Monday, February 13, 2017

School presentation on Sikhi...

A few weeks ago I was invited to a local Church of England primary school to do an assembly on Sikhi for Years 5 and 6 (aged 9-11 years). The interactive presentation was just over 30 minutes long. I thought I would share what was said with images of the slides used so that others can borrow ideas if they wish to do something similar in a school in their local area. 

Slides should be only used as a visual aid to help the audience, in particular children, to stimulate and interest. The worst thing one could do is a write up a script and read from a piece of paper. Frankly, its is boring and loses the human touch! However, for the purpose of giving ideas to the Sangat on this blog, I have made a transcript what I said to the children at this particular assembly. 

When presenting to young children, the speaker should be full of enthusiasm and really bold and over the top with their body language. Your excitement rubs off on the children. If you value what you say, they will value what you say. 

Wherever, there are questions, I actually asked the children those questions and took 1 to 2 responses from different students. One thing to remember is that young children love to talk, so you cannot give every child with their hand up the chance to say something.

Hopefully, the transcript and slides below will help others. The assembly had a great response from both teachers and students. It would be great if others could share the message of Guru Nanak Dev Ji with their communities. Through awareness and education, misunderstandings and ignorance which leads to racism and bullying, can be prevented.

A very short introduction to Sikhi

Good morning everyone! [The children sweetly replied together in a loud voice, "Good morning Mr Singh".]

You may be looking at me and realise that I look different. I have a lovely beard, a neatly wrapped turban on my head, and wearing this dress. Well, by the end of the assembly you should be able to understand why I look this way. Let's make a start...

1. The difference between animal life and human life
What makes a human being special?
Is it sleeping?... But animals also sleep!
Is it eating?... But animals also eat!
Is it talking?... But animals also talk!
Is it having a family?... But animals also have families?
Is it working?... But animals also work!

So, what is the purpose of human life? It must be something special, and something that makes us different to animals!

2. The purpose of human life
Before, we go to our answer, I want to you to show these images, which can help us get to our answer.  

Can you please tell me... 
Do we tell our lungs to work? [The children responded, "No".]... They just work. We just breath. Evening if we want to hold our breath, we cannot totally stop breathing!
Do we tell our heart to pump blood across the body? [The children responded, "No".]... The heart just works. Blood is pumped around the body, without me or you having to think about it.
Do we tell our digestion system to digest food? [The children responded, "No".]... When we eat something, our body automatically digests the food and takes the goodness out of the food to help the body. So it works without us doing anything.
Do we tell the earth to spin around? [The children responded, "No".] It happens without me or you doing anything.

Now, these things don't just happen - there is a hidden one 'Amazing Power' behind all of this -- who made me, you, and the world around us. That Amazing Power is the breath of life inside me and you, the battery that powers the world, and makes everything work! Pretty amazing, don't you think?

So, what is the purpose of human life?

The purpose of human life is to experience and meet that Amazing Power, the One, which some call 'God', some call 'Allah', and Sikhs call 'Vahiguru'. Pretty amazing, don't you think?

3. Connecting with Vahiguru, the Amazing One
So how can we do that?

Everything that we see around us is vibrating. Even the walls are vibrating, although it looks still. But the vibration is so subtle, so quiet, that it cannot be heard with our ears, or seen with our eyes.

So, where does vibration come from? The answer is... Sound!

This 'Amazing Sound' comes from the 'Amazing Power'. Through this sound vibrating, the universe was made, and everything exists. This amazing vibration is called 'Naam'. Can you say 'Naam' for me. [Then I said well done to the children.]

To experience the One-- the Amazing Power--... we have to connect, feel and become in tune with its vibration.

Vibration leads us to the Sound, and the Sound leads us to the Word. If we work backwards, then the Word leads us to the Sound, and that Sounds leads us to the Vibration. That special Word is given to us to by the Guru to meditate and connect with the Amazing Power. The special word is 'Vahiguru'. Can you all say 'Vahiguru'. [Then I said well done to all the students for saying it so nicely.]

'Vahi' means 'Amazing', and 'Guru' means 'Light', but not any ordinary light. What does light get rid of? [The children replied, "darkness".] In the dark people get scared, people can't see, they don't know where to walk, and it gets lonely. But when the light comes on, then you don't need to feel lonely, nor sad, scared or feel lost. This is what happens when the one Amazing Power comes in our life.

4. Simran Practical
Our mind can behave like a monkey sometimes and jump all around. So how can we control the monkey mind and become focused. Well, just like a ship in the sea can get carried away with the waves, it needs something to keep it from moving. Can anyone tell me what that would be? [One child replied, "An anchor."]. Yes, an anchor is needed. Even if the ship is overwhelmed by the waves, the anchor pulls back the ship to where it should be. Similarly, when the mind begins to behave like a monkey, doing meditation -- repeating Vahiguru-- helps to bring back the mind, become calm, and feel peace. [I then got the children to repeat "Vahi Guru" and feel the energy and power of Simran, and asked how they felt doing it. The children gave a positive feedback].

5. The Great Teacher
So, who can teach us about the Amazing Power, which we call 'God' or 'Vahiguru'?

Well, the Amazing Power, showed itself in the world as a 'Guru' --an 'Amazing Teacher'-- through a human body... called Guru Nanak.

Can you all repeat "Guru Nanak" for me.... [Then I said well done to them.]

Now, just to understand who the Guru really is, we are going to try and use an example.

Imagine, that someones grandmother has died. The child looks at his dad and says, "Daddy, grandma's gone!" The dad then points at the grandmother's dead body and says, "Son, grandma is in front of you." The child then says, "No! Grandma's gone!"

Now, does anyone know why the child says "Grandma's gone" when he can clearly see the body? [Some of the children gave some interesting answers, and others went off topic, which can happen with young children.]

Well, the child was looking for the grandma that used to speak to him and give him love. That 'living voice that spoke' has moved on. Similarly, the Guru is not the body, but the 'living and speaking voice' of the Amazing Power, God. 

