Sunday, March 19, 2023

A beginner's guide to Japji Sahib: Pauri 16

panch  par-vaaN,  panch  par-Dhaan.
Such great beings (i.e. those who faithfully listen and obey the Guru's Wisdom) are accepted by Vaheguru. Such great beings are considered supreme.
Those who listen and live by the Guru’s Wisdom are accepted because they have fulfilled the purpose of life and they lived the highest version of who they are.

pann-chey  paa-veh,  dar-geh  maan.

Such great beings are honoured in the Divine-Court of Vaheguru.

pann-chey  soh-eh,  dar  raa-jaan.

Such great beings look beautiful in the Divine-King’s Court.

pann-chaa  kaa,  gur  ey’k  Dhi-yaan.
Such great beings focus their attention on the Word-Guru alone.

jey  ko  ke-hai,  kar-ai  vee-chaar.

One may try to reflect and describe Vaheguru or Their creation as much as possible;

kar-tey  kai  kar-Nai,  naa-hee  shu-maar.

yet no one can estimate the end of the Creator-Vaheguru’s doings.

ou’l  Dharam,  dayaa  kaa  poot.
Vaheguru’s Divine Law (Dharam) is the support (bullÝ) upon which earth rests, which is born out of Vaheguru’s compassion.
Dharam is a product of Daya or compassion. Where there is no compassion, there can be no Dharam (divine Law/the right path to living) and where there is Dharam, there ought to be compassion.

sann-tokh  thaap,  rakh-yaa  jin  soot.
The Divine Law (Dharam) creates contentment, which binds everything together in harmony.
Where both compassion and Dharam (divine Law/the right path to living) are present, Santokh or contentedness too comes to reside. In other words, a religious or righteous person is always compassionate and contented.

jey  ko  bu-jhai, ho-vai  sach-yaar.
If understands this, they become enlightened with the Truth.

av-lai  uppar,  key-taa  bhaar.
If Earth rested on an actual bull (as believed many centuries ago) then how much weight it must hold!

ar-tee  hor,  p-rai  ho’r  ho’r.
There are more worlds beyond this earth; more and more.

is  tey  bhaar,  tal-ai  kavaN  jo’r.
What power holds them from underneath, and supports their weight? (i.e. It is Vaheguru alone).

a,  jaat,  rann-gaa,  key  naav.
Living beings of various kinds, colours, and names,

sabh-naa  likh-yaa,  vu-Ree  kalaam.

have all been
written in nature by the ever-flowing pen of Vaheguru.

ey-hu  ley-khaa,  likh  jaa-Nai  ko-e.

Even if someone knows how to write this account,

ley-khaa  likh-yaa,  key-taa  ho-e.

then just imagine what a huge scroll it would take!

key-taa  taaN,  su-aa-le-hu  roop.

What great strength and fascinating beauty Vaheguru has!

key-tee  daat,  jaa-Nai  kouN  koot.

How great Vaheguru’s gifts are! Who can know their extent?

kee-taa  p-saa-o,  ey-ko  k-vaa-o.
From the One Utterance (i.e. Divine-Sound or Vibration) you created the vast expanse of the Universe,

is  tey  ho-e,  lakh  daree-aa-o.
from which hundreds of thousands of rivers of life began to flow.

 kavaN,  k-haa  vee-chaar.
What power do I have to describe Your wonders?

vaar-yaa  na  jaa-vaa  ey’k  vaar.

Why don’t I fully devote myself to You all in one go?

jo  tuDh  bhaa-vai,  saa-ee  bhal-ee  kaar.

Whatever pleases You, that alone is good.

oo  sad-aa  salaa-mat,  nirunn-kaar.  ||16||
O Formless One! You alone are here forever! ||16||

Ý For centuries some people held the belief that planet Earth was being held by a bull on its horns. Guru Ji makes it clear here that the bull that is holding the Earth is Dharam, i.e. Vaheguru Ji’s Universal Divine Law. The ancient belief of the mythical bull is further referenced in the lines following on.

Ý This means that no one can understand.

Usually, ‘Kudrat’ means ‘nature.’ However, in this context ’Kudrat’ means ‘power.’  


Sunday, March 12, 2023

A beginner's guide to Japji Sahib: Pauri 12 to 15

mann-ney  kee  gat,  ke-hee  na  jaa-e.
The spiritual state of the faithful devotee who obeys the Guru’s Wisdom, cannot be described.
This entire verse (pauree) is in the past tense, referring to those who have obeyed the Guru’s Wisdom and achieved the ultimate spiritual goal.

jey  ko  ke-hai,  pishh-ai  p-shhu-taa-e.

