Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Denmark Trip (Part 2)


Group photo with Naujawan and Giani Jee.

Every opportunity the youngsters had they would surround the Vaajas (harmoniums) and practice Keertan.

Langar time.

During the week children prepared and practiced drama plays based on themes relating to Sikhi. Everyone participated and enjoyed acting. The dramas were really good and it showed how creative and confident the youngsters are as well as presenting their thoughts on Sikhi through their acting:

Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh jee presenting a prize to Prabhdeep Singh for getting questions right in a Gurmat knowledge quiz about Bandi Chhor Diwas and questions about Japji Sahib Vichaar.

Daas enjoying a nice cup of Chaa sitting next to Veer Jarnail Singh. He is a very nice guy (like all the other youngsters).

Group photo with Prabhdeep Singh, Bhoopjeet Singh and Anmol Singh from Denmark and Ramandeep Singh from Germany.

Bhai Subeg Singh jee, one of the Gurdwara Sahib Parbandhaks. He is a lovely man. So much nimartaa (humility), pyaar (love) and Sikh spirit. Waheguru.

Photos from Saturday night's Bandi Chhor Diwas celebrations:

Children doing Keertan with great enthusiam and pyaar during the Sunday morning Diwaan.

It was a great camp and the Naujawan were chardikala. The children who attended the camp showed great love for Sikhi and are a credit to the Sikh Panth. Many of the children who previously kept short cut hair, have kept their Kesh through being inspired by Gurmat through the various camps throughout the year, especially through the efforts of Bhai Kulwant Singh from the Chalda Vaheer Jatha, and the great input by the Giani Harkeerat Singh, the local Granthi, who teaches the youngsters Keertan, Sikh history, Punjabi and Gurmat. May Waheguru continue to bless these children and may they become Parcharaks (preachers) of the Sikh faith who can share their inspiration and knowledge of Sikhi with other children and the wider Danish community.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Denmark Trip (Part 1)

Daas has been away for the past week for a Gurmat Camp that was held for Sikh youngsters in Copenhagen, Denmark. The camp was held from Monday 16th October to Sunday 22nd October. Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh jee came to Denmark on Thursday because they had to attend another camp in Glasgow, Scotland.

The Camp was attended by over 20 youngsters, which involved a series of workshops and classes on Gurbaani Vichaar, Sikh Rehat Maryada, Sikh History, Keertan, and discussions. Also there everyone got in groups and put toghether some short drama plays based on Gurmat themes, which everyone enjoyed. The highlight of the week was the Keertan, especially Keertan done by the local Granthi Singh - Bhai Harkeerat Singh jee whom all the children and sangat loved and has done a great amount of parchaar in Denmark, and also keertan by Sukhwinder Singh bhaji (from Midlands). The youngsters of Denmark are a credit to the Panth (nation) and are showing great progress in Sikhi. May Vaheguru keep them in Chardikala and bless them with more enthusiasm, spirit and strength in becoming strong Sikhs and inspiring other youngsters.

Here are some photos:

Groups discussing why are they are proud to be Sikhs and proud to be born in Sikh families. Afterwards the groups presented their thoughts to the others.

Campers cooking Langar and brushing up on their cooking skills.

Youngsters playing football. Poor Giani jee got tackled and hurt his foot. Vaheguru!

Children learning how to tie a Keski (short under-turban) and Dumalla (large turban). It was so inspiring to find out that many of the youngsters have recently kept Kesh and some of them took Amrit recently.

The youngsters introduced Daas to the game of "ChiRee maaR". My reflexes are slow so I didn't do very well. Vaheguru!

To be continued...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Back in One Week

**Daas is going away for a week, so the next update of the blog will be on Monday 23rd October with pictures and summary of the trip**

Daas would like to apologise to the Birmingham Sangat who were expecting the Birmingham Sikh Soc's CHAA & SAMOSA PARTY photos to be posted up. Unfortunately the photos were NOT brilliant. (People say I am a bad photographer! However these were WORSE! I won't name and shame the photographer (*cough cough* Dhadi Master Pardip Singh). lol.

Here's an example of the type of photos that were taken:

Are my eyes going funny or is it the photo? "Blurry?" - An under-statement! Well I suppose in defense Bhai Sahib would argue he was being "ARTIST". Vaheguru.

Here's a FEW photos which turned out OKAY:

Bhaji Amandeep Singh, giving an intro talk.

Am I in the right place? Is it Christian-Sikh Soc? lol. Bhaji Balraj Singh posing with a Cross in the Chaplaincy.

The Chaa & Samosa Party was very good. It started off with Bhaji Amandeep Singh with a short intro then they played a video made by Birmingham Sikh Soc. The video was HILARIOUS. If anyone went to Boss Camp last summer then you would have had opportunity to see the video. The video was a good reflection of how FUN and ENJOYABLE Sikh Society is and at the same time you are LEARNING about Sikhi in the SANGAT.

