Monday, October 01, 2018

Discussion with a Muslim and Christian... (Part 1)

A Muslim man asked me, "Who is Guru Nanak for you?" 

I replied, "There is one God. Guru Nanak is God revealed to humanity in a human body. Before Guru Nanak, many prophets and saints came to this earth, but then God Himself decided to come on earth in the form of Guru Nanak." 

The Muslim man then said, "But Sikhism only started about 500 years ago. What was before that? So no God never talked to humanity before that?"

I replied, "God has always communicated with humans. However, those who received the message of God and communicated with Him were also the rare few. The rare few were those saints and spiritual mystics who had earned so much spiritual wealth and shed their ego that God blessed them. With the coming of Guru Nanak, communication with the Divine was made easier and accessible to the masses."

The Muslim man then said, "Okay. So name me names of people who talked to God or communicated with God before Guru Nanak? In Islam, it starts with the first human - Adam. Adam was a Prophet."

I replied, "Well, we don't believe in the story of Adam and Eve. The story of Adam and Eve is a story based on the religions of the Middle East (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam). God spoke to countless saints throughout history. We call them 'Bhagats'. Many names are mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji."

To be continued...

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