Saturday, April 08, 2023

A beginner's guide to Japji Sahib: Pauri 20 to 23


bharee-yai,  hath  pair  tan  deh.
When one’s hands, feet, and body are dirty,

paa-Nee  Dhoh-tai,  ut-rass  kheh.
then water is used to wash away the dirt.

mooth  palee-tee,  kapaR  ho-e.
When one’s clothes become dirty and stained by urine,

dey  saa-booN,  leyee-yai  oh  Dhoh-e.
then soap is used to wash them clean.

bharee-yai  math  paa-paa  kai  sang.
When the mind becomes filled with sins,

oh  Dhoh-pai,  naa-vai  kai  rang.
then the love for the Name of Vaheguru Ji is used to clean it.

punn-ee  paa-pee,  aa-khaN  naa-eh.

Virtue (goodness) and sins are not only words.

kar  kar  kar-Naa,  likh  lai  jaa-hu.

At the end (when we die) the soul will take with it the record of one’s acted actions (good or bad).

aa-pey  beej,  aa-pey  hee  khaa-hu.

One reaps what they sow.

naa-nak,  huk-mee  aa-vahu  jaa-hu.  ||20||

(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- in accordance with Vaheguru's Hukam (Divine-Law), one comes and goes in reincarnation. ||20||

ee-rath,  tap,  day-aa,  dat  daan.
Visiting blessed places, enduring devotion, compassion, and charity,

jey  ko  paa-vai,  til  kaa  maan.

by themselves, only bring short-lived reward.

suN-yaa,  mann-niyaa,  man  kee-taa  bhaa-o.

But by listening and following Vaheguru with love

ann'tar-gat  tee-rath,  mal  naa-o.

one purifies themselves in the sacred space deep within them.

sabh  guN  tey-rey,  mai  naa-hee  ko-e.

O Vaheguru! All virtues belong to You, non belong to me.

viN  guN  kee-tey,  bhagat  na  ho-e.

Without Your virtues, Your devotional worship cannot be performed.

su-ast  aath,  baa-Nee  bar-maa-o.

Glory to You! You are the world manifest, the Divine-Word, and the Creator.

sat,  su-haaN,  sad-aa  man  chaa-o.
You are True, Your creation is beautiful, and You fill the mind with forever joy!

kavaN  su vey-laa,  vakhat  kavaN, 
kavaN  thit,  kavaN  vaar.
What was that time, and what was that moment? What was that day, and what was that date?

kavaN  se  ru-tee,  maah  kavaN, 
jit  ho-aa  aa-kaar.

What was that season, and what was that month, when the creation came into existence?

vey'l  na  paa-ee-yaa  pann-dit-ee;
je, ho-vai ley’kh pu-raaN.

That time was not found by Hindu scholars, otherwise, they would have written a religious book (Puraan) about it.

vakhat  na  paa-yoh  kaa-dee-yaa, 
je,  likhan  ley’kh  ku-raaN.

That time is not known to the Muslim scholars, otherwise, they would have written something about it like they scribed copies of the Quran.

thit  vaar  naa  jo-gee  jaa-Nai, 
rut  maah  naa  ko-ee.
The day and the date are not known to any Yogi, nor does anyone else know the month or the season (that the creation came into existence).

jaa  kar-taa  sir-T
hee  kau  saa-jey,
aa-pey  jaa-Nai  so-ee.
The Creator who created this creation – only They alone know (the time when the creation was created).

kiv  kar  aa-khaa,  kiv  saa-laahee,
ki-o  var-nee,  kiv  jaa-Naa.
How can we speak of Them? How can we praise Them? How can we describe Them? How can we know Them?

naa-nak,  aa-khaN  sabh  ko  aa-khai,
ik  doo  ikk  si-yaa-Naa.