Afterwards they played Boss Camp video 2006 then they played 2004. It ended with a summary of what Birmingham Sikh Soc offers for students. Every Monday morning there is Amrit-Vela Simran and Nitnem at Dhadi Master's Halls, weekly Football, Simran & Meditate exercises classes every Thursday. The Sikh Soc has a good reputation with awards for best events for their famous "LANGAR-ON-CAMPUS" annual event.

The Chaa & Samosay were TASTY (Note: Just to clarify - the Samosay were from an Amritdhari shop). As usual I got caught up in the VICIOUS CYCLE of eating tasty samosa and then having the feeling of violating my body. I had 3 samosay afterwards I felt very queasy. The tasty chaa helped to wash it down.

Friday, October 13, 2006

ਸਿੱਖੀ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ - "Sikhi Sambhaalo" (Look After Sikhi)

On Sunday I went to Southall for the Bhog (completion) of the Sri Akhand Paath Sahib (the complete continuous reading of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee) in memory of the three young Gursikhs, which passed away last month. Giani Nirmaljeet Singh jee from Panjab was doing Kathaa (Gurbaani discourse) that day. The Kathaa was very moving and was delivered in a way that we don't hear often.

The Giani jee was fearless of speaking the truth and spoke from his heart. There are TWO TYPES of PARCHAARIKS (Preachers) - 1) Those that preach but have NOT earned or lived the message of the Guru, and 2) those that preach and have EARNED and LIVE the message of the Guru. You can tell when hearing someone what type of Parchaarik they are. Someone speaking from their heart and soul can be felt.

Giani jee's Kathaa the day was about promotion of Sikhi. Here is a brief summary of some of the things he said:
"When a young child first recognises who his father is - in Panjab people say: "bachaa apNe pitaa di dastaar pachhaaNdaa" (the child recognises his father's turban). O Sikhs! Young children are BETTER than us, that they actually RECOGNISE their father's turban. As Sikhs we have NOT yet recognised who our Father is. Our Father has told us, "O Sikh! Your belong to SRI ANANDPUR SAHIB, your birth place is SRI KESHGARH SAHIB. Your Father is GURU GOBIND SINGH JEE MAHAARAAJ and your mother is MATA SAHIB KAUR JEE."

The Guru has told us WHO WE ARE, however we have not gained enough MATURITY to realise and recognise this. Our Guru is GREAT. Unlike other Gurus, Sri Guru Gobind Singh jee has left his door OPEN for his children to come to him. Even if the ungrateful Sikh decides to wander at other doors, the Guru does not close his door. The Guru says, "If you want, go and try the other doors - however, eventually you will become tired and come back here. However, don't worry if you come back to me, I will still have my door open to you."
ਸਗਲ ਦੁਆਰ ਕਉ ਛਾਡਿ ਕੈ ਗਹਯੋ ਤੁਹਾਰੋ ਦੁਆਰ ॥
sagal duaar kau chhaad kai gahyo tuhaaro duaar.
Having abandoned all other doors, I have come to Your door for protection and help.

ਬਾਂਹਿ ਗਹੇ ਕੀ ਲਾਜ ਅਸਿ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਦਾਸ ਤੁਹਾਰ ॥੮੬੪॥
baa(n)hi gahe kee laaj as gobind daas tuhaar. ||864||
O Vaheguru! I have held Your arm, I am Your servant a devotee.864.
(P. 643, Dasam Granth)

The Guru reminds us of one fact though, which we read daily in Aasa Di Vaar:
ਬਿਨੁ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਓ ਬਿਨੁ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਆ ॥
bin satgur kinai na paa-i-o, bin satgur kinai na paa-i-aa.
Without the True Guru, no one can obtained Vaheguru; without the True Guru, no one has obtained Vaheguru.
(Ang 466)

Giani jee then went on to explain the value of keeping KESH, donning the body with the 5 Ks and receiving the gift of Khande-Di-Pahul AMRIT (the spiritual-life giving Nectar of the double-edged sword):
"O Sikhs! EVERYDAY we read Ardaas. However, how many of us actually MEAN what we say? Is it all words and no action? We daily say:
ਤੁਧੁ ਆਗੈ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਹਮਾਰੀ ਜੀਉ ਪਿੰਡੁ ਸਭੁ ਤੇਰਾ ॥
tuDh aagai ardaas hamaaree jee-o pindd sabh teraa.
I offer my prayer to You; my soul and body are all Yours.
(Ang 383)

We say our BODY and SOUL belong to VAHEGURU. However, we do NOT believe this. We are AGHIRT-GHAN (ungrateful). Realise this body does not belong to us but belongs to Vaheguru, the Master. If you realise this then you will keep Kesh, you will adorn your body with the 5Ks and then take Amrit from Guru...

