Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Derby Akhand Keertan Smaagam...

Last week was the Vaisakhi Akhand Keertan Smaagam. Smaagam literally means "programme" or "event." The Smaagam was from Monday 18th April to Sunday 24th April at Singh Sabha Gurdwara and Guru Arjan Dev Jee Gurdwara. The Smaagam was in tribute to 50 years of Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh jee's leaving this earthly abode and in tribute to Shaheeds (martyrs) of the Vaisakhi 1978 massacre that took place in Amritsar. With Guru jee's kirpaa, the Smaagam was really successful and had a great Naam-filled atmosphere! Accomodation was provided by the Gurdwara Sahib for the Sangat to stay over. Being with the Sangat felt like being at home and having a family reunion.

From Monday to Wednesday, there was a Sri Akhand Paatth Sahib jee from a Larreevaar Saroop (which has joined up writing without any spaces) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee. One person who was fortunate to attend the Akhand Paatth Sahib said that one of the Gurmukh Pyaare who seemed very elderly was reading Paatth with such high spirits and was singing Gurbani in a sweet melody rather than reading. The person said it seemed as if the Gurmukh Pyaare knew Gurbani off by heart and was in great ecstasy. It makes you think that when Gurbani is read with love, rass (sweetness) and pyaar (love) it not only has a great affect on the reader but also those in the Sangat listening. Vaheguru!

From Thursday to Saturday, Aasa Dee Vaar Keertan took place. Every day from 2pm to 4pm there was a seminar and discussion that took place with knowledgeable Gursikhs on Gurbani and the Gurbani vichaar of Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh jee. On Saturday, Neil Carleton, a speaker from the V&A museum, came to do a talk about Sikh artillery and explained about the Shastars (weapons) of the time of Baba Banda Singh jee Bahadar and Maharaja Ranjeet Singh. The following day there was a presentation and vichaar by Bhai Joginder Singh jee, Bhai Jagjit Singh jee and Dr. Virk about the life, Rehat (discipline), sacrifice and service to the Khalsa Panth. With Guru jee's kirpaa the foundation stone for a monument in memory of the all Shaheeds of the Khalsa Panth and in memory of the 6 holocausts the Sikh nation has faced was laid by the Panj Pyaare.

Below are pictures (taken from Scottish Sikhs Flickr) of the Sunday night Rainsbaaee Keertan:

Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee.

Sangat at Rainsbaaee Keertan

Master Niranjan Singh jee (Canada). Vaheguru!

Bhai Manmohan Singh jee (California)

Bhai Jagdev Singh jee (France)

Bhai Manjeet Singh jee (Glasgow)

Bhai Sahib from India who looks and sounds like Dr. Tejinderpal Singh jee (Dulla Veer jee).

Bhai Parminder Singh jee (Australia). Vaheguru! Dhan Guru, Dhan Guru Ke Pyaare.

Panj Pyaare after Amrit Sanchaar. Vaheguru! With Guru jee's kirpaa approximately 100 or so people took Amrit. The Amrit Sanchaar started 4pm and finished at 3.30am.

The next Smaagam is this week at Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara Sahib with a Rainsbaaee Keertan on Saturday 30th April. Visit www.akj.org for more details.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Seva of the Panth...

Below is a letter of Shaheed Bhai Fauja Singh jee sent to his wife Bibi Amarjeet Kaur jee whilst he was in prison. Bhai Sahib stressed that just doing Naam Simran and Paath and focusing on our own personal life alone is not good enough. Neither is focusing on seva of the Panth whilst ignoring and not putting in practice Rehat (discipline), Amrit-Vela and Naam Simran. Bhai Sahib instilled spirit of seva, simran and sacrifice in the youth of the time. May Guru jee bless us all with the devotion, Rehat and spirit shown by Shaheed Bhai Fauja Singh jee. Dhan Guru, Dhan Guru ke Pyaare!

Respected Amarjeet Kaur jeeo,

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh!

I have accepted your advice and have forgotten that Singh. He can do whatever he wants. What is it to us?

Otherwise, I have a request I want to make of you. We have finished our worldly lives and taken birth in the Guru’s house and even more than that, we have enlisted in the Guru’s army. It is the responsibility of every Sikh born in the Guru’s house that he does some seva, and we have as of yet not been able to do this seva with our own hands. But we certainly should do some seva. You should consider the case you are fighting as seva of Gursikhi and do so in a heartfelt, happy and thankful spirit, knowing that Satguru jee is teaching something and something good will come out of this lesson.

