Monday, October 28, 2013

Den Haag Sikh Family Camp...

With Guru Sahib jee's kirpaa, from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October, a Sikh Family Camp was held at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Den Haag, Holland. Over 80 people, young and old, attended the camp over the three days. Sevadaars from Amsterdam came to help with the camp. It was very inspiring to see the thirst and interest in Tat-Gurmat from the Sangat. The Sangat showed a lot of pyaar over the three days.

Below are some photos from the camp:

Elder group talk on Sikh identity

 Sangat eating lunch
 Veer Jaskarn Singh Amsterdam doing a workshop on Karam philosophy with the younger and elder children

Questions and Answers session with elder children

 Group discussion led by Veer Jaskarn Singh Amsterdam

Sangat doing Rehraas Sahib in Keertan form

On Sunday morning the elder children were tested on what they had learnt during the camp.

 Bhaji Jaswinder Singh jee and Bhenji supervising the children completing their tests

Sunday divaan Keertan and Vichaar.

Group photo of the children and bibian from the camp

On Sunday one parent said that her eight year old daughter came back home from the camp and asked her mum why she has not taken Amrit and how she should take Amrit and keep Rehit to improve her life and get Guru jee's kushee. Her daughter reminded her that life is short and we should make the most of it with Guru jee. Vaheguru!

The flight back home was interesting to say the least. I will write about it in the next post.

To be continued....

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Portugal Smaagam 2013...

Article by Bhai Vijay Singh:

From 4th to 6th October 2013, the Akhand Kirtanee Jatha UK organised a 3 day smaagam and Amrit Sanchaar at Gurdwara Sikh Sangat Sahib, Lisbon. Sangat attended from all over the world including India, France, Italy and UK. 

The local sevadaars were full of pyaar and shardhaa and served the sangat day and night. 

Kirtanees included Bhai Jagdev Singh (Paris), Bhai Manpreet Singh (Kanpuri), Bhai Nanak Singh (UK), Bhai Tarsem Singh, Bhai Kultej Singh along with many others. 

Videos of Portugal Smaagam are available on YouTube on the Kirtan Pardhana channel: 


Friday, October 18, 2013

A Sikh's encounter with someone trying to convert them...

Interesting article I came across...
Taken from

Author: Singh1699
My encounter with a Muslim trying to convert me
October 17, 2013 10:10AM

Yesterday was Eid and I happened to have an encounter with a Muslim man who tried to convince me to convert to Islam. Many Muslims consider doing Dawa as a religious obligation. The Muslim in this case was a Pakistani Punjabi from Lyalpur, Samundari and was about 50 years old. At first we were just talking (gap shap) about everyday things in the Punjabi language. I had no idea he wanted to convert me. Starting Dawa with small talk is a tactic many Muslims employ to first try to find out about their potential target. When he saw that I am a friendly person he then switched to his Da'wa mode. Below is our conversation:

MUSLIM: Beta(son), I want to give you a gift of the holy Quran, I'm sure if you read it, it will change your life.

ME: (wanting to be polite I accepted) Uncle Jee, if you give it to me I will read it when I have free time. Thank you for the offer.

MUSLIM: You know Beta, my family were also Sikhs many generations ago, but then we saw the light of Islam we converted. This is why so many Pakistanis today are Muslims who were formerly Sikhs.

Vichaar: this is a common myth amongst Pakistani Punjabis that their ancestors were Sikhs who then converted to Islam. Truth is, they are the descendants of those Hindus who were beaten up and forced to convert to Islam by the invading Afghans. Sikhs have always been a small minority in Punjab, never being a majority in any district in undivided Punjab. During the misl period Sikhs were only 5% of Punjab's entire population. Then during Sikh Raaj of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh population grew to about 15-18% of Punjab's demographic share. With the fall of the Sikh Raaj many newly converted Sikhs had reverted back to their old faiths and again Sikh population shrank. There has never been any historically known mass conversion of Sikhs to Islam.

ME: Yes uncle jee, similarly many Muslims also converted to Sikhi. In our history we have examples of many such Muslims who saw the greatness of Sikhi and as Sikhs played a prominent role.