Near the end of Katha Giani jee's words sent electric shocks through my body! I remember reading a book where an English Philosopher said that the GREATEST SIN the Sikhs have done is concealing their faith and NOT SHARING Sikhi with the world. However, the greater sin is not sharing Sikhi even within our community and families, even our own CHILDREN!

Giani jee in a mood of Bairaag (sadness) and yet boldness said:
"Christians knock on people's doors and distribute literature about their religion. They tell others about Christ and say become Christians. Every Muslim will do his or her best to bring the non-Muslim to Islam as part of their duty to their faith. They distribute literature and any opportunity they have in a conversation they say how great Islam is and that one should become Muslim to enjoy God's happiness.

Guru Nanak Sahib jee says:

ਜਨੁ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਧੂੜਿ ਮੰਗੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਕੀ ਜੋ ਆਪਿ ਜਪੈ ਅਵਰਹ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਾਵੈ ॥੨॥
jan naanak DhooR mangai tis gursikh kee, jo aap japai avreh naam japaavai. ||2||
Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that GurSikh, who himself chants Naam, and inspires others to chant it. ||2||
(Ang 306)

Guru Nanak Sahib jee says that Sikh which meditates and chants NAAM and inspires others to NAAM JAP - your Guru says that He will apply the DUST of that person's feet to his forehead and pay his respects. O Sikhs! We have FAILED to share our great religion of Naam with our very own children, let alone our neighbours.

Where are the mother's who while giving milk (food) to the baby did Simran of Vaheguru and planted the seeds of Bhagtee (devotional worship). Where are the mother's who sat with their children and helped them to memorise Nitnem and Sukhmani Sahib. Where are the mother's who walked their children to the Gurdwara Sahib and standing in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee say: "O Satguru! With your blessings you have given me this child. Do Kirpaa, have mercy on me, may this child become a Gursikh of Yours - if I have made any shortcomings while bringing up the child then please forgive me, may he remain attached to Your Feet." This was the mother of great Baba Deep Singh jee who was able to fight with head on his hand on the battlefield...

Look after Sikhi! Look after Sikhi! Sikhi is in Your Hands. We have MANY threats against Sikhi in today's world. Let us not do NEGATIVE PARCHAAR (preaching) whereby we end up condemning others and LOOKING DOWN at people. This is NOT the Guru's Way. Let's do POSITIVE PARCHAAR through love and embracing everyone - let us become role models and living examples of Sikhi and share the Guru's Pyaar with others. One needs to become SHASTARDHARI (equiped with weapons) physically, however one also needs to equip themselves with the weapon of VICHAAR. Knowledge of Gurbaani is our weapon against this modern attacks against Sikhi from the fashion world, the media, agencies, organisational and radicals from other religions who are telling us "Your Kesh do not look nice," "Amrit is not good," "Cut your hair and look like this." Recognise who you are Sikhs! The world will tell you to become like this and that however wake up O Sikhs and realise reality...

During the afternoon I was walking near Havelock Road and I bumped into a Baba jee, which I have met in camps and the Gurdwara Sahib. We talked on the side of the road. He spoke in such Bairaag. He told me that he wants the youngsters to equip themselves with GURMAT GYAAN (knowledge of the Guru's Teachings) and spread them to the world. He said Christians go door to door distributing information however we have failed to let anyone know about Sikhi. We have to move on from Panjabis. Panjabis have not understood Sikhi and nor do they wish to. Spread the message further afield and let the English people know about the Path of Naam and Gurmat and share the gems of Guru Nanak Sahib jee's Sikhi.

Baba jee got emotional near the end of the conversation and told me:
"Guru Nanak Sahib jee has traveled and walked thousands and thousands of steps all over the world. However, we are NOT WORTHY of standing on EVEN ONE STEP of Guru Nanak Sahib jee. Yes! We are not even worthy of standing on one step of the Guru. We have miserably failed to understand Gurbaani and share with others. Please let the youngsters know, go out in the world and share Gurmat with the world. Don't be like the older generation. PRINT LITERATURE and DISTRIBUTE door to door, share what Guru Nanak Sahib jee has given us with friends and neighbours. Through this we can benefit the world and do SARBAT DA BHALLA (good for all humanity)..."

May Vaheguru bless all of us with the gift of preserving the honour of BAANI (Divine Words of the Guru) and BAANAA (the Guru's given identity).

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Waiting for the Bus

Yesterday my university lecture on Global Religious Politics was at 2pm. I didn't read the timetable carefully. I arrived at the Theology Department (which is separate to the main University of Birmingham campus) with 5 minutes to spare. I rang reception to find out where about the room for my lecture was. The lady said, "You are at the WRONG CAMPUS. You need to go to BIO-SCIENCES BUILDING at main campus." My mind thought "O deary me! What a HEADACHE! I just about got here in the RAIN, now I have to go all the way back to the main campus." I eventually got to the lecture but was 15 minutes late.