If one tries to describe it, one shall end up regretting the attempt.

kaa-­gad,  kalam  na  likhaN-haar.

Although there is no paper, pen nor writer that can describe the inner spiritual state of such beautiful souls,

mann-ney  kaa,  beh  karan  vee-chaar.
one can only sit with others to reflect on the lives of the faithful devotee who obeys the Guru’s Wisdom.
Teaching, narrating and learning from Sikh history serves this purpose. We can never understand the spiritual inner-state of the amazing personalities of Sikh history like Baba Deep Singh Ji, Bhai Taru Singh Ji and the endless list of other blessed Sikhs. However, reflecting on their lives inspires and motivates the listener to progress in their own individual spiritual journey.

ai-saa  naam,  nirann-jan  ho-e.

Such is the power of connecting with the Divine Sound of the Creator (Naam) that it
purifies one (by making one unstained by the world-play (Maya)).

jey  ko  man  jaa-Nai,  man  ko-e.  ||12||

This only happens for those who truly obey the Guru’s Wisdom within their mind, and such people are rare. ||12||

mann-nai,  su-rat  ho-vai  man  buDh.

Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one’s awareness, thoughts, and wisdom are elevated (i.e. become purer).

mann-nai,  sagal  bhavan  kee  suDh.

Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one obtains an understanding of all the worlds and realms.

mann-nai,  mu-eh  cho-ttaa  naa  khaa-e.

Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one does not receive a blow to the face, i.e. they are not embarrassed nor shamed by corrupt desires.

mann-nai,  jamm  kai  saath  na  jaa-e.

Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one does not have to go with the messengers of Death.
One who faithfully obeys the Guru’s Wisdom does not suffer in the afterlife

ai-saa,  naam  nirann-jan  ho-e.
Such is the power of connecting with the Divine Sound of the Creator (Naam) that purifies one (by making one unstained by the world-play (Maya)).

jey  ko  man  jaa-Nai,  man  ko-e.  ||13||

This only happens for those who truly obey the Guru’s Wisdom within their mind, and such people are rare. ||13||

mann-nai,  maarag  T
haak  na  paa-e.
Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one’s path of life will not be blocked.

mann-nai,  pat  si-o  par-gatt  jaa-e.
Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one departs to the next world with honour and fame.

mann-nai,  magg  na  chal-ai  pann’th.
Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one does not follow any other path or empty religious rituals.

mann-nai,  Dharam  sey-tee  sann-bann’Dh.

Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, is directly bound to Dharam (righteousness).

ai-saa, naam  nirann-jan  ho-e.

Such is the power of connecting with the Divine Sound of the Creator (Naam) that it
purifies one (by making one unstained by the world-play (Maya)).

jey  ko  man  jaa-Nai,  man  ko-e.  ||14||

This only happens for those who truly obey the Guru’s Wisdom within their mind, and such people are rare. ||14||

mann-nai,  paa-veh  mo’kh  du-aar.

Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one finds the Door to Salvation.

mann-nai,  par-vaa-rai  saa-Dhaar.

Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom,
one becomes a support for their family.

mann-nai,  tar-ai  taa-rey  gur  sikh.

Faithfully obeying the Guru’s Wisdom, one
swims across the ocean of lifeâ and helps others to do the same through sharing the Guru’s teachings.

mann-nai,  naa-nak  bhav-eh  na  bhikh.
(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- the faithful obeyer of the Guru’s Wisdom, does not wander around begging from others.
One who faithfully obeys the Guru’s Wisdom only begs before Vaheguru and does not beg before any human.

ai-saa,  naam  nirann-jan  ho-e.

Such is the power of connecting with the Divine Sound of the Creator (Naam) that it
purifies one (by making one unstained by the world-play (Maya)).

jey  ko  man  jaa-Nai,  man  ko-e.  ||15||

This only happens for those who truly obey the Guru’s Wisdom within their mind, and such people are rare. ||15||

â Guru Ji describes life to be like an ocean. We can either sink in or we can swim across and be successful in our life. Without Guru’s Wisdom, people drown in lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego. Whilst the faithful who follow the Guru’s Wisdom whilst living in the world, do not allow the worldly distractions to bring them down.