One day the body will get old and die, but the Amazing One doesn't die. So when the Amazing Power showed itself as Guru Nanak to the world, it then moved to another body when Guru Nanak's human body got old and died. So the living speaking voice of the Guru moved to another body. After ten human bodies the living voice of the Amazing Power came to live in the Holy Scripture of the Sikhs, called 'Guru Granth Sahib Ji'. Can all say 'Guru Granth Sahib Ji' for me. [Then I said well done to the children.]

So now, when we want to talk to the Amazing One, get advice or guidance, we read and sing the holy words in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. So, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, is the Living Guru of the Sikhs, because it speaks. Does that make sense to everyone? [The children responded, "Yes".]

6. The Sikh way of life (4 Kurehats)
Now, to connect with 'Naam', the Amazing Vibration, the Guru has taught us to live a natural way of life which helps us to stay connected with the One who created us. So everything a Sikh should help him or her feel the presence of God and remember the Amazing One.

1. We love ourselves and accept that we have been born beautiful. So we don't cut our hair. This helps us to connect and feel the Amazing Vibration--Naam. Put your hands up if you have long hair!... [Some girls put their hands up.] Now is it odd for someone to choose to not cut their hair because they feel their hair is lovely and they look beautiful? [The children answered "No."]... Some people have their hair tied in a pony tail, others loose, but Sikh boys and girls tie their hair on the top of their head. This helps keep the hair out of their face, and makes you feel awake and alert. Is it strange if someone decides to tie their up hair on the head, and keep it covered? [The children responded, "No".] [The objective was to normalise keeping Kesh and wearing a Patka or Dastaar, because there was one Sikh child in the assembly who used to have cut hair but has now recently kept his Kesh and wears a Patka.]

2. As you can see in these pictures, these lovely animals are being treated horribly. There is a photo of dogs in cage ready to be eaten, a cow crying, pigs squeezed in bars, and two chickens cuddling one another looking scared. Well, Sikhs are against animal cruelty. Put your hands up if you are against being cruel to animals? [All the children put their hands up, even the teachers]. 

Now, what is the worst thing you could do to be cruel to someone? [A child replied, "Kill them."]. Yes, to kill an animal just because you want to eat it and find it tasty, is the cruelest thing you could do to animal. For this reason Sikhs don't kill animals to eat. Kindness and compassion helps us to connect with Naam. Does that sound strange or odd? [All the children responded "No."]

3. As Sikhs we are instructed by the Guru to treat every other woman and man as your sister or brother. We are to live like one big family. So we are nasty to one another, and instead we should stick up for one another, and treat others with the same respect of an elder brother or sister. It is our duty to protect and defend our brothers or sisters. Does that make sense and sound a good idea? [All the children responded "Yes."] Keeping pure thoughts helps us to connect with Naam.

4. We don't eat, drink or do anything which makes (1) our mind sleepy and sluggish so that we forget the Amazing One; (2) make the mind crazy so it does silly things and behaves like a monkey; or (3) which harms or destroys this beautiful body. Does that sound a good idea? [Everyone responded "Yes."]. So do you think it is a good idea to smoke? [The children said, "No."] To drink alcohol? [The children said, "No."] To take drugs? [The children said, "No."

So, Sikhs don't drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs. We treat this body like a church, mosque or Gurdwara.

 7. The Sikh dress code
To end with...

Why do I Iook like this?

To help us to connect and feel the Amazing Power, we wear this amazing uniform!

So let's start from the top and work down.

1. So, I have already talked about the hair being special. But I am also wearing a turban on my head. What does a king or queen wear on their head? [The children responded "A crown."] Now, someone who wears a crown sits on a special seat. What is that the special seat called? [The children said "A throne."] Well, my turban is a crown! It reminds me that just like someone who sits on a throne has duties and responsibilities, I have a duty and responsibilty as well. My duty and responsibility is to behave in a beautiful way, and help make the world around me a beautiful place. It also protects my head and keeps my hair nice and tidy.

2. Now, inside my special turban, I have a very special comb. [I showed them a Kangha]. This special comb is made of wood and it is kept nicely tucked in my hair. Why do you think I keep this on me? [The children responded, "To comb your hair."] To keep myself nice and tidy I have been given this special comb. A Sikh should always be clean and ready to represent the Guru.

3. On my arm I am wearing this lovely iron bangle. Christians wear a bracelet which has "WWJD" written on it. Put your hand up if you have seen one of these, or you have worn one of these? [None of the children had]. "WWJD" stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" Similarly, wearing the Kara is a constant reminder to a Sikh of "What would the Guru do?" We do silly things or good things with our hands, so its a lovely reminder to help me stay connected with the Amazing One.

4. Underneath, I am wearing some special shorts. These shorts are really wide [I stretched my arms out]. But I am not that fat. So why are they so big! Well, they have a special cord. When you pull the cord, the shorts become smaller and you get loads of folds. These shorts are really great because you can run, walk, or jump and you are always covered and never need to feel embarrassed because you are naked. They are practical and reminds a Sikh to behave like a saint.

5. Lastly, we wear a small special sword. Police Officers carry a baton-- should we be scared of a Police Officer? [The children said, "No."] Why? Because the Police Officers carry it to protect the community and keep everyone safe. Soldiers in the army carry a gun-- should we be scared of a soldier? [The children said, "No."] Why? Because the soldiers carry a gun to protect us. A doctor in hospital has a knife when doing surgery. Would we be scared of him? [The children said, "No."]. Similarly, a Sikh wears their small special sword to defend and protect others, not to harm others, and therefore there is nothing to feel scared of when you see a Kirpan. It should only be used as a last resort.

8. Any questions

9. Ending
Thank you so much for listening today and behaving so well. You have done your teachers proud! If you ever see a Sikh now, you can always say "hello" now that you know about them. The Sikh place of worship is called a Gurdwara, where the Guru lives and Sikhs get together to pray, learn and eat together. Every Gurdwara has free vegetarian meal served called Langar, which is offered to all visitors. So, next time you see a Gurdwara, you are welcome to come in and have a look around. Bless you all.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Which is the true picture of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?

A child asks his mother, "Maa, which is the true picture of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?"