Then after the lecture I had to go all the way back to the Theology Department in the other campus to hand in a form. Before I set off I got collected a student bus pass from the Student Services Office, which entitles students free transport between the two university campuses. By the time I got to my campus I was TOO LATE! The Theology department office closes at 5pm, and I had just arrived at 5.02pm. Waheguru! Then I had to get a bus back to near the main campus to go and see Dhadi Master Pardeep Singh jee and baakee Sangat.

Getting the bus back was a NIGHTMARE! I stood waiting for the Number 45 Bus, which was the bus that was free with the student bus pass. 20 minutes had passed and I was thinking, "Can it be any LONGER?" Then I looked closely at the notice at the bus stop and I realised that Number 45 bus DOESN'T stop there! Rab Bhalla Kare! I wasted 20 minutes standing there. Then I walked to the next bus stop, which I checked before waiting. However, I didn't pay notice to HOW LONG it takes till the next bus arrives. I waited 20 minutes and thought, "Hey Mannaa (O mind)! What's happening! This bus is taking a LONG TIME, no wonder why it is free bus!" I got fed up and ended up walking to Dhadi Master Sahib jee's Halls of Residence.

While I was walking the thought came across my mind that I've just WASTED so much time WAITING for the bus. However it was my fault because the first incidence I was waiting at the wrong bus stop and the second incidence I had missed bus and had to wait for the next chance to catch the bus. Similarly, in life we are sometimes at the wrong place or wrong mindset, yet we expect happiness and peace, like I expected the Number 45 bus to arrive the Number 61 and 64 bus stops. However, instead we end up blaming Guru jee that "You have let me down! I haven't got what I wanted." Little do we realise that we needed the wisdom and understanding that in order for the medicine of Shabad to work on the mind, one need's to follow the prescription or follow the necessary conditions given by the Divine Doctor for the medicine to work. There is no point taking medicine when the doctor said not to eat oily foods but you decide to eat Ahloo Wale Poratay everyday.
ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਤਿਆਗਿ ਆਨ ਲਾਗਹਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੋ ਡਾਰਿ ਭੂਮਿ ਪਾਗਹਿ ॥
gobind ti-aag aan laagehi amrito daar bhoom paagehi.
You have forsaken Vaheguru, the Lord of the Universe, and become attached to another - you are throwing away Amrit, the spiritual-life giving Nectar, to take dust.

ਬਿਖੈ ਰਸ ਸਿਉ ਆਸਕਤ ਮੂੜੇ ਕਾਹੇ ਸੁਖ ਮਾਨਿ ॥੧॥
bikhai ras si-o aaskat moorhay kaahay sukh maan. ||1||
What do you expect from corrupt pleasures? You fool! What makes you think that they will bring peace? ||1||
(Ang 1303)

Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee has given us the roadmap for a perfect life. If we want peace and happiness then we got to get on the bus of the Guru, i.e. the Shabad Guru (the Divine Infinite Wisdom). However, one needs to know who the Guru is and where to find him, just like finding the right bus stop - this is through Gurmat Vichaar (contemplating on the Guru's Teachings). Then one needs a valid ticket, which is Amrit and keeping Gurmat Rehit (discipline) - through which you get the credits to travel, which is Naam.
ਖਰਚੁ ਬੰਨੁ ਚੰਗਿਆਈਆ ਮਤੁ ਮਨ ਜਾਣਹਿ ਕਲੁ ॥
kharach bann chang-aa-ee-aa mat man jaaNehi kal.
Gather up merits for your travelling expenses, and do not think of tomorrow in your mind.
(Ang 595)

Moral that Daas learnt: One should not waste life, like I wasted standing at the wrong bus stop. It is important to have knowledge of Reality and Truth, which is only possible through the True Perfect Guru, i.e. Satguru Sri Granth Sahib jee. Then one is able to establish that in order to travel and pass life easily, enjoyably and with happiness, it is only possible through the True Guru.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Monday, October 09, 2006

Birthday of Baba Buddha Jee

This month marks the 500th JANAM DIWAS (Birth Day) of one of Sikhi's gems - BABA BUDDHA JEE, who was fortunate enough to be blessed with the seva (service) of serving the first 6 Guru Sahibs (from Guru Nanak Sahib jee to Guru Hargobind Sahib jee). The life of Buddha jee is a ROLE MODEL and INSPIRATION for all Sikhs. In tribute to Baba Buddha jee a short summary of Baba jee's life is below:


Great Gursikh
Baba Buddha jee was the great Gursikh who had the pleasure of serving under Guru Nanak Sahib jee and the five succeeding Gurus. The Guru Sahibs gave Baba Buddha jee great respect and honour. He was born on 21 October 1506 at the village of Katthu Nangal, 18 km northeast of Amritsar. His name was originally ‘BOORAA” and was the only son of Bhai Suggha jee and Mata Gauran jee.