MUSLIM: But Beta, Islam is different.

ME: What do you mean?

MUSLIM: It is the last divine religion on this world, while all religions before it became impure and tempered. So it is the duty of all humans to become Muslims like my Sikh ancestors did.

ME: But Uncle Jee, we also believe our religion, Sikhi is by far the best out there. We believe Guru Nanak Dev Jee was sent for a special mission into this world in order to spread the fragrance of Sikhi where ever he went.

MUSLIM: In Gurbani it says "Aval Allah Noor Apaya, Qudrat Ke Sabh Bandhe, Ek Noor Te Sabh Jag Upjea Kaun Bhale Kau Mande." So even in Gurbani it is Talking about the greatness of Allah over other Gods. So Sikhs should believe in Allah and join his Path.

ME: Uncle Jee, do you know What that Gurbani you just quoted means? Aval Allah Noor Upaya means First God's Noor created this world, Qudrat Ke Sabh Bandhe: all living creatures are of his Kudrat, then how can you say one is good or bad based on his caste or religion? So uncle jee, this Shabad is actually talking about the oneness of all mankind who are all created by God.

Vichaar: Many Muslims quote this famous Gurbani Tukh because it has Islamic words like Allah, Noor, Kudrat and they think it must be talking about Islam's greatness but rather it is talking the opposite. It is making the point about the oneness of Vaheguru's creation.

When the Muslim uncle jee realized I am not being convinced about Islam, he used a different tactic. This time he tried to break me off from Sikhi first by attacking Sikh traditions because he knew that it was Sikhi which was preventing me from becoming Muslim.

MUSLIM: Beta, you know no where in Gurbani does it say that Sikhs should have a beard and grow their hair and wear a Pagdi (Turban).

ME: Uncle Jee, our Kesh are an integral part of our faith. Our Gurus themselves kept Kesh and commanded Sikhs to keep them. Just as Muslims rely on the Hadees for much of the Islamic way of life, similarly Sikhs also have historical documents which says Keeping Kesh is a must for a Sikh. We have examples of many Sikhs who became Shaheeds instead of cutting their Kesh. So there is no doubt that keeping Kesh is a must for a Sikh.

MUSLIM: You are a young man, why do you put this bojh (burden) on your head? you should take it off and shave your beard and enjoy your life.

ME: Uncle Jee, the Sikh Dastar is not a Bojh (burden). For us it is a crown that we wear with pride. What is a Sardar without is his Dastar? We keep our beard intact because we are men. We don't want to look like women by shaving our beard.

MUSLIM: But just look at all the Sikhs today. 90% of your boys no longer even wear Pagdis on their head. We are in the west you should try to look western instead of practising this useless ritual.

ME: Uncle Jee, if the majority of the world drinks alcohol, smokes cigarettes and fornicates you think I should follow their example? who cares what the world thinks. For a Sikh all that matters is what his Guru thinks. Just look at all true Muslims who follow the examples (Sunnah) of their prophet, they all have beards and many of your Mullahs-Maulanas even wear turbans, why don't they follow the western lifestyle by shaving and removing their turbans? I am not a cultural slave of the west that I will abandon my religious traditions. In fact I'm surprised you as a Muslim don't even keep a beard! what kind of Muslim are you?

When he could not break me away from Sikhi, he ended his Da`wa and changed the topic and left after 2 minutes. Sikhs in the west need to be aware of cleaver people of other religions trying to convert us. They see us as a soft target since most Sikhs are not very knowledgeable about Sikhi, so they think it will be easy to break a Sikh from Sikhi and convince him to convert. In the west Christian missionaries and Muslims are very active in targeting Sikhs. Sikhs need to gain knowledge about Sikhi in order to counter them if such a situation arises.,29590


Knowledge is power!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


ਕਬੀਰ ਗਰਬੁ ਨ ਕੀਜੀਐ ਰੰਕੁ ਨ ਹਸੀਐ ਕੋਇ ||
kabeer garab na keejeeai rank na haseeai koe 
O Kabeer! Do not be so proud, and do not laugh at the poor.
ਅਜਹੁ ਸੁ ਨਾਉ ਸਮੁੰਦ੍ਰ ਮਹਿ ਕਿਆ ਜਾਨਉ ਕਿਆ ਹੋਇ ||੩੯||
ajahu su naao samundr mehi kiaa jaano kiaa hoe (39)Your boat is still out at sea; who knows what will happen.
(Salok Baba Kabeer Jee, Ang 1366)

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

"Dhan Dhan Raam Daas Gur..."