The mother says, "Son, why do you ask?"

The child says, "Maa, people have made pictures of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, however each picture looks different. If the picture is truly of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, then wouldn't the pictures at least look like the same person physically?"

"You are right, my son," the mother says. "However, people have made these pictures out of devotion. This what people thought Guru Nanak Dev Ji looked like."

The child says, "But Maa, if Guru Nanak Dev Ji truly showed himself to people or had people made pictures of him, wouldn't the pictures at least look like they are showing the same person? Some pictures Guru Ji is wearing a hat, another Guru Ji has a short beard, in another Guru Ji is made to look overweight, in another Guru Ji has a long face, and in another Guru Ji has a round face... Which is the true picture of Guru Nanak Dev Ji?"

The mother says, "Son, looking at pictures it reminds us of the Guru. Whatever the picture looks like, however, someone thinks Guru Nanak Dev Ji looks like that, even though they accept it is not a true image. Seeing it reminds them of the Guru."

The son replies, "But Maa, you said that the Guru is Gurbani. Wouldn't reading and understanding Gurbani not be the best remembrance of the Guru? What better description of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's picture and appearance could you get than His own words that He spoke from His mouth contained in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?"

The mother thinks and says, "Son, you are right... Putting up these untrue pictures of Guru Sahib will not help us get closer to Sri Guru Guru Granth Sahib Ji- our true Guru." Embracing the child, the mother says, "Son, Guru Gobind Singh Ji told us to accept Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the Guru and see the Guru's physical representation in the Khalsa. From now on, we will put up framed Gurbani pictures around the house. Seeing this we will truly be reminded of the True Guru.... Gurbani."

ਬਾਣੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਗੁਰੂ ਹੈ ਬਾਣੀ ਵਿਚਿ ਬਾਣੀ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਸਾਰੇ || 
"GurBani is the Guru, and the Guru is GurBani. Within GurBani, Amrit (the spiritual-life) is contained." (Natt Naaraayan M:4, 982)

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What happens when Gatwick Airport stopped a Sikh?... Story of Bhai Jagmeet Singh

Bhai Jagmeet Singh with his wife and baby meeting Bhai Jagraj Singh and his 2 children. 
On 11th January 2017, Bhai Jagmeet Singh was stopped on the way to picking up his wife and baby from inside the terminal of Gatwick Airport. Staff had stopped him after been alerted that a man of his description had a knife.
Bhai Jagmeet Singh explained to the staff that he was a Sikh and he was within the law to wear the Kirpan. After a lengthy conversation it appeared that that senior staff of Gatwick Airport wear not familiar with who Sikhs are, and furthermore had been given no diversity training that included knowing about Sikhs.
It is quite shocking to know this, as there is a lot of focus on equality and diversity training in all fields of work. Bhai Jagmeet Singh requested to speak to the Senior Supervisor, which he recorded the conversation with the permission of everyone involved. During the conversation, Bhai Sahib learnt that you can take a 3 inch Kirpan through security screening and on the plane if traveling via Gatwick, similar to Heathrow and Luton airports allowing 6cm sharps (2.36 inches) that allows Kirpan blades of that size.
Bhai Sahib has urged all the UK Sangat and all concerned individuals to email the management of Gatwick Airport to highlight your concerns and request they amend their official policies and correctly train all staff so incidents like this or worse do not happen in the future. E-mail:
Audio of the conversation below. From the audio we can say that handled the situation very well and represented Sikhs in a good light.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Drama filled journey to New Zealand... (Part 3)

Arriving at Auckland Airport, I headed straight to the arrival gate, as I didn't have any luggage. The customs officer stopped me and questioned why I didn't have any luggage. After showing my "missing report form" to the officer, he said, "This form is incomplete. You need to report it to the luggage help desk here." So I had to go all the way back to luggage area and report my suitcase missing. This time they asked the colour and description of the suitcase (which helps!).
Gursikh Pyaare came to collect me and took me to a Gursikh's house. As I didn't have any clothes, Gursikhs kindly arranged a (new) Kachhera so that I could do Ishnaan. As I had no spare clothes, and needed to the Gurdwara straight after I had a shower. I gave my clothes to get washed (on a quick cycle) and asked Mata Ji to put the clothes in the dryer afterwards so that my clothes will be ready to wear by the time I have had a shower and washed my hair.
Mata Ji gave me a vest. I have not worn anyone's vest in my life. However, this was a pressing time! Unfortunately the vest was super tight! My clothes were put outside on the clothes line for drying rather than the drying machine, so I had nothing to wear to the Gurdwara. Mata Ji kindly gave me her son's Kurta Pyjama to wear, which she said should fit me. Again, I don't usually wear other people's clothes, but I had no choice.

When I wore the Kurta Pyjama, it was big for me and mega loose. So underneath I am wearing a mega tight vest, and on top I am wearing a mega open and loose Kurta and Pyjama. The Kurta Pyjama was a traditional Punjabi style one, with a very loose and open Pyjama. When I walked the Pyjama moved (I suppose it could have acted like a fan). Going to the Gurdwara Sahib, I walked really slow to do Matha Tekh, hoping my baggy Kurta Pyjama doesn't move side to side too much. After doing Parkarma, I sat down to listen to Keertan. At the end of the programme I met the Gursikh whose house I was staying at. Bhai Sahib said to me, "Your clothes look very loose and baggy. It looks like you are wearing someone's clothes." I awkwardly responded, "Bhai Sahib, these are your clothes. I lost my suitcase and don't have any clothes!"
The following day I had my Chola to wear (which had dried by now). The drama and tribulations continued for 3 days. (Thank you to the Gursikhs who took me shopping to buy some vests - sadly couldn't find a Chola to buy. The closest thing an Indian clothes shop had was a red Sherwani suite with embroidery. As expected I thought I would give it a miss!). We must have visited Auckland Airport on three ocassions to find out what was happening with my suitcase. Eventually the Airport located my suitcase in.... Singapore! How on earth, it arrived Singapore I don't know.
On the fourth day, the day Khalsa Camp New Zealand was taking place, I got a phonecall at the campsite from Auckland that my suitcase had arrived (after several Ardaas'). The airport luggage worker said I had to speak to the customs officer on the phone. The customers officer said, "Excuse me Sir, your luggage has arrived but we have to ask some questions regarding the contents.... Can you please explain why you have several large knives in your bag." I explained, "I am Sikh, they are Kirpans. They are part of my religious dress." The customers officer then said, "Can you please confirm that you are not intending on using these knives on anyone during your stay in New Zealand." (Who on earth would say they planned to use them on someone!)  I felt like the phonecall was a prank (but it wasn't). Taken aback by his strange comment, I said, "No, I don't plan to use them on anyone." He then said, "That's fine Sir. Well, you are free then to collect your luggage. Thanks."
The experience made me appreciate my clothes, and realize to always keep spare clothes in the hand luggage bag. The experience for sure added drama and humour to the trip.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Drama filled journey to New Zealand... (Part 2)