As a small boy, one day Baba jee was grazing cattle outside the village when Guru Nanak Sahib jee happened to pass by. BooRaa went up to Guru Sahib and did Matha Tekh (bowed), offering a bowl of milk for Guru jee. He prayed: "O Sustainer of the poor! I am fortunate to have had a sight of you today. RELEASE ME now from the cycle of BIRTH and DEATH.”

Guru Sahib replied: "You are only a CHILD yet. But you talk so WISELY." Baba jee said, "Some Mughal soldiers set up camp by our village, and they destroyed all our crops. The RIPE as well as UNRIPE crop were both cut down. It made me think, that just as the soldiers do not look at the crop's age or growth before destroying it, similarly when death comes it does not consider the AGE or YEARS of a person before it comes and takes them away."

Hearing this Guru Nanak Sahib jee said, "You are NOT a child; you possess the WISDOM of an OLD MAN." From that day, BooRaa, came to be known as Bhai Buddha jee. ‘BUDDHA’ in Panjabi meaning a WISE OLD MAN.

Role in Passing Guruship
At the time of giving Guruship to the Second Nanak, Guru Nanak Sahib jee gave Baba Buddha jee with the responsibility of being the MASTER OF CEREMONY. This tradition continued up till the SIXTH NANAK. Baba Buddha jee who lived up to a very old age continued to serve the Gurus with complete dedication and remained an exemplary Sikh role model. Through living and earning the Guru's Teachings Baba jee earned respect amongst all the Sangat (congregation) and Guru Sahib.

Seva (Selfless-Service)
Baba jee devoted himself passionately to tasks such as the digging of the BAOLI (well) at GOINDVAL SAHIB under the instructions of Guru Amar Daas Sahib jee and the excavation of the SAROVAR (pool) at AMRITSAR under Guru Raam Daas Sahib jee and Guru Arjan Dev Sahib jee. The beR (tree) under which Baba jee used to sit supervise the excavation of the Amritsar pool still stands in the precincts of the Sri Harmandar Sahib. Baba Buddha jee was giving responsibility of training and teaching Guru Arjan Dev Sahib jee’s son and was installed as the FIRST GRANTHI (Scriptural Attendant) of Sri Darbaar Sahib, Amritsar. Baba Buddha jee showed that SIMRAN (devotional meditation on Vaheguru) and SEVA (selfless service) go hand in hand and that no is too great or small or to serve the Guru.

Building Akaal Takht
Following the Shaheedi (martyrdom) of the Fifth Guru, Guru Hargobind Sahib jee built SRI AKAAL TAKHT SAHIB (the Throne of the Immortal). This was a declaration that Sikhs are sovereign nation. The WHOLE COMMUNITY built Sri Darbaar Sahib, however THREE PEOPLE built Sri Akaal Takht Sahib. The three were – Guru Hargobind Sahib jee, Baba Buddha jee and Bhai Gurdaas jee. This was indicative that those who represent Sikhs and Sikhi should have a SET CRITERIA and CHARACTER.

Political Activitist
Guru Hargobind Sahib jee was detained in the GWALIOR FORT on the orders of Jahangeer. Baba Buddha Jee, being a Saint and an Warrior of Truth, led the Sikh Sangat to the Gwalior and expressed PROTEST and their love for the Guru by going around the Fort and SINGING GURBAANI. Some historians trace the tradition of ‘PARBAAT PHEREE’ (singing hymns around villages) from this.

Last Moments
Baba jee passed his last days in SIMRAN (meditation) and BHAGTI (devotional worship) at RAAMDAAS, a village founded by his son, Bhai Bhana, where the family had moved. As the end came, on 16 November 1631, Guru Hargobind Sahib jee was at his bedside. Guru Sahib himself carried out the last rites of Baba jee.

Friday, October 06, 2006

"Can I Speak to Mr. Singh Please."

Yesterday I was sitting in the waiting room in the Citizen Advice Bureau. It was an EVENTFUL waiting time. I walked up the stairs and entered the Office. I was looking for the Reception. Infront was a room, which peeked into. An elderly gentleman was sitting there and asked, "How can I help you?" I said, "I am looking for the Reception." It was a bit of WEIRD conversation because the elderly man spoke to me as if I couldn't UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and slightly patronising. Chalo, I found the Reception desk and got my ticket number to see an advisor.

I sat back in the waiting room. It was a very SMALL ROOM with two elderly white people, one middle aged white man and one young dental student from India. As soon as I sat down the elderly man asked, "So, WHERE are you from?" I replied, "I am born HERE." "Naa, I mean, which COUNTRY you come from BACK HOME?" I said, "PANJAB, in Northern India". He said, "Aaah. I know, I know. THE PUNJAB." I was slightly baffled by the conversation. Referring to the Indian dental student and myself, the old man said, "I don't mind EDUCATED young people like yourselves coming to our country and making something of yourselves - do good in EDUCATION and EARN A FEW BOB... then GO BACK to your own country and enjoy life. Or stay here if you like our country. We don't want any old RIFF-RAFF" I looked at him just smiled, trying to avoid having a debate.