9th October markes the Parkaash Purb of Guru Raam Daas jee, the fourth Nanak. Saariaa Nu Lakh Lakh Vadhaaee Hove!


Guru Raam Daas jee was born at Choona Manddee Bazaar in Lahore in 1534. His parents, Mata Anoop Devi jee and Bhai Hari Daas jee, named him 'Jetha', meaning 'first born'. At a young age Bhai Jetha jee joined Sangat who were travelling to Goindval Sahib to meet Guru Amar Daas jee. Since meeting Guru Amar Daas jee, the third Jyot of Guru Nanak, Bhai Jetha fell in love with the True Guru and became a devout Sikh who would do tireless seva.

Marriage to Bibi Bhani
Bhai Jetha jee would roast chick-peas (sholay) and sell them to the public for his livelihood. He was honest, hard-working, and remembered Waheguru whilst working. He was not from a wealthy family and only made ends meet with the little he earned. Guru Amar Daas jee was so impressed with character of Bhai Jetha jee that he asked him to marry his daughter, Bibi Bhani jee. This showed that Guru jee did not take in account social or economic background of Bhai Jetha jee, but instead considered his values. Something that modern society can learn from, as nowadays we focus more on how rich a family is, what caste background, and how many degrees some has rather than the character, values, and Gursikhi jeevan of an individual.

Obedience and Correct Attitude for Seva
Guru Amar Daas jee tested the faith, devotion, humility and obediance of his two son-inlaws, Bhai Rama jee (married to Bibi Daani jee) and Bhai Jetha jee (married to Bibi Bhaani jee). Both were ordered by Guru jee to make a platform for him to sit on and that whoever does the better work will receive the greater honour. Both began doing the task. Bhai Rama jee finished and bowed before Guru jee but Guru jee said, "It's crooked. Tear it down and build another." Although Bhai Rama jee spent time and effort on it, he decided to rebuild it for the second time but it still failed the test so he built the third one. He mumbled, "The Guru has grown old, he must be senile." On the other hand, when Guru jee tested Bhai Jetha jee and repeatedly failed his work, Bhai Jetha jee fell at Guru jee's feet and begged, "I am a fool and lack understanding, while you possess all knowledge. Kindly bless me with the wisdom so that I may be able to erect the platform to your liking." Bhai Jetha jee showed how a Sikh must always obey the Guru no matter what their own mind thinks, and also to do seva with correct attitude - to continue doing seva even if criticised, even if there is nothing to gain, or no one to praise you.

Response to Baba Sri Chand
The elder son of Guru Nanak Dev Jee went to Amritsar to visit Guru Raam Daas Jee. Baba Sri Chand disobeyed Guru Nanak Dev jee and went separate from Sikhi. Baba Sri Chand made a new sect called the "Udaasis". Guru Amar Daas jee took steps to keep the Udaasi sect separate from the Sikh Panth. There was a basic difference between the two sections. The Sikhs believed in family-life, while the Udaasis believed in celibacy and rejecting the householder life. The Udaasis wanted to join Sikhi on their own terms to which Guru jee did not agree. When Baba Sri Chand met Guru Raam Daas jee, he tried to belittle him and laugh at him. He said, “O Raam Daas! Why is your beard so long?” Guru jee replied, “I have a long beard to wipe the feet of holy men like you.” Guru Sahib’s humility hit Baba Sri Chand who feel at the feet of Guru Sahib and said: “Now I know why I didn’t become chosen to be Guru and instead you are sitting on my father’s throne.” Guru Raam Daas jee showed that each situation requires ‘awareness’ to react appropriately, and how humility can be the most powerful weapon.