(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- everyone thinking they are wiser than the rest, speaks of Them.

v-daa  saahib,  v-dee  naa-ee,
kee-taa  jaa  kaa  ho-vai.
Great is the Master and Great is Their Name. Whatever They will, comes to happen.

naa-nak,  je  ko  aa-poh
ag-gai  gayaa,  na  so-hai.  ||21||
(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- One who claims to know everything will not be honoured in the next world. ||21||

paa-taalaa  paa-taal,  lakh,  aa-gaasaa  aa-gaas.
There are planets upon planets below this world, and hundreds of thousands of skies over skies.

oh-Rak  oh-Rak  bhaal thak-ey,
veyd  ke-han  ikk  vaat.

The Vedas say that you can search and search for them all until you grow weary.

s-hass  a-T
haa-reh,  ke-han  k-tey-baa,
a-su-loo  ikk  Dhaat.

The Abrahamic religious texts talk of 18,000 worlds whose source is the One Creator.

ley-khaa  ho-e,  ta  likhee-yai,
ley-khai  ho-e  vi-Naas.

If you try to write an account of this, you will surely finish yourself before you finish writing it.

,  v-daa  aa-khee-yai,
aa-pey  jaa-Nai  aap.  ||22||
(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- call Vaheguru Great! They Themselves knows Themself. ||22||

saa-laa-hee  saa-laa-eh, 
ey-tee  surat  na  paa-ee-yaa.

The praisers praise Vaheguru, but they have been unable to understand (how great They are);

nadee-aa  at-ai  vaah,
pav-eh  samund  na  jaa-Nee-eh.

just as streams and rivers flowing into the ocean do not know how vast and great the ocean is.

samund  shaah  sul-taan, 
gir-haa  sey-tee  maal  Dhan.

Kings and emperors, with mountains of property and oceans of wealth

kee-Ree  tul  na  ho-vanee,
jey  tis  man-hu  na  vee-sar-eh.  ||23||

are not even equal to an ant who (praises Vaheguru and) never forgets Them. ||23||

× The praisers of Vaheguru instead become absorbed into Them.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

A beginner's guide to Japji Sahib: Pauri 17 to 19


a-sann’kh  jap,  a-sann’kh  bhaa-o.
(In the Creator's wondrous creation:) countless people meditate, and countless are those who love Vaheguru.

a-sann’kh  poo-jaa,  a-sann’kh  tap  taa-o.

Countless people practice worship, and countless people practice enduring devotion.

a-sann’kh  garanth,  mukh vey’d  paaT
There are countless scriptures and readers of the Vedas (ancient Hindu books).

a-sann’kh  joh’g,  man  reh-eh  u-daas.

Countless Yogis keep their minds detached from the world.

a-sann’kh  bhagat,  guN  gi-yaan  vee-chaar.

Countless devotees reflect on the virtues (qualities) and knowledge of Vaheguru.

a-sann’kh  sat-ee,  a-sann’kh  daa-taar.
Countless people live truthfully, and countless people give away in charity.

a-sann’kh  soor,  muh  bhakh  saar.

Countless brave warriors take on attacks in battle head-on.

a-sann’kh  moh’n,  liv  laa-e  taar.
Countless sages sit absorbed in continuous meditation.

kud-rat  kavaN,  k-haa  vee-chaar.

What power do I have to describe Your wonders?

vaar-yaa  na  jaa-vaa  ey’k  vaar.

Why don’t I fully devote myself to You all in one go?

jo  tuDh  bhaa-vai,  saa-ee  bhal-ee  kaar.

Whatever pleases You, that alone is good.

oo  sad-aa  salaa-mat,  nirunn-kaar.  ||17||
O Formless One! (May I remember that) You alone are here forever! ||17||
However good and pious someone may be, appreciate them and take benefit of their company, but remember not to get attached to them, for God alone is forever.

a-sann’kh  moo-rakh,  ann’Dh  ghor.

(In the Creator's wondrous creation:) countless fools are completely spiritually blind.

a-sann’kh  chor,  haraam-khor.

