The Paris underground was just like London - overcrowded, squashy and you're lucky if you get a seat to sit down! With Waheguru's Kirpaa all the Sangat arrived in one piece in Central Paris. Arriving near the Eiffel Tower some African men selling souvenirs said "Sat Siree Akaal" and "Changaa pher" which was quite surprising. There were loads of young Panjabi men selling souvenirs in and around the area.
Group photo of the Sangat near the Eiffel Tower
Group photo - Veer Gurinder Singh (Germany), Daas, Ravjeet Singh (UK), Damandeep Singh (Germany), Jasveer Singh Khalsa (France) and Bhajee Brinder Singh (Germany) (aka "Daas jee") at the bottom.
Eiffel Tower
Bhajee Brinder Singh asked one of the French soldiers whether he would mind to have a photo with us.
Sangat eating Langar on grass area next to the Eiffel Tower. It was good to see 4 French soldiers wave to the Sangat. The sevadaars offered them some Pakoray to eat which they found tasty and enjoyable. (Some children got scared when bats started to fly around the Sangat! So we had to move slightly up near the lighted area).
After having some refreshments, all the Sangat sat down and collectively recited Rehraas Sahib. It was great atmosphere to see young and old reciting Gurbani with great love and devotion (without Gutke Sahibs).
Bhenji Parminder Kaur doing Ardaas.
Walking back to the tube station.
Journey on the underground tube.
Coming back from the trip to Eiffel Tower we came back to the Shere-Panjab complex and held a Rainsbaaee Keertan.
Bhaajee Ranjit Singh (Paris) doing Keertan at Rainsbaaee.
Bhaajee Damandeep Singh (Germany) doing Keertan at Rainsbaaee.
Sangat at the Rainsbaaee on Saturday night.
Harnoor Kaur, Bhenji Navleen Kaur's daughter - she has such a happy and peaceful aura! Bhenji said that she wakes up Amrit-Vela and listens to Nitnem and Aasa-Ki-Vaar then goes back to sleep and then in evening she quietly and attentively listens to Rehraas Sahib. She enjoyed listening to Keertan and Waheguru simran at the camp. Waheguru!
Bhai Maha Singh and Bhajee Dharamveer Singh making camp certificates for the children.
Bhai Ranjeet Singh jee tying Dumallaa on his son, Eikpreet Singh, who turned 4 years old during the camp.
On Sunday some of the children presented to the Sangat what they had learnt from the camp and presented vichaar on the theme shabad.
Bhai Maha Singh jee reading from Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee with Bhai Sukhwinder Singh. In the background it is NDTV, an Indian news channel, who were filming the complex and also the Sikh school for a news feature on the problems Sikhs are facing in France. (Click here to watch the news feature that was made).
Sangat doing Simran.
Final camp Ardaas on Sunday afternoon.
Group photo.
Children from Germany did Keertan at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Bobigny.
Germany Sangat getting on the coach to go back home.
Bhenji Savvy Kaur (Paris) and Bhenji Navrup Kaur (UK).
"Super Singh" - Bhajee Karamveer Singh (Paris) showing his muscle power!
Group photo before everyone left.
The camp was really Chardi Kalaa. It is amazing to see that the Sikh youth of Europe so strong and determined in their faith in an atmosphere and political climate where they are easily discriminated against and face abuse in schools and from racists. Guru Maharaaj is great!
At the camp Bhenji Kiranpreet Kaur jee from Germany shared that she, her eldest son (Bhenji Komal Kaur) and her younger sister (Sandeep Kaur) and younger brother (Mandeep Singh) all now wear a Dumallaa and Keski to school. It was amazing to hear of their brave and courageous step. They all projected pride, courage, dignity and grace. With Guru Sahib's Kirpaa the German children found their Dastaars "cool". Other sisters and brothers from France also shared their aspirations of graduating from school and then wearing a Dastaar and taking Amrit. It was such an honour to have the darshan of Guru Nanak Sahib's family. Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teri Sikhi!
Waheguru !!!
Sabh kuch sach hai kirpa jio. Pen Jasleen (Damandeep sister) kaur from German has also started to wear a Dastaar in school.
Sach hai is camp vech Guru Mahraj ji de parvar ji de darshan hoye !!!
Ps : Par eh dashaan kite Panjab vech ho sakde ?
Thank you Bhaajee for your comment.
Dhan Hai Sikhi! Great to hear that Bhenji Jasleen Kaur has started to wear Dastaar at school. (The school wear Bhenji and her brother study, there are no other Sikhs).
ਜਿਨ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸੁਣਿ ਹਰਿ ਮੰਨਿਆ ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਤਿਨ ਜੈਕਾਰੁ ॥੨॥
Jin gurmukẖ suṇ har maniā jan Nānak ṯin jaikār. ||2||
Those Gurmukhs who listen to the Lord and believe in Him - servant Nanak salutes them. ||2||
(Ang 1314)
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