I had two bags- one with my with my Langar (parothay, home-made sandwiches, fruit etc), and the other was my computer bag. To get to the KLM desk I had to go through arrival customs point. In front of me were about 20 Chinese people, who all casually walked through customs without being stopped or questioned. As soon as they saw me, two or three of the Chinese customs staff started to point at me and signalled for me to come over to them. I thought, "This looks a bit racist. You didn't say anything to 20 Chinese people, and when you see me, all of you signal me to come over." 

When I went over, they said (which sounded like shouting- but that was just their style of speaking), "You have fruit... You have fruit... No fruit... No fruit." I thought how do they know that I have fruit? Then I realised, after looking at my re-usuable plastic bag that had my Langar in that the outside of the bag was covered with a photo of pears. Looking at the bag with the photo of fruit, they thought I had fruit (which was true as well!). 

The Chinese customs guy said that he wanted to check my bag. I told him he couldn't touch my food or go inside the food bag because I follow a special diet. I repeated the second time "No touch... Special diet." The guy smiled back and said, "Spiritual diet?" I replied, "Yes." In broken English he smiled and said, "No touch... but no take... Me keep... you go... come back" I tried to explain that I am just visiting the KLM desk and will be back inside the airport and that I need my food as I won't eat anything else. With Guru Sahib's Kirpaa he got the message somehow and I gave him a sealed bag of fruit which he said he will keep to the side for sake keeping.

So then I got the KLM desk. I told them my problem (this time the lady could speak English). The lady replied, "Don't worry, the luggage is still unloading. Please go downstairs and wait at the luggage belt." I thought Hey Rabba! I have been waiting for an hour. No one is there. The luggage belt was empty! I asked her to please ring the luggage people to confirm that luggage is still being unloaded. When she rang, to no surprise, she confirmed that all the flight luggage had been unloaded and delivered.

So I asked her to ring Amsterdam Airport to see if my luggage was still there. I was shocked to hear the lady say, "Sorry, we can't make international phone calls." Rab Rakha! I eventually persuaded the lady to send an email to Amsterdam. I asked her to help as I couldn't go on holiday for three weeks without any clothes! She said, "Please report the luggage missing at the luggage help desk." I explained that the guy there refused to write a missing report for me. She then rang him and said to me, "Please try now." 

Going back through customs, I went back to the customs (side entrance) who happily gave back my fruit bag. I was taken aback that the officer was so happy with me and showed a lot of respect. I then went back to the missing luggage office. The same man was taken aback to see, and you could tell that he felt embarrassed (after receiving the phonecall from the KLM desk). As the airport worker struggled to speak or understand English, another Chinese man in the queue (who seemed to live in the USA) offered to translate for me (but I think his Chinese was not too good). Eventually the man at the help desk gave me a missing luggage form to fill in. I filled in my name, address and flight details. But no one asked me what my luggage looked like, which is slightly strange if you are trying to locate it. Being unsatisfied with the piece of paper that I was given (which I later discovered to be an incomplete and unprocessed missing report form).

Having filled in the (incomplete) missing luggage report, I then had to go through the security screening to get the next departure gate. At the security gate I wanted to tell the man to wear gloves when patting me down, as he looked like a smoker and his hands were most likely dirty touching people's shoes. However, you may now guess what I am going to say.... the man couldn't speak any English.  Having not had a shower for over a day, I thought what harm would it make if this man's dirty hands touched my clothes, considering I felt dirty anyway. 

Originally I was supposed to leave from Guangzhou (China) to Auckland at 2.30pm on 16th December. However, instead the redirected flight from Shangai was due to leave at 12.50am on 17th December. So I was delayed in China by 12 hours 20 minutes. At this point I had messaged Gursikhs to do Ardaas that I get reunited with my luggage! (Thank you to the Toronto Singhs Camp WhatsApp group!).

To be continued...

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Drama filled journey to New Zealand... (Part 1)

Setting off from Birmingham airport, I checked-in my luggage. I took my normal size Kirpaan and put it in the suitcase in front of the check-in desk. The lady asked me to check-in my luggage in the special luggage area because she didn't want myluggage stopped anywhere because of the Kirpaan. I explained that its common for Sikhs to put their Kirpaan in their luggage and no one says anything. But the lady was insistent that I should check-in my luggage in the special luggage area (which is really for fragile and over sized luggage) because of the Kirpaan. When I went to the special luggage area to check-in, I explained that I had been sent because I have a few Kirpaans in my luggage. The man didn't seem bothered and seemed puzzled why I had come there.

