I came across this keertan by Bibi Ashupreet Kaur jee and her sisters on www.EktaOne.com. Its really peaceful and soothing to listen to. Also I think it is done in accordance to the title Raag in the shabad. Its beautifully sung Keertan. The Keertan is from Jap108 Rainsbayee programme, which was held in Wolverhampton to commemorate the Shaheedi Diwas (martyrdom day) of the Chhote Sahibzaadey (young princes of Guru Gobind Singh jee) who were bricked alive at the age of 5 and 7, and Shaheedi of their elderly grandmother Mata Gujri Kaur jee.
ਮਨ ਰੇ ਛਾਡਹੁ ਭਰਮੁ ਪ੍ਰਗਟ ਹੋਇ ਨਾਚਹੁ ਇਆ ਮਾਇਆ ਕੇ ਡਾਂਡੇ ॥
man re, chhaaddhu bharam pragatt ho-e, naachahu i-aa maa-i-aa ke daa(n)dde.
Translation:- O people, O victims of this Maya (illusionary world), abandon your doubts and dance out in the open.
(Bhagat Kabeer Jee, Raag GauRee, Ang 338)
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ਗਗਨ ਦਮਾਮਾ ਬਾਜਿਓ ਪਰਿਓ ਨੀਸਾਨੈ ਘਾਉ ॥
gagan damaamaa baaji-o, pari-o neeshaanai ghaa-o.
Translation:- The battle-drum beats in the sky of the mind; aim is taken, and the wound is inflicted.
(Bhagat Kabeer Jee, Raag Maaroo, Ang 1105)
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ਬਿਨੁ ਭਾਗਾ ਸਤਸੰਗੁ ਨ ਲਭੈ ਬਿਨੁ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਮੈਲੁ ਭਰੀਜੈ ਜੀਉ ॥੩॥
bin bhaagaa satsang na labhai, bin sangat mail bhareejai jee-o. 3
Translation:- Without good fortune, the Sat Sangat is not found; without this Sangat, people are stained with filth and pollution. 3
(Guru Raam Daas Jee, Raag Maajh, Ang 95)
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ਜਿਨਾ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਮੇਰਾ ਪਿਆਰਾ ਅਰਾਧਿਆ ਤਿਨ ਜਨ ਦੇਖਾ ਨੈਣੀ ॥
jinaa satgur meraa pi-aaraa araaDhi-aa, tin jan dekhaa nainee.
Translation:- May I behold with my eyes those who worship and adore my Beloved True Guru.
(Guru Amar Daas Jee, Raag Sorath, Ang 652)
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ਫਰੀਦਾ ਬੁਰੇ ਦਾ ਭਲਾ ਕਰਿ ਗੁਸਾ ਮਨਿ ਨ ਹਢਾਇ ॥
fareedaa bure daa bhalaa kar, gusaa man na hadhaa-e.
Fareed, answer evil with goodness; do not fill your mind with anger.
(Bhagat Fareed Jee, Ang 1381)
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Keertan by Bibi Ashupreet Kaur jee from the Akhand Kirtan Smagam held on Saturday 10th December 2005, held at Gurdwara Sri Guru Har Krishan Sahib Jee, Manchester:
Bibi Ashupreet Kaur jee - 55mins:33secs
Ashupreet Kaur's jatha is seriously blessed by Mahaaraj. May they forever stay in Chardikala and serve the Panth!!!
Amazing.. she's sooo young - hearing her voice, one would imagine her to be a full grown bibi ji =)
I loved their Kirtan from the Manchester Smagam - it was funny, because that was the first time she had ever witnessed the implementation of 'Dhuni' in Kirtan. She liked it so much, she added it to her Shabad right there.
thanks for the info
UNBELIEVABLE!!! aged 11-14.. that really is some talent!!
Pyario - ages listed above are incorrect.
Ashupreet Kaur - Bhaen Jee sitting in middle just turned 14 yrs old a mth ago
Anupreet Kaur - Bhaen Jee nearest to TableChee is 20 yrs old
Poojapreet Kaur - Bhaen Jee that plays other Vajaa is 17 yrs old
Their father plays Tabla with them
thanks for info
amazing talent
im a moorakh so i usually dont pay attention to a kirtan track unless its by a kirtani i like... but these bhanjees are AMAZING.
my elder sister who is not into sikhi at all still likes listening to kirtan sometimes but is very selective of what 'style' of kirtan she likes. however i think i'll be burning her a cd of this jatha's kirtan. :)
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