Then the conversation turned to about the local hospital being possibly closed down. The middle aged white person said, "Nowadays there is too much bureaucracy. Managers in suits are being paid for nothing. There are too many CHIEFS not enough INDIANS." Then he looked at me and said "Sorry, NO OFFENCE to you mate." I looked at him and didn't know whether to laugh or not. It was hilarious.

Then the elder man said, "I know YOUR LOT! Once I got my CAR FIXED from one of YOUR LOT. He was from HAYES. Yeah, I needed a car part for my car. I rang the man and he said come to my house, which he had turned into his Car Garage. I asked how should I find you. He said, "Just ask anyone for MR. A SINGH and you find me." He went on to say, "I got to Hayes and it was all your lot everywhere. I pulled over and asked someone, "Can I speak to MR. SINGH." The man replied, "WHICH MR. SINGH - you will find five thousand of us around here." I thought "O No! O heck!" I rang him and got to his house. He was a very nice man, a really nice man. He gave me a GREAT BARGAIN."

I think the man was genuinely nice however his way of talking was slightly crude. It was a good one-hour time pass.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Reality Check

Today was the ANTAM SANSKAAR (funeral) of 2 of the 3 Gursikhs who passed away 2 weeks ago in the Lake District. Funerals are a REALITY CHECK. "Death is TRUE, Life is FALSE" - one day God will summon ALL of his and take us away from this life. The ROPE OF DEATH is hanging around everyone's neck - any time, any place death can take us away.
ਹਮ ਆਦਮੀ ਹਾਂ ਇਕ ਦਮੀ ਮੁਹਲਤਿ ਮੁਹਤੁ ਨ ਜਾਣਾ ॥
ham aadmee haa(n) ek damee, muhlat muhat na jaaNaa.
We are human beings of the briefest moment; we do not know the appointed time of our departure.

ਨਾਨਕੁ ਬਿਨਵੈ ਤਿਸੈ ਸਰੇਵਹੁ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਜੀਅ ਪਰਾਣਾ ॥੧॥
naanak binvai tisai sarevhu jaa ke jee-a paraaNaa. ||1||
Prays Nanak, serve the One, to whom our soul and breath of life belong. ||1||
(Ang 660)

This morning Daas was doing vichaar with an elder Gursikh about death and Vaheguru's 'BHAANAA' (Will). As Sikhs, the Guru has told us to ACCEPT the 'bhaaNaa' (Will) of Vaheguru. There is no two way about it - we cannot on one hand say "WHAT IF" and "WHY" and on the other hand say "We accept the Will of God." Vaheguru is Great and his 'Kalaa' (Wonder) is Great. The world is His PLAY. The Singh who initially drowned was SAVED, on the other hand the Singhs who went to save him DROWNED. It's part of Vaheguru's HUKAM - the time of death is written before we are born. Life and death are in His hands - He will save the one who is not ready to die, and take away life where He pleases. We are nothing, He is everything.
ਮਾਰੈ ਰਾਖੈ ਏਕੋ ਆਪਿ ॥
maarai raakhai eiko aap.
The One Lord Himself destroys and also preserves.

ਮਾਨੁਖ ਕੈ ਕਿਛੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਹਾਥਿ ॥
maanukh kai kichh naahee haath.
Nothing at all is in the hands of mortal beings.
(Ang 281)

The 3 Gursikhs are being honoured, remembered and given respect throughout the world. Their JEEVAN (spiritual life) and dedication to BAANI & BAANAA (Gurbaani and keeping Rehit) has affected everyone. When a Gursikh passes away to go back to Vaheguru, his life is CELEBRATED. The death of Gursikhs causes others to remember Vaheguru, do Ardaas, re-evaluate one's life and take steps to improve their spiritual life. It is the Will of Vaheguru that Gursikhs INSPIRE OTHERS others while alive and continue inspire people even after death - i.e. the Gursikh becomes IMMORTAL and forever honoured.
ਜਨੁ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਧੂੜਿ ਮੰਗੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਕੀ ਜੋ ਆਪਿ ਜਪੈ ਅਵਰਹ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਾਵੈ ॥੨॥
jan naanak DhooR mangai tis gursikh kee, jo aap japai avreh naam japaavai. ||2||
Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that GurSikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. ||2||
(Ang 306)

Life is too SHORT. The death of these 3 Gursikhs is a 'WAKE UP CALL'. Today Bhai Sahib did Kathaa (Gurbaani discourse) at the funeral. He wonderfully said, "We should NOT mourn or cry at the death of a Gursikh, rather if one is to cry then it should because one looks at themselves and thinks "WHERE IS MY LIFE GOING?" and "What have earned or gained in this life?"."
ਕਬੀਰ ਸੰਤ ਮੂਏ ਕਿਆ ਰੋਈਐ ਜੋ ਅਪੁਨੇ ਗ੍ਰਿਹਿ ਜਾਇ ॥
kabeer sant moo-e ki-aa ro-ee-ai, jo apune grihi jaa-e.
Kabeer, why cry at the death of a Saint? He is just going back to his home.