Countless thieves wrongfully take what belongs to others.

a-sann’kh  amar,  kar  jaa-eh  jo’r.
Countless people forcefully impose their will on others.

a-sann’kh  gal-vaD
h,  hath-yaa  kamaa-eh.
Countless people murder living beings by cutting throats.
The unnecessary killing of any living being that has a throat or neck, i.e. any animal or human, is considered an act of “fools who are completely spiritually blind” (‘asankh moorakh andh ghor’).

a-sann’kh  paa-pee,  paap  kar  jaa-eh.
Countless sinners keep on sinning.

a-sann’kh  koo-Riyaar,  koo-Rey  firaa-eh.

Countless liars wander lost in their falsehood.

a-sann’kh  ma’leshh,  mal  bhakh  khaa-eh.
Countless filthy-uncivilised people speak and eat filth.

a-sann’kh  ninn-dak,  sir  kar-eh  bhaar.

Countless carry burden on their heads of slandering others.

naa-nak  neech  ke-hai  vee-chaar.
(Guru) Nanak (Ji) in humility gives this description.Ý

vaar-yaa  na  jaa-vaa  ey’k  vaar.

Why don’t I fully devote myself to You all in one go?

jo  tuDh  bhaa-vai,  saa-ee  bhal-ee  kaar.

Whatever pleases You, that alone is good.

oo  sad-aa  salaa-mat,  nirunn-kaar.  ||18||
O Formless One!
(May I remember that) You alone are here forever! ||18||
Do not get attached to negative or people who do bad, even if they are countless of them in the world. Remember, they are temporary, but God is forever.

a-sann’kh  naav,  a-sann’kh  thaav.

(In the Creator's wondrous creation:) Vaheguru Ji has countless names, and countless living places.
The positive examples of people in the 17th verse (pauree) and the negative examples of people in the 18th verse (pauree) can all be directly experienced in one’s life. However, this verse (pauree) refers to Vaheguru and those places which seem unreachable.

a-gamm  a-gamm,  a-sann’kh  lo
Countless are Their created realms and worlds that are beyond human reach.

a-sann’kh  keh-eh,  sir  bhaar  ho-e.

To talk of ‘countlessness’ is a headache.
One is left with a headache and regret if one falsely claims they know everything about Vaheguru and the universe, but then later realises that the vastness of both is beyond their understanding.

akh-ree  naam,  akh-ree  saa-laah.

Meditation upon the Name of God is possible through words, and appreciation of God is possible through words.

akh-ree,  gi-yaan  geet  guN  gaah.
Learning spiritual wisdom and singing the songs of Vaheguru’s Praises are possible through words.

akh-ree,  likhaN  bo-laN  baaN.

Writing and speaking a language is possible through words.

akh-raa  sirr  sann-jog  v-khaaN.

The destiny written on one's forehead is explained through words by readers.

jin  ey-eh  likh-ey,  tis  sirr  naa-eh.
But the One who writes the destinies has nothing written on Their forehead.

jiv  furmaa-ey,  tiv  tiv  paa-eh.
As They ordain, so do we receive.

jey-taa  kee-taa,  tey-taa  naa-o.

All that has been created, has an identity

viN  naa-vai,  naa-hee  ko  thaa-o.
No place exists that is without an identity.

kud-rat  kavaN,  k-haa  vee-chaar.

What power do I have to describe Your wonders?

vaar-yaa  na  jaa-vaa  ey’k  vaar.

Why don’t I fully devote myself to You all in one go?

jo  tuDh  bhaa-vai,  saa-ee  bhal-ee  kaar.

Whatever pleases You, that alone is good.

oo,  sad-aa  salaa-mat,  nirunn-kaar.  ||19||
O Formless One! (May I remember that) You alone are here forever! ||19||

â For this reason, the diet of spiritually wise people is based on compassion and cruelty-free.

Ý The word 'neech' means 'low. However, in this context it refers to the 'humility' of Guru Nanak Ji. Even though Guru Nanak Ji is perfect and God-revealed on earth, he models humility and shows his disciples how to always remain humble in calling himself ‘low.'

Ý The word ‘naa-o’ in this line, and ‘naa-vai’ in this and the following line literally means ‘name.’ A name is a symbol for identification. Therefore, to better fit the context of these lines, the word ‘identity’ has been used.