The security staff at Birmingham were very nice, and I got through to the terminal. Sadly the flight got missed due to bad weather conditions in Amsterdam. My flight was to go from Birmingham to Amsterdam (Holland), then Amsterdam to Guangzhou (China), then from China to Auckland (New Zealand). As I my flight got delayed by one and a half hours at Birmingham, I missed my connection flight at Amsterdam, which was supposed to take off at 12.30pm to China.
As I got off the plane at Amsterdam airport there were big queues everywhere. I somehow got in the line for the KLM desk by avoiding the queue. I decided to check my emails whilst in the queue and found that KLM had re-booked my flight. So I called over a member of staff standing nearby and showed my email. She happily got me out of the queue and printed out my boarding pass on the ticket machine. My flight now as going to Shanghai at 7.45pm (which is a delay of 7 hours 15 minutes!). I asked her, "What happens with my luggage?" The lady from KLM said, "Your luggage will automatically go to Auckland." She didn't sound very confident saying this, so I asked her again. She repeated the same thing, and smiled saying, "Don't worry Sir. Your luggage will arrive by itself to the final destination." I thought okay. The lady printed me a voucher of 5 Euros to buy food and refreshments due to the delay. When I got the store in the airport, I realised that one bottle of water is 2.5 Euros. So I bought 2 bottles (as they would also come in handy for the flight because usually they don't give sealed bottled water). I thought, "What about if someone is hungry?" Luckily, I had taken my own food and so sat down in the waiting area.

On the journey from Amsterdam to China I was sitting in between two people who were eating meat balls and drinking alcohol, which had a very overwhelming smell! Arriving in China, we were told to go to the immigration counter. All the passengers on the transfer flight were asked to show their visa. We tried to explain that we don't have a visa because we don't want to stop off in China and we are on a transfer flight instead. The problem was that most of the Chinese staff couldn't speak English. Eventually one woman officer came who could comprehend some basic English. She realised the situation and then got the staff to give us a temporary visa (for staying within the airport!).

When we got through immigration we were told that we have to pick up our luggage. I was surprised but thought O well. Everyone on the flight with me collected their luggage and proceeded on. I was the last man standing at the luggage belt and realised my luggage hadn't arrived (a not so nice feeling!). So I went to the luggage support desk and asked the man for help as my luggage had not arrived. Guess what? The man couldn't speak English! I was trying to use a mix of speaking slowly and hand signals. He realised I couldn't find my luggage but apart from that, nothing else. He said in broken English, "You report in New Zealand... not here." 

Not satisfied with his response. I decided to find the KLM desk in the airport, in hope to get more help. However, the KLM desk was on the other side of arrivals, and meant I would have to leave the internal airport area and walk through customs into the arrival area.

To be continued...

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Khalsa Camp New Zealand 2016...

With the blessings of Guru Sahib, Khalsa Camp New Zealand was held from 19th to 23rd December 2016 at Camp Adair in Hanua. This was the first time that Khalsa Camp has taken place in New Zealand. Khalsa Camp was the first ever residential Sikh camp in the UK, which was established in 1990. It has since expanded across the world and has been providing inspiration and motivation to young and old seeking to discover the spirit within in Canada, USA, India, Australia and now New Zealand.

The camp was attended by around 80-100 people. The target audience was 16+ years, however families attended. The invited speakers for the camp included by Bhai Surjit Singh Ji Nadala (India), and Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Ji from Vismaad Productions (India). Bhai Surjit Singh talked about the purpose of life and basics of Gursikhi Jeevan, and Bhai Sukhwinder Singh talked about the responsibilities of wearing a Dastaar and what the Dastaar stands for, as well as a lecture on the power of Gurbani to transform someone. The seva given to Daas was to speak on was how we have to come to this earth to gain profit, and life after death in accordance to Gurbani.

Bhai Jatinder Singh Ji, Bhai Harpreet Singh Ji and all other camp Sevadaars from Khalsa Camp New Zealand team did amazing job in organising the camp! All the outside speakers and guests were amazed at how smoothly the camp ran. The organisers had arranged really good activities to ensure all campers got to know one other, and helped to create relaxed and welcoming spiritual environment. Considering it was the first ever camp, I was very impressed and it felt like the organizers had been organizing such camps for a long time. Having been to many camps, this camp left a very positive impression on my mind. Khalsa Camp New Zealand was such a success that with Guru Ji's Kirpaa 10 people went to receive Khande-Di-Pahul and join the Khalsa family the following week. I hope the camp sevadaars continue to do the good work and with Guru Sahib's blessings Khalsa Camp New Zealand grows in its success.

The camp day would begin with Amrit-vela Naam Simran and Nitnem from 3am to 6am. At 8.45am, after breakfast, the first presentation took place. After a short break, there would be different workshops, followed by lunch. After lunch, the second presentation took place, followed by workshops. Then there would be activities, followed by evening divaan and then Langar.

Some photos from Khalsa Camp New Zealand:

 Guru Ji's Darbaar

Amrit-Vela Simran

Lecture by Bhai Surjit Singh Ji

Lecture by Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Ji

Questions and answers session


High ropes


Activity time

Activity time

Bhai Navraj Singh (Pilot), Bhai Amritpal Singh Nihang Ji, and Bhai Gurpreet Singh (Tabla Master)

Lunchtime stroll

Gursikhs from Christchurch

Bonfire night

Gurbani and Sikh History version of Charades game

 Group photo with Sevadaars

 Last divaan. Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Ji singing: ਬਿਲਛਿ ਬਿਨੋਦ ਆਨੰਦ ਸੁਖ ਮਾਣਹੁ ਖਾਇ ਜੀਵਹੁ ਸਿਖ ਪਰਵਾਰ ||੧|| (Revel in it, delight in it, be happy and enjoy peace, and live long, O my family of Sikhs.) 

Sangat during last divaan

Camp co-ordinator, Bhai Harpreet Singh, addressing Sangat in final divaan

Young camper, Jasjot Singh, singing Kaveeshree (poetry) about Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa. It was very impressive!

Group photo before leaving camp site

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Larreevaar Saroop Akhand Paath by AKJ BC Youth...

In honour of the Shaheedi of the Elder Sahibzaade, Akhand Kirtani Jatha B.C. (Canada) youth held an Akhand Paath from a Larreevaar Saroop. The Akhand Paath Sahib took place from 19th December to 21st December 2016. It was the first full Akhand Paath Sahib from a Larreevaar Saroop that was entirely undertaken by the youth.