ਰੋਵਹੁ ਸਾਕਤ ਬਾਪੁਰੇ ਜੁ ਹਾਟੈ ਹਾਟ ਬਿਕਾਇ ॥੧੬॥
rovhu saakat baapure jo haattai haatt bikaa-e. ||16||
Cry for the wretched, faithless cynic, who is sold from store to store (i.e. reborn in the reincarnation cycle). ||16||
(Ang 1365)

The only way to be liberated and saved is through holding the hand of Guru Nanak Sahib jee. How does one do this? This is through taking Amrit (the nectar of immortality), living Gursikhi Jeevan and Japping Naam (meditating on Naam). There is no other way. Gurbaani tells us that True Religion has two components:
ਸਰਬ ਧਰਮ ਮਹਿ ਸ੍ਰੇਸਟ ਧਰਮੁ ॥
sarab Dharam meh saraysat Dharam.
Of all Dharams (ways of righteous living), the best Dharam,

ਹਰਿ ਕੋ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਿ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਕਰਮੁ ॥
har ko naam jap nirmal karam.
is to Naam Jap (chant the Name of Vaheguru) and maintain pure conduct.
(Ang 266)

So one needs to NAAM JAP and also one needs NIRMAL KARAM, i.e. a spiritual and righteous character, conduct and life-style. The lifestyle of Guru Nanak Sahib jee is SUPREME and most EXALTED. On the train journey to Wolverhampton Daas sat next to a middle aged English lady. She was friendly and said she had been to Amritsar. She had also travelled to Nepal, Pakistan and other parts of India. She said "Sikhs are wonderful. They are so humble and their way of life and principles are great. We need MORE Sikhs in the world. It would be wonderful if Sikhs could EXPAND somehow and people could LEARN to live from GURU NANAK and the SIKHS." I thought to myself, "Dhan Guru, Dhan Teri Sikhi" (Blessed is the Guru, Blessed is Your Sikhi). If one wishes to save and fulfil the TRUE OBJECTIVE of life then one has to add STYLE to one's life. The style will only come from Guru Nanak Sahib jee - the way of life of GURMAT-NAAM.
ਗੁਰ ਪੂਰੇ ਕੀ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਰੀਤਿ ॥
gur poore kee nirmal reet.
The lifestyle of the Perfect Guru is immaculate and pure.
(Ang 893)

The past few weeks has made everyone ask themselves, "How much BAANI have I recited and tried to contemplate; Have I taken AMRIT and held onto the hand of Guru Nanak Sahib jee; How much NAAM JAPNAA do I do" Life is a passing DREAM, the only true reality is Vaheguru. The 3 Gursikhs have shown that through Amrit, Gursikhi Jeevan and Naam Japnaa one lives in honour and dies with honour - they have gone back to their ETERNAL FATHER.
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਮਰਣੁ ਜੀਵਣੁ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਨਾਲਿ ॥
gurmukh maraN jeevaN prabh naal.
The Gurmukh dies, and lives with Vaheguru.
(Ang 932)

Monday, October 02, 2006

First day at Birmingham

Today was my first day starting university at Birmingham. On the train I was reading Baba Harnaam Singh jee (Rampur Khera Wale's) autobiography "Se Khineyaa". It's a really nice book and an easy read with small easy to digest chapters. You can download it from here. The chapter I read today on the train was about Baba jee's encounter with Dr. Kartar Singh, a medical doctor, who was a communist and atheist. The atheist said to Baba jee:
"'He' who nobody has ever seen and who cannot be seen with eyes, who there is no evidence of and who nobody has ever been able to show. These people call Him God and have begun worshipping Him. People call him by many names. They pray to him in the mornings and in the evenings. How can anyone have faith in something, which there is no evidence of existing? What can 'He' grant you? Yes, many have gained a great deal by putting this superstition into peoples minds."

Baba jee's reply was based on Gurbaani and very simple, yet very thought-provoking and hitting:
Baba ji humbly asked Doctor ji "Doctor sahib, does this mean that you only believe in those things which you can physically see with your eyes? If you can't see it, you don't believe it exists? Doctor ji listen. Seeing God is a very distant thing. A lot of his creation is invisible to the naked eye. Take a chilli for example, if it was in front of you, you wouldn't be able to see the 'hot' aspect of it. And you cannot see the bitterness in the medicines you prescribe every day. There are many examples like this where things seem different on the exterior but they have other qualities which cannot be seen."