Founded Amritsar (Chakk Ramdas)
Guru Raam Daas jee followed the steps of the first three Guru Sahibs in constructing cities. This was part of the vision of the Guru Sahibs to broaden the horizons of the Sikh People and show them that Sikhs should not confine themselves to thinking small but to thinking big. The Guru Sahibs were forward thinker. Guru Raam Daas jee founded the city of Amritsar, which was then known as 'Chakk Raamdaas' and later 'Raamdaas Pur'. The site was initially founded by Guru Amar Daas jee but it was Guru Raam Daas jee who made it into a city and began work on the excavation of the Amrit Sarovar (pool). Guru Raam Daas jee founded the place which became known as the centre and heartbeat of the Sikh faith.

Bhai Nand Lal Singh Ji writes in his poetry that if one word could describe and summarise Guru Raam Daas Sahib jee's life, that word be "SEVA" (SELFLESS SERVICE).

Bhul Chuk Maaf.

Monday, October 07, 2013

A Testimony of Courage...


Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Interview with Bhai Tarsem Singh Jee (UK)...

Ik Onkar TV met up with Bhai Tarsem Singh jee from Coventry UK while he was at this year's Khalsa Camp BC:

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Dedication to remember...

I was talking to a respected Muslim Imam who said he memorised the Quran at a very young age. I asked him, "How did you memorise the Quran?" He replied, "Just by reading it." 

I asked further was his technique of remembering the whole Quran was. He replied, "I learnt by memorising one word at a time. I didn't memorise a page or verse. I started by memorising one word. Then I would memorise two words put together. Then I would memorise three words put together, and so on. I would read the Quran in order to memorise the words, then the sentences, then the verses etc whenever I would have time. I would read it the first thing I would wake up. I would try to memorise the Quran on the bus going to school. I would try to memorise the Quran at lunchtime, then on the way from school, and then in my bedroom before sleeping. With God's grace in a short period of time I memorised the Quran. The key is to try and memorise when you are young and your brain has capacity to pick up faster."  The incentive of memorisng the Quran was pleasing Allah and getting his blessings.

I was so inspired by the respect Imam. I thought wow! What dedication he has for his faith. Do we have that dedication to Nitnem, to memorise Japji Sahib or even memorise a Shabad!  How pleased would Guru Gobind Singh jee be with his children if they memorised Gurbani? How wonderful if we could recite our daily prayers anytime and anywhere because we have them memorised? How happy would our Shaheeds be if we memorised Gurbani? The respected Imam really inspired me to try and memorise Gurbani (even though my memory is not very good!). I loved it how he said he memorised one word at a time. Vaheguru!

Blessed are those parents who inspire and guide their children to memorise Gurbani. See below a competition of memorising Gurbani held in Amritsar by Mata Kaulan Trust. Very inspiring!

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Connect2Sikhi Summer Camp 2013...

From 12th to 17th August 2013, Connect2Sikhi camp was held at Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College in Chigwell, Essex (UK). The camp is aimed at children aged from 7 to 16 years. The camp began last year and since then it has grown and developed with Guru jee's kirpaa and the hard work and dedication of a committed group of sevadaars. Last December, a Connect2Sikhi winter was held in East London. This kind of camp has been needed for a long time in the London area. There are many camps for 16+ age, however, there are very few week long residential camps for those under 16. With residential camps campers are more likely to be exposed to Gurmat way of life and experience Amrit-vela, Nitnem and able to benefit from the Sangat of Gursikhs during their stay. Connect2Sikhi camp is a good camp where the young campers don't get bored and don't have old uncles lecturing them and not being able to connect on the children's level.

This summer's camp had various speakers attend, which included Bhai Navreet Singh from Coventry and Bhai Sukhwinder Singh from Birmingham. It was good that were lady speakers as well. Bhenji Devinder Kaur (East London) done a talk on Mohkam (steadfastness). The theme of the camp was the five virtues represented by the names of the Panj Pyaare. As it was a training camp, the campers were introduced and allowed to do seva that otherwise they would not have the opportunity to do, such as Chaur Sahib seva, taking Hukamnama, doing Keertan, and the leading the recitation of morning and evening Nitnem. As well as the morning and evening diwaan, Gurmat talks, workshops and discussions, campers got to the chance to play volleyball, practice archery, play football and other fun activities.