All the Seva was done in accordance to Gurmat, and with utmost respect for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This is a very inspirational step taken by the youth, and hopefully this will encourage more youth to become Larreevaar Paathis! It is very encouraging to see Akhand Kirtani Jatha in the forefront for preserving the heritage and tradition of Larreevaar passed down by Guru Sahib.
Without such steps being taken, there is a danger that the original Saroop and way of writing Gurbani that Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji blessed us with, will disappear and be left as a part of history. All forms of Gurbani, whether Pad-Chhed (separated words) or Larreevaar (joint words), are worthy of respect, however we have to acknowledge that Guru Gobind Singh Ji never invented Pad-Chhed. Pad-Chhed Saroop, which you can say is a form of Gurbani used for Santhiyaa or teaching how to read Gurbani, was first printed in the mid-20th century, and today it has become the most common form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji that is Prakaash in Gurdwaras throughout the world, with the except of the Takht Sahibs, Sri Harmandir Sahib and historical Gurdwaras in India.

In the video below Bhai Surjit Singh Ji explains the importance of Larreevaar:

Monday, December 05, 2016

Please pray for Bhai Jagraj Singh...

Most of the Sangat will now be aware that our dear brother, Bhai Jagraj Singh, has been diagnosed with stage four advanced cancer that has spread to his liver and is inoperable, after an announcement was made last Wednesday. Veer Ji is the founder and CEO of Basics of Sikhi. The Everythings 13 team that runs Basics of Sikhi and other Sikh initiatives announced that Bhai Jagraj Singh might only have a few months to live.

With Guru Ji's Kirpaa (Grace), Basics of Sikhi has revolutionised Sikhi Parchaar, and Veer Ji's contribution to this Seva will be remembered when the history of Sikhi in the 21st century is written. Guru Ji has blessed Veer Ji with inspiring many with his style and approach to Parchaar. He showed courage and boldness in beginning street Parchaar and reaching out to the wider public in sharing Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Sikhi, engaging in debates with other religions' speakers, making Sikhi accessible on YouTube, and systematically teaching Sikhi via Sikh courses throughout the country and world. Most importantly, with Guru Ji's Grace, he has inspired others to step up to the mark to share Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Sikhi with the world. A Parchaarik course has been started, and more and more young Sikhs from the West are pursuing a life vocation of Parchaar of Sikhi.

Bhai Jagraj Singh speaking to Arise TV about the 1984 Sikh Genocide.

Bhai Jagraj Singh answering the questions of a Muslim preacher, Dawah Man.
Bhai Jagraj Singh doing street Parchaar on the streets of UK
Bhai Jagraj Singh representing Sikhs on BBC's Big Question show
Bhai Jagraj Singh and Bhai Baljit Singh doing informative shows on Anand Karaj on Akaal Channel
Bhai Jagraj Singh doing Katha on weekly English divaan at Park Avenue Gurdwara Southall
Bhai Jagraj Singh delivering the "Why Guru?" course, introducing Sikhi for beginners.

When announcing to the Sangat last week, Bhai Jagraj Singh shared the following message with the Sangat:
“Only SatGuru Ji can give or take life away and they are never wrong, only perfect. In all the Seva that Guru Ji allowed me to do of his beautiful Panth, I’ve made many mistakes and I ask forgiveness from the Sangat. If the Guru’s message has touched you and you feel it’s the truth, I urge you to follow that truth and become a GurSikh as none of us knows how long we have left. Please do Ardaas that Guru Ji gives me a place in his Charan and keeps my family and the Panth in Chardi-Kala. May the Panth flourish, even if I am finished, this is pure joy for me.” 

Bhai Jagmeet Singh and family with Bhai Jagraj Singh and his 2 children
Bhai Jagmeet Singh, who did Seva with Basics of Sikhi, made a post on the Internet that really touched my heart. He wrote that he went to visit Bhai Jagraj Singh with his wife and baby days before he got the diagnosis for cancer. When discussing possible outcomes and death, Bhai Jagmeet Singh writes that "with a beautiful smile, "Singh, don't worry. I already died 16 years ago. This has all been borrowed time." The glow on his face was incredible when he said this... Jagraj Singh bhaji's mission in this life is to help liberate others and attach them to the Charan of Guru Sahib Ji. I know many of us feel powerless at this time and wish there is something that we can do to help. There is...Pray."

Globally the Sangat has been doing Ardaas for the Chardi-Kala of Bhai Jagraj Singh and his family. On Sunday 4th December, a special programme was held at Gurdwara Singh Sabha Southall, where Sangat did Chaupai Sahib Jaap and Ardaas for Veer Ji. Thousands of Sangat gathered for taking part in the Ardaas for Veer Ji. Sangat attended from across the country, and there whole Gurdwara was fully packed out. Over the weekend, I was in Spain for Seva, and the Sangat in various Gurdwaras in Spain did Chaupai Sahib Jaap and Ardaas for Veer Ji.

On Sunday Bhai Jagraj Singh did a moving speech at the end of the Southall programme, in which he asked Sangat: "Don't do Ardaas for me to have a long life, but that I remain in Maharaj's Charan (Holy-Feet), and that my family, the Khalsa, prosper..."

I do Ardaas that Satguru Ji blesses us with more sevadaars like Bhai Jagraj Singh who can help change the world for better. Veer Ji and his family is all of our thoughts and prayers.

Bhai Jagraj Singh and his family

Friday, December 02, 2016


…what would happen if Guru Ji really turned up at a venue to find Sikhs dancing, drinking alcohol, eating meat and listening to vulgar music? | 
ਅਰਦਾਸ ਤਾਂ ਕਰ ਲਈ ਪਰ ਜੇ ਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਸੱਚਮੁਚ ਆ ਗਏ ਫਿਰ ਕੀ ਬਣੂ ? | 
26.11.16, Ambala Diwaan | Dhadrianwale | MUST WATCH and READ… 

The Anand Karaj (or ‘Ceremony of Bliss’) is the actual and only matrimonial rite for the Sikhs. However, either out of ignorance in thinking it is wrongly ‘Sabhyachar’ (culture), or simply due to influence in imitating the modern west, many misguided Sikhs are more focussed on the so-called ‘after wedding’ parties. The majority of such parties go against Gurmat by their very nature and activity, and set dangerous examples for youngsters and future generations. 