If you stay laughing and happy, then know that His Will is sweet. There is almost no Sikh spirit left in Singhs now. If you stay laughing and happy, then forget just Fauja Singh, know that you will break the jail of the entire world. If you lose this battle or feel scared/worried, and if you go sit alone in regret, then know that the living example of Sikhi has begun to falter. Become like how Singhs and Singhnees are supposed to be. Make your life embody those principles. That hot air (hard time) you are in now, should become cool after touching your body. Those jungles that you must go through should remain laughing by your spirit for years to come. Those oceans which you must cross, their deepness and terror should always be reduced. Those paths that you are going to walk on, should forever bear your marks. That life which rises above cowardice becomes like a spring of love. It becomes a tower of sacrifice. Those people who call sacrifice “being destroyed”, let them say it. This is what suits them. Those people who enjoy sleeping on their comfortable beds, and call this “life”, let them talk. This is their delusion.

Those who see jail and the noose as Manmat, let them rest. They cannot resolve any affair of the Kaum (nation). Those who become terrified by the crackle of the gun, let them Jap Naam so their cowardice can be eliminated.

Those who cannot protect their own life, faith and daughters and sisters, let them act smart because they cannot do kurbani (sacrifice). Those who are attached to their daughters, sons, properties, wealth, jobs etc. let them remain intoxicated in that. They know a lot of excuses and they cannot bear any hardships due to their nature.

Do not feel bad about those who use the excuse of bhagti (devotional worship) and do not pay attention to the work of the Kaum. This is their karma.

Don’t speak to the frog in the well about the ocean. Understanding the ocean is not something it is capable of doing. Those Kaums who smoke cigarettes and use tobacco are rising to new heights. The Singh children of Dasam Guru, the free Kaums, are crying for the Saviour.

Sat Sri Akaal to the Sarbat Khalsa.

Fauja Singh

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


During Vaisakhi (14th April 2011), the Sikhs remember the faith and devotion of the Panj Pyaare, and also the sacrifices of innocent people in Jallianwala Bagh in 1919 and the bold sacrifice of the 13 Gursikhs who died in 1978 whilst peacefully protesting against disrespect of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee. May Guru Jee bless all of us with Rehat (discipline), devotion, and desire to follow his Path. Dhan Guru, Dhan Guru Ke Pyaare.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Nishkam Primary School...

With Waheguru's kirpaa, the first Sikh Primary School in Birmingham is opening September 2011. At the moment there is a Nishkam Nursery which has children from Hindu, Muslim and other backgrounds as well as Sikh children. Below is a video about the school:

Nishkam Primary School Video from Be Inspired Films on Vimeo.

There is a positive newspaper article about the new Sikh school as well. See link.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

BBC documentary,,,

The BBC has for the first-time made a special 30-minute programme called ‘The Story of Vaisakhi’.

The programme aims to increase awareness of non-Sikhs about how Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji created a blueprint for a Sikhs’ distinctive and unique visual identity.

The film explores themes, such as, tolerance, equality, humility, dignity and an active concern for others.

Many including the Sikh Federation (UK) have contributed to this film to provide an introduction to this annual Sikh festival.

It has been confirmed ‘The Story of Vaisakhi’ will be shown on Sunday 10 April 2011 on BBC 1 at 1.15pm (UK time) and the film can be seen across Europe via satellite.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

"Stop your car..."

Today I stopped over at the local shop to buy some groceries. On the way out of the shop I sat in my car. A man pulled up in a car next to me. I could feel as if he was looking at me. The man then looked away, so I didn't think much of it. I was pulling out my car, when the same man gets out of the car and stands in front of the car and waves me to stop. I thought perhaps my car tyre has a puncture or something.

I put the window down, and the man said, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I saw you wearing a turban and wanted to ask you a question." I smiled and said, "What is your question." He said, "Do Hindus wear turbans?... Ermm... Are you Sikh?" I replied, "Well, some Hindus in India might wear a turban for cultural reasons, however Sikhs wear a turban because it is a part of their religion." He smiled and said, "I have been waiting for a long time to find someone wearing a turban to ask that question. Thank you for that. My grandfather fought in World War 2 in Burma. He used tell me that the Sikhs are a brave people and that they are courageous. He has a lot of respect for Sikhs. I am glad I met you. Sorry for taking your time." He smiled and walked away.

It was a strange but pleasant meeting. Amazing how much respect the man had for the Dastaar and Sikhi.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Bibi Harvinder Kaur Jee is back again!

Good news - Bibi Harvinder Kaur Khalsa (former celebrity, Alexandra Aitken) returns back to Coventry to inspire the Sangat. Bibi jee will be doing a follow up talk and question & answers session with her husband, Bhai Inderjot Singh. Bhai Sahib will be telling his amazing story of transformation to a Gursikh. This is another opportunity to be inspired if you missed the first talk by Bibi Harvinder Kaur. For more info: www.facebook.com/sikh.inspirations

Friday 8th April 2011
7pm to 9pm

Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha
47-49 Cross Road, Coventry, CV6 5GR.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Old Kirtan Video...

An old video of Giani Gurdev Singh jee doing Keertan which Veer Japnaam Singh found. Bhai Sahib is a Kirtani of Akhand Kirtani Jatha and been trained in Gurbani with Damdami Taksaal.