The camp atmosphere as always was very family-orientated, friendly and welcoming. It was nice to see young and old attend the camp and a large number of parents and elders volunteer to help with the camp. I would definitely recommend that if you are aged 7 to 16 or have children of that age that you send them to this camp. Please visit for details of future camps and recordings.

Below are some photos from the camp (taken from Connect2Sikhi facebook):

Campers singing Deh Shiva shabad to begin the camp

 Bhai Tasveer Singh jee, local sevadaar, doing a talk on the topic of "Dharam"

 Sevadaar helping a camper take a Hukamnama

 Children doing keertan

Bhai Manmagan Singh, camp sevadaar, making announcements

Campers enjoying volleyball

Campers enjoying archery

Looks like Veer jee has confused the target for bhenji!

Bhai Navreet Singh's talk with the elder group

Session with the elders looking at the purpose of life using props to help

Evening keertan


 Questions and answers session

 Bhai Navreet Singh explaining the significance of Sarbloh and why Gursikhs love to cook and eat in Sarbloh

 Elder group's afternoon session with speaker

 Younger group looking very enthusiastic during their talk

  Rehraas Sahib during sunset on the field. Very beautiful evening.

Bhai Navreet Singh, with organisers - Bhai Tasveer Singh and Bhai Mankamal Singh - and a group leader sevadaar.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spain (Vic, Barcelona) Smaagam...


On Saturday 14th September, the Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK was invited to Gurdwara Sahib Shri Guru Teg Bahadar Jee, Barcelona (Vic) in Spain for holding a Rainsbaaee Keertan and doing Amrit Sanchaar seva. With Guru jee's blessings, a Jatha (group) of 13 Gursikhs went from the UK to Spain for the Smaagam. Gursikhs from France also attended the Smaagam. The Gurdwara Sahib had held its first ever Rainsbaaee Keertan. The Sangat showed great enthusiasm and loudly sang along to the keertan and took enjoyment of Gurbani. The atmosphere was spiritually uplifting. The surprising thing was that even though there was no projector screen to see the Shabads being sung, the Sangat still managed to sing along with the keertan loudly.

After the Rainsbai Kirtan had ended, which was around 12am, the Amrit Sanchaar took place in which around 25 new people joined the Khalsa Panth. It was very inspiring to see a number ladies take off their earrings, jewellery and tie up their Kesh on top of their head and adorn themselves with the blessed Dastaar of Guru Gobind Singh jee. The abhilaakhees (candidates for Amrit) look so excited for Amrit and becoming Guru-wale. The Gurdwara management was just as excited and gave all the abhilaakhees a gift of a Kachhera, Kirpan, and Simrana. It was also nice to hear that journalists from a local Spain newspaper waited for the Amrit Sanchaar to end (which around 6 or 7am) so that they could take photos of the Panj Piaare and the new members of the Khalsa Panth so that they can publish in the newspaper and use for a Spanish exhibition gallery that is going to be held about the Sikhs. Vaheguru.
On Sunday 15th September coaches from other cities in Spain brought Sangat to attend the programme. Jathedaar Bhai Raghbir Singh jee of Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK were honoured by the Sangat and the Gurdwara Sahib thanked the whole Jatha for their keertan and Amrit Parchaar seva.  People are always taken aback and inspired that the Jatha does not charge any money for Keertan, lectures, camps or any other seva.

During the Sunday divaan there was Akhand Keertan by UK Sangat followed by Keertan by local children and local Jathe from different cities in Spain

Afterwards those who had taken Amrit during the Smaagam were honoured by the Gurdwara with Siropas and framed Gurbani Shabad by the Gurdwara Sahib. This is a really good idea because helps to affirm the commitment to the Guru that the new Khalsa brothers and sisters have made and also inspires other people in the Sangat who have not yet taken Amrit.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!