In India, the guests assemble from morning at the “wedding palace” whilst only a handful of family members go to the Gurdwara Sahib for the Anand Karaj. In other countries, for example Canada/USA, they have the so-called “wedding reception” on either the evening of or the day after the Anand Karaj. In the UK, it is the afternoon party immediately following the Anand Karaj in what they refer to as the “banqueting hall”…and so forth. 

What’s concerning is the trend of the Granthi Singh doing an Ardaas for the family after the Anand Karaj requesting Guru Ji to give their blessings for the remaining activities to follow. “Maharaj Ji the Anand Karaj has taken place, please bless the newly married couple, and now by being present with your Sevaks give your blessings for the completion of the remaining activities” – this is often heard during the Ardaas at the Gurdwara Sahib after the Anand Karaj is complete. These so-called “remaining activities” they often refer to are the anti-Gurmat after-party functions. In fact, there are now said to be many instances where before these so-called wedding parties commence, they actually ask for blessings from the venue stages before the dancing and partying gets going. 

The question that needs to be asked from those who foolishly do such an Ardaas is whether they want Guru Sahib Ji to actually come and dance with them? They ask for Guru Ji to be present with them, but IF Guru Ji were to really be present with them at these parties, what would Guru Ji think? What would our father Guru Gobind Singh Ji think looking at a venue full of Sikhs partaking in anti-Gurmat activities? Are the disgraceful activities of dancing, eating meat, drinking alcohol, watching singers and listening to vulgar music the actions of the Guru’s Sikhs? Are such actions what the great revolutionary Guru Gobind Singh Ji had taught? 

The Guru’s teachings were for the betterment of society – regardless of race, creed or religion. Sikhs were wise, intellectuals and fighters for righteousness, but they were certainly not Bhangra and Gidda dancers nor were they alcoholics. Why are we joking with our Guru? We are we cheating and practising hypocrisy. In effect, why are we doing Pakhand with Ardaas? The anti-Panthic agencies are undoubtedly at play in employing their deep-rooted schemes to damage the nation. However, the agencies are not the ones forcing us to go and book banqueting hall palaces, dancers, singers or DJ’s. This part of our spiritual and social downfall is a result of our own misguided decisions and lack of intellect in accordance to Gurmat – perhaps at least this much is something we as Sikhs need to control ourselves. 

Let’s start bringing awareness to our own and wider families and friends circles. 

ਕਰਮ ਧਰਮ ਪਾਖੰਡ ਜੋ ਦੀਸਹਿ ਤਿਨ ਜਮੁ ਜਾਗਾਤੀ ਲੂਟੈ ||
Karam Dharam Paakhandd Jo Deesehi Tin Jam Jaagaatee Loottai || 
"The religious rites, rituals and hypocrisies which are seen, are plundered by the Messenger of Death, the ultimate tax collector."
(Soohee M:5, 747)

The following clip of Bhai Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale is taken from the 26 November 2016 Diwaan that took place in the city of Ambala (Haryana).

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

ਕੀ ਗੁਰਸਿੱਖ ਨੂੰ ਮਾੜੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਅਤੇ ਗਾਂਲਾਂ ਸ਼ੋਭਦੇ ਹਨ?… । Can a Gursikh use bad language and slang?...

ਤੈਸੇ ਮੁਖ ਮਧ ਬਾਣੀ ਬਸਤ ਨ ਕੋਊ ਲਖੈ, ਬੋਲੀਐ ਬਿਚਾਰ, ਗੁਰਮਤਿ, ਗੁਨ ਗਾਥ ਜੀ ॥630॥
taisse mukh madh baannee basth na ko-oo lakhai
boleeai bichaar, gurmat, gun gaathh jee ||630||
"So long as our thoughts remain within our mind or mouth, they are fine but once our thoughts come out in form of words, they cant be controlled, so speak after thinking, speak according to Gurmat and speak only good qualities (of others)."
(Bhai Gurdas Ji)

Everybody wants to hang up photos or posters of great Gursikhs, listen to songs of their glorious sacrifices, and share their photos on social media, but when it comes to looking carefully at our lifestyles we sometimes fall short. It is easy to tie a Dastaar, wear a large Kirpan or same style cholaa as the great Gursikhs we hold as role models in our hearts, but the greater challenge is earn Sikhi like they have and make Gurmat a part of every single aspect of our life, including the way we speak and the words we choose to say.

Growing up, most people are surrounded by people at school who swear, use bad language and use slang. Even though some may try to avoid speaking such profanity, the words their ears are exposed to sadly stick in one's mind. From a young age I have always found swear words as disgusting, and swearing with Guru's kirpaa was not part of my daily language.

When I was younger and not yet an Amritdhari, I thought it was unthinkable for an Amritdhari to swear or use bad language. Why? Because they love Guru Ji and those that love Guru Ji try to behave in the way Guru Ji showed and expects from us. However, alarmingly I am seeing more and more Amritdharis use very lowly language like "sh*t", "f**k", "p*ss", "tw*t" etc.  It makes you wonder, does this reflect the language and speech of a Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?

Bad language, regardless of the level of rudeness or insult,  is a product of Maya. A lack of patience, poor coping skills, constant complaining, not thinking before speaking, attachments to dialogue in movies or dramas, and copying negative behaviour of friends or people on the streets can make people swear. People can use bad language either in anger (krodh) or ego (hankaar). Gurbani says:
ਸਲੋਕ ਮ: ੩ ॥ ਮਨਮੁਖ ਬੋਲਿ ਨ ਜਾਣਨ੍‍ੀ ਓਨਾ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਕਾਮੁ ਕ੍ਰੋਧੁ ਅਹੰਕਾਰੁ ॥
ਥਾਉ ਕੁਥਾਉ ਨ ਜਾਣਨੀ ਸਦਾ ਚਿਤਵਹਿ ਬਿਕਾਰ ॥
ਦਰਗਹ ਲੇਖਾ ਮੰਗੀਐ ਓਥੈ ਹੋਹਿ ਕੂੜਿਆਰ ॥
ਆਪੇ ਸ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਉਪਾਈਅਨੁ ਆਪਿ ਕਰੇ ਬੀਚਾਰੁ ॥
ਨਾਨਕ ਕਿਸ ਨੋ ਆਖੀਐ ਸਭੁ ਵਰਤੈ ਆਪਿ ਸਚਿਆਰੁ ॥

