On Sunday 30th September a special Diwaan was held for the completion of the camp. Former Panthic Jathedaar of Sri Akaal Takht Sahib, Bhai Sahib Ranjit Singh jee, attended the Diwaan. He arrived from France with the French Sangat on the Saturday night and attended the Rainsbai Keertan as well. Jathedaar Bhai Ranjit Singh jee is known for his seva of delivering justice to the Nakli Nirankari Guru who insulted the Sikh Gurus and murdered 13 innocent GurSikh protestors on Vaisakhi 1978. You can read more about the history here.

The Sangat on Sunday.
First there was Sukhmani Sahib Paath followed by Chaa da Langar. Afterwards the Diwaan started again with children performing Keertan. After Keertan, the 11-14 years old group and 15-18 years old group sang Dharmik Geet that they had rehearsed and practiced during the camp. This was followed by the Jathedaar Sahib receiving a Siropa and then the children receiving awards.

Bhenji Sunny Kaur and Bhenji Sarbjeet Kaur singing a Shabad.
Bhenji Prabhjot Kaur singing a Shabad.

The elder group of girls sang a Dharmik Geet about Shaheedi and Kurbani (martyrdom and sacrifice) through praising the Shaheeds of Sikh History like Bhai Mani Singh jee and Bhai Taru Singh jee.

The 11-14 years old group sang a Dharmik Geet about being proud to be Sikh and how the Khalsa is the most unique and beautiful in the whole world.


Baba Nirmal Singh jee (President of the Gurdwara Sahib) delivering a talk.
Jathedaar Bhai Ranjit Singh jee.
The trophies for the campers.

Bhenji Ravinder Kaur receiving her certificate and trophy.

Waheguru. This is Sooraj Singh! He is a special child. The first day I saw him, Bhajee Ranjit Singh jee told me that in a previous camp Sooraj wanted to keep his Kesh and announced he would not cut his Kesh. However, in this camp he still had short hair. During the Q&A session Bhajee Ranjeet Singh jee asked who wants to take Amrit, if so stand up. Sooraj stood up. Bhajee asked "... if you want to take Amrit, why did you cut your hair?" He was very sad and quietly said, "I wanted to keep my Kesh. My hair got long. But my dad got scissors and cut my Kesh." Waheguru. His mother was there and they said they done this out of ignorance because they thought Sooraj would face problems at school. Just to add, Sooraj's family background is not Sikh. With Guru's Kirpaa, his mother agreed that they would support Sooraj now in becoming a Sikh.
Waheguru. In the camp we discussed that before taking Amrit and making such a big step one should at least from now start to live like an Amritdhari, keep Rehit, wake up Amrit-Vela, do Nitnam and Naam Abhiyaas daily, and wear 5 Ks. It was emphasised that Amrit is not cheap and nor is it a game that you take Amrit and then decide to give up Rehit and that turning one's back to the Guru intentionally committing a Bajjar Kurehit will result in one's face being blackened here and hereafter and suffering the pain of leaving the Guru's blessings. Hearing this Sooraj said, "Bhajee please please can you get me Sarbloh (iron) Kara?" Then everday till the camp ended he said, "Please give me a Kachhera to wear. I want to take Amrit. Can you give Amrit tommorrow morning. Please. Do you have a Kachhera and a Dastaar that I can keep? Please. Please wake me up at Amrit-Vela so that I can keep Amrit-Vela and then take Amrit." His CONSTANT persistance for a Kachhera, Kara, a Dastaar and for the gift of Amrit made anyone who heard it feel in Bairaag and moved! Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Guru Ke Piyaare. His smiling face is unforgetable.
Sukhwinder Singh bhajee taught him how to tie a Dumalla and showed him how to make a fake jooraa. lol. (underneath his rumaal, Bhajee placed another rumall rolled up into ball). He was over the moon that it looked like he had a Jooraa and he was happy to get a Khandaa to put on his dumallaa.
Unfortunately there weren't any spare Kachhera (obviously I wasn't going to give my worn Kachheray!!). He agreed that when he next has holidays and going to India, he will get Kachheray sown. Waheguru. Just to add, Sooraj was only 10 years old. Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Guru Ke Piayaare!
Keertan towards the end of the Diwaan.

Atwal Uncle jee (part of the Gurdwara Parbandhaks), Jathedaar jee and Baba Nirmal Singh (President of the Gurdwara Sahib)
Very inspirational camp. Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teri Sikh!
Manvir Singh ji,What is ur major??
Sorry Gurmukho, what do you mean by "major"?
Major General Paman Singh...?
ur goal! what would u like to become?and Guru Ram Das ji de gurpurab diyaan lakh lakh vadiyaan hon :)
Guru Pyaari'o, my goal is to serve the Guru through serving the Sangat and share the inspiration and bliss of the Path of GurSikhi.
With Guru's Kirpaa, after my PhD I hope to become a teacher/lecturer at school or college in Sikhi or Religious Studies and then Guru Kirpaa work for a Sikh College. Maharaaj Kirpaa karan, it would be great if there were more Khalsa Secondary Schools and Colleges built in England! :)
Guru Raakhaa.
Hope you get all the success that u won't and achieve ur goal...waheguru bless you with his light and peace in mind....stay in chardikalaa!!!gur bar akaal :)
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!
u r only 21 years old and u r even done wid ur PhD?? wow that was fast! hehe
Daas is 22. I haven't completed PhD. I've just started the course this academic year with Guru Sahib's Kirpaa.
London Singh (Sukh) might have a kachera or 2 LOL
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