth in doing Gurmat Parchaar.

Children presenting to everyone else.

Parents presenting their vichaar to everyone.

Chardi Kalaa Singhs - Bhaji Sumeet Singh jee and Bhaji Sandeep Singh jee.


Bhaji Jujhar Singh brought his Taus (instrument made by Guru Gobind Singh jee) and did classes on Gurmat Sangeet and also relaxation exercises.

Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh jee teaching Keertan.

Bhenji Siri Dharma Kaur jee from Oslo (who has graduated from Miri-Piri Academy in Amritsar) teaching Gatka.

Daas doing a talk with the elder youngsters.

Q&A session before Rehraas Sahib.

Evening Rehraas Sahib da Paatth.

Always a blessing to see Mata jee when going to Norway. She radiates so much peace!

Evening Langar.

To be continued...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Slough Sikh Youth Day

On Saturday, the Slough Sikh youth held a camp and Keertan Darbaar. The camp was held at Lea Junior School and the Keertan Darbaar was held at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Sheehy Way, in the evening.

About 50 youngsters, aged 11 years and over, attended the camp. Daas did a Ten Gurus time-line session with the youngsters, Bhai Nirmal Singh jee (Slough) did discussions, and Shin-Kin did fitness and self-defence.

Below are some photos (taken from

Start of camp. Getting everyone into groups.

Bhai Nirmal Singh doing a talk.

Groups making 10 Guru Sahib's period timeline:


Group 1 putting together their time-line.

Group 3 presenting.

Group 2 presenting.

Going through the Time-line on the computer.


Bhai Nirmal Singh Ji.

Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee at Sheehy Way Gurdwara Sahib.

Evening Keertan Darbaar at Sheehy Way Gurdwara.

Bhenji doing Keertan. The Singh who did Tablaa sevaa (from Southall) played very well!

The Keertan Darbaar went on to 12 am but I had to leave early because it was a very long day. The Pizzas in the evening were so tasty! I must say that Slough's Pizza's are famous :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stormy Wind!

For the last couple of the days the weather has been very stormy in the UK. On the news I saw this news article:
As 95mph storms batter Britain, two idiots take a baby feet from crashing waves
By Richard Smith Richard.Smith@Mirror.Co.Uk 11/03/2008

Two idiots gambled with a helpless baby's life as they dodge a ferocious 20ft wave during yesterday's 95mph storms.

Ignoring repeated radio and TV warnings to stay away from danger areas, the pair pushed the tot in a buggy along a groyne pointing directly out to sea.

Dad-of-three Andrew Hasson, 48, who captured the scene at Brighton, said: "It was appalling. The water was cascading down on them with huge waves coming in every 20 seconds.

"The baby could easily have been washed into the water. Yet the men were laughing and joking as they took the tot back to its mum watching on the prom."

Full news article

Of all the days to go for a stroll across the beach they decide to go when the waves are crashing at dangerous speeds and the wind is so fast that it could kill them! Rab Bhallaa Kare!

Today I was walking back from town and the wind was gushing strongly! Whilst walking I could feel the force and power of the wind blowing. I was doing Simran and repeating "WaaheGuroo... WaaheGuroo... WaaheGuroo." In my mind I was thinking how Waheguru is amazing and great! In Aasa Di Vaar it says:
ਭੈ ਵਿਚਿ ਪਵਣੁ ਵਹੈ ਸਦਵਾਉ ॥
bhai vich pavaN vahai sadvaa-o.
In the Awe of God, the wind and breezes ever blow.
(Ang 464)

I thought to myself that people don't acknowledge God's existence and say "Prove that God exists! I can't see him!" However, I thought, "Look it's windy! Show me the wind!" You can't see the wind, but you definitely "experience" the wind. Waheguru is not sitting in Heaven (as believed by mainstream Christians), sitting in the Seventh Sky above Earth (as believed by mainstream Muslims) or dwelling in idols (as believed by mainstream Hindus). Waheguru is here, within us, everywhere, and dwelling amongst His Creation.
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਧਰਤੀ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਾਣੀ ॥
gurmukh Dhartee gurmukh paaNee.
The Gurmukh sees the Lord Waheguru on the earth, and the Gurmukh sees Him
in the water.