"Salok, Third Nanak: The self-willed manmukhs do not even know how to speak. They are filled with sexual desire, anger and egotism. They do not know the difference between good and bad; they constantly think of corruption. In the Vaheguru's Court, they are called to account, and they are judged to be false. He Himself creates the Universe. He Himself contemplates it. O Nanak, whom should we tell? The True Lord is permeating and pervading all. ||1||"
(Saarang M:3, 1248)

Gurbani clearly states that speaking foul language and negatively, will have an effect on one's mind and body. When we speak, we let out vibrations. According to the words we speak and the tone we speak we let out negative or positive vibrations. It is a fact that those who swear, use bad language or speak negatively let out negative vibrations in the environment surrounding them. The negativity and anger they speak effects the tranquillity and harmony of their mind, which then entails negative effects caused on the physical body as a result of stress and tension.
ਅਸੀ ਬੋਲਵਿਗਾੜ ਵਿਗਾੜਹ ਬੋਲ ||
asee bolvigaarr vigaarreh bol ||
"We are foul-mouthed; we spoil everything with our foul words."
(Siree M:1, 25)

ਕੂੜੁ ਬੋਲਿ ਬਿਖੁ ਖਾਵਣੀ ਬਹੁ ਵਧਹਿ ਵਿਕਾਰਾ ਰਾਮ ||
koorr bol bikh khaavanee bahu vadhhehi vikaaraa raam ||
"Speaking falsehood, one eats poison, and the evil within increases greatly."
(Vaddhans M:3, 570)

ਨਾਨਕ ਫਿਕੈ ਬੋਲਿਐ ਤਨੁ ਮਨੁ ਫਿਕਾ ਹੋਇ ||
ਫਿਕੋ ਫਿਕਾ ਸਦੀਐ ਫਿਕੇ ਫਿਕੀ ਸੋਇ ||
ਫਿਕਾ ਦਰਗਹ ਸਟੀਐ ਮੁਹਿ ਥੁਕਾ ਫਿਕੇ ਪਾਇ ||
ਫਿਕਾ ਮੂਰਖੁ ਆਖੀਐ ਪਾਣਾ ਲਹੈ ਸਜਾਇ ||੧||
naanak fikkai boliai than man fikkaa hoe ||
fikko fikkaa sadheeai fikke fikkee soe ||
fikaa dargeh satteeai muhi thhukaa fikke paae ||
fikaa moorakh aakheeai paanaa lehai sajaae ||1|| 
"O Nanak, speaking insipid words, the body and mind become insipid. He is called the most insipid of the insipid; the most insipid of the insipid is his reputation. The insipid person is discarded in the Court of the Lord, and the insipid one's face is spat upon. The insipid one is called a fool; he is beaten with shoes in punishment. ||1||"
(Aasa M:1, 473)
As a Sikh we aim to base our behaviour and actions on the perfect role model behaviour shown by the Gurus. If we take the example of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, his two elder sons were martyred in the battlefield fighting against the Mughal tyranny, and his two younger sons were cold-heartedly bricked alive by the Mughal regime. However, Guru Ji didn't swear or curse Aurangzeb. Guru Gobind Singh Ji didn't get angry or hot-headed. Instead of cursing, swearing and getting angry, Guru Ji wrote the 'Zafarnaama', literally meaning, the 'Letter of Victory'. Guru Ji expressed the truth of the situation in the letter and the horrific crimes that Aurangzeb had committed, however the letter had a tone of triumph, truth, and honour. For this reason, when Aurangzeb heard the letter, he died of shock. 

Our language reflects our mind. If we want to change our foul language and vulgar use of words, then in accordance to Gurbani, we have to connect back to the Guru. When we give the Guru space in ourselves, then those words will come out that are willed by the Guru. Gurbani says:
ਸਚੁ ਬਾਣੀ ਸਚੁ ਸਬਦੁ ਹੈ ਜਾ ਸਚਿ ਧਰੇ ਪਿਆਰੁ ||
sach baanee sach shabad hai jaa sach dhharre piaar ||
"When you love the Truth, your words are true; they reflect the True Word of the Shabad."
(Siree Raag M:3, 33)

Gurbani says that words are so powerful. Words have the power to make or break relationships. The Word (Shabad) can take us to Sachkhand, and words (spoken in ego) can take us to Hell (separated from Vaheguru). By beginning to speak like Guru Ji would speak, will surely build love between us and Guru Ji, and hopefully change our mind to become Guru-centred. Gurbani says:
ਗੰਢੁ ਪਰੀਤੀ ਮਿਠੇ ਬੋਲ||
gandd(h) pareethee mitthe bol ||
"There is a bond between love and words of sweetness."
(Maajh M:1, 143)

ਬਈਅਰਿ ਬੋਲੈ ਮੀਠੁਲੀ ਭਾਈ ਸਾਚੁ ਕਹੈ ਪਿਰ ਭਾਇ ||
be-eear bolai meet(h)ulee bhaaee saach kehai pir bhaae ||
"O brothers! That soul-bride, who talks sweetly and speaks the Truth, becomes pleasing to her Lord-Husband."
(Soratth M:1, 637)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

BBC Documentary: The Selfless Sikh Faith on the Frontline

BBC documentary following Bhai Ravi Singh, a Sikh charity worker who, inspired by his Sikhi principles, puts his life on the line to help people in need. The programme follows Bhai Ravi Singh's journey to northern Iraq, where he provides aid to Yazidi families who have fled their homes to escape the brutality of Islamic State. The film reveals the teachings of selfless service at the heart of his Sikh faith.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Bhagat Puran Singh Ji on Seva...

"When doing Seva never get fed up, and never get tired."
(Bhagat Puran Singh Ji)