Doctor immediately replied by saying that although we cannot see if a chilli or medication or sugar is bitter or sweet, we can use another sense, our tongue, to taste it and see what sort of taste it has. Baba ji said yes you can taste it but you cannot see it can you? Then Baba ji gave another example, that milk is in front of you but can anyone see the butter in it? Even if you put your hand in the milk you won't be able to take any butter out. Taste it with your tongue and you will not taste butter. But ask the individual who has heated the milk up and left it to become yoghurt. Who, when the yoghurt is set has stirred (rirrakan) the yoghurt and has taken the cream which surfaces and heated it up and made butter. He will constantly tell you that you are wrong. The butter is in this milk, but you only say it isn't because of your lack of knowledge saying that there is no butter because you can't see it and you can't taste it. The butter cannot be taken from the milk with your bare hand. This is you lack of knowledge is it not? But it is not your fault because you have never been through the process of making butter. If you follow these instructions, you yourself will be able to make butter. Then you will realise how mistaken you really are. The butter remains in every drop of milk.

Our Great Guru has given another example in Gurbani that every log has fire hidden inside it. But has anyone seen it? No. But this does not mean that because we have not seen it, we become total disbelievers. If we decide that we really want to see this fire, if we take another piece of wood (Baa(n)sh) and rub them together, after a short period they will begin to burn. Our fifth Satguru Gurdev Ji has used all these examples in Gurbani and tells us that as wood contains fire but we cannot see it, milk contains butter but we cannot see it, God exists in low and high, rich and poor but He is not visible. This is because our eyes are not capable of seeing:
ਸਗਲ ਬਨਸਪਤਿ ਮਹਿ ਬੈਸੰਤਰੁ ਸਗਲ ਦੂਧ ਮਹਿ ਘੀਆ ॥
ਊਚ ਨੀਚ ਮਹਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਸਮਾਣੀ ਘਟਿ ਘਟਿ ਮਾਧਉ ਜੀਆ ॥੧॥
ਸੰਤਹੁ ਘਟਿ ਘਟਿ ਰਹਿਆ ਸਮਾਹਿਓ ॥
ਪੂਰਨ ਪੂਰਿ ਰਹਿਓ ਸਰਬ ਮਹਿ ਜਲਿ ਥਲਿ ਰਮਈਆ ਆਹਿਓ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
ਗੁਣ ਨਿਧਾਨ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਜਸੁ ਗਾਵੈ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਭਰਮੁ ਚੁਕਾਇਓ ॥
ਸਰਬ ਨਿਵਾਸੀ ਸਦਾ ਅਲੇਪਾ ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਰਹਿਆ ਸਮਾਇਓ ॥੨॥੧॥੨੯॥
Fire is contained in all firewood, and butter is contained in all milk. Vaheguru's Light is contained in the high and the low; the Lord is in the hearts of all beings. ||1|| O Saints, He is pervading and permeating each and every heart. The Perfect Lord is completely permeating everyone, everywhere; He is diffused in the water and the land. ||1||Pause|| Nanak sings the Praises of Vaheguru, the treasure of excellence; the True Guru has dispelled his doubt. The Lord is pervading everywhere, permeating all, and yet, He is unattached from all. ||2||1||29||
(Sorat M:5, Ang 617)

If you want to see Him, He who is omnipresent then some real effort is required as Guru Ji has stated in this Shabad. 'Gunn Nidhaan Nanak Jass Gaavai' is the way you have to go. Doctor! You will have to wear the spectacles of spirituality (Bhagthi).
ਕਰਿ ਫਕਰੁ ਦਾਇਮ ਲਾਇ ਚਸਮੇ ਜਹ ਤਹਾ ਮਉਜੂਦੁ ॥੩॥
Serve the Lord forever; use your eyes, and see Him ever-present everywhere. ||3||
(Baani Kabeer Jee, Ang 727)

If we control our minds for even a short period we will see Him present everywhere.
ਟੁਕੁ ਦਮੁ ਕਰਾਰੀ ਜਉ ਕਰਹੁ ਹਾਜਿਰ ਹਜੂਰਿ ਖੁਦਾਇ ॥੧॥
If you will only center yourself on the Lord, even for just a breath, then you shall see the Lord face-to-face, present before you. ||1||
(Baani Kabeer Jee, Ang 727)

Doctor, those who have seen God, what bigger guarantee can they give us than this..................

At New Street train station I saw an advertisement poster, which was advertising a book. The poster read:
"Nothing in this World is Forever - Even a Life a Sentence."

Looking at the poster the following Salokh (small couplet) from Gurbaani came to mind:
ਜਿਉ ਸੁਪਨਾ ਅਰੁ ਪੇਖਨਾ ਐਸੇ ਜਗ ਕਉ ਜਾਨਿ ॥
ਇਨ ਮੈ ਕਛੁ ਸਾਚੋ ਨਹੀ ਨਾਨਕ ਬਿਨੁ ਭਗਵਾਨ ॥੨੩॥
Like a dream and a show, so is this world, you must know.
None of this is true, O Nanak, without Vaheguru. ||23||
(Ang 1427)

It was an interesting start to my day.