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਵਣੁ ਬੈਸੰਤਰੁ ਖੇਲੈ ਵਿਡਾਣੀ ॥
gurmukh pavaN baisantar khelai viddaaNee.
The Gurmukh sees Him in wind and fire; such is the wonder of His Play.
(Ang 117)

As the wind pushed against my face I thought in my mind, the same wind that we cannot see but only feel, is the same wind that in the last couple of days destroyed trees, shaken homes and caused havoc. Look at the power and beauty of Waheguru who creates, sustains and dwells within this magnificent nature and Universe. Admiring the wonder and awe of Waheguru's Creation and Divine Presence, "Waah" (Wonderful) comes out of the mouth!
ਏਕੁ ਅਚਾਰੁ ਰੰਗੁ ਇਕੁ ਰੂਪੁ ॥
eik achaar, rang ik roop.
The One Lord Waheguru is in all actions, colours and forms.

ਪਉਣ ਪਾਣੀ ਅਗਨੀ ਅਸਰੂਪੁ ॥
pauN paaNee agnee asroop.
Waheguru manifests in many shapes through wind, water and fire.
(Ang 930)

Friday, March 07, 2008

Loughborough University

Last Thursday Daas was invited to Loughborough University to do a talk at the Sikh Society. It took around one and a half hours to get there. There was a lot of traffic and road works on the way. Following the Sat Nav I got to Loughborough safe and sound. I followed the instructions and came to a road leading to the university but there was a barrier! I couldn't enter the campus! So, not knowing what to do I asked a passer by who said that I have to drive to the main entrance to get inside the campus.

When I got to the main entrance it felt more like a military base than a university campus! There were people in army uniforms jogging around the campus and there was no way to enter the campus other than going through this checking point. I had to put down the window and tell the guard where I was going and received a "Visitor Pass". The university reminded me of a military colony like Jalandhar Cant. in Panjab.

With Guru Sahib's Kirpaa I parked up (I was in the wrong car park but with some help from passers by got to the right building). I entered the "James France Building" where the talk was advertised to take place with my hands full holding a pile of books, big paper, a bag of pens, and a banana! Entering the building there were no posters, no directions and no people! I looked around like a headless chicken and saw a few people walking into a lecture hall. I peered through the door and saw a lecture hall full of students but there were a panel of lecturers delivering a talk. So I guessed that I was in the wrong place. Walking through some more doors it didn't look like I would be able to find the room when I bumped into Sandeep Singh and other Singhs.

The talk was in another building. So we walked there. Entering the room where the talk was to take place I was pleasantly surprised at the large number of people that had turned up and at the amount of diversity. There were gore, kaale, and non-Sikhs (looked like Hindus and Muslims) as well as Sikhs. The talk was similar to the Westminster University talk on the topic of Simran (meditation and remembrance of God).

It was interesting to have Christians and non-Sikhs take part and also share their thoughts and opinions as well as provide them with an opportunity to learn what Guru Sahib tells us about Naam, Naam Simran and Naam Japnaa. The Christian students and Sikh society members were all nice people. I met some really great souls, in particular a boy from India who had cut-hair and from a Hindu background but does daily simran in morning and before eating and doesn't drink and with Guru's Kirpaa he said he is walking on the path and wishes to give up eating meat and aspires to become Keshdhari.

On the way home I got to the car ready to go home after a long day. I plugged in the Sat Nav and started to drive. Following the Sat Nav I got on to a small road which arrives on to the main road but there was a big barrier with a lock and chain, which meant I couldn't get out! Waheguru! I thought to mind, "He mannaa, O mind! Why is there this much security in a university! I can't even find a way out without barriers and blocks!" I had to ask a passer-by about how I could get out of the campus. They said I had to drive to the main entrance. Waheguru! I probably wasted half an hour driving around the campus lost! With Guru Sahib's Kirpaa got home safely!