Saturday, February 16, 2013

Story of Bhenji Manpreet Kaur (London)...

Whoever is reading this is probably just thinking “great one of those stories that pop-up on my news-feed every now and again.” However I really want people to read this so that they don’t make the same mistakes that I did! Growing up I was the typical Panjabi girl you see out there. I had my Kes but I had no idea why. I just kept my Kes because my parents made me from childhood. However, having Kes never really stopped me from going into the ‘maaree Sangat’ (wrong crowd).

At this point I didn’t even know who Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee was, so having love for Sikhi was far off! I used to go to the Gurdwara every Sunday, but only because my parents made me. I remember numerous days in Darbaar Sahib just confused and bored waiting for the raagis to do that Paatth they always seem to do in the end, (which I now know was Anand Sahib da Paatth) so I can go and eat.

Anyhow, High School came around and I got into an even worse crowd. Most of my friends were smoking, drinking and skipping school. I was the only Asian in that school, so for me to ‘fit-in’ was just impossible. I used to look at other girls, with their hair done up in different styles every day and remember wanting mine to be just like theirs, but I knew that that would never happen! In my sports lesson I couldn’t stand the Kes on my arms and legs, it made me look weird, so I decided to get them waxed (which I carried on doing for 3 years). At the time, I didn’t feel bad at all. I didn’t know how great the Khalsa was, in fact who Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee even was; remember I was just a typical Punjabi girl!

Anyway, one day my Bhua jee (aunt) rang me saying that a new Gurdwara had opened locally, and that there were many classes for children. So we started going there every Saturday. That was the first time I met young Gursikhs in baane (Khalsa uniform) and kirpans and damaalas (turbans). I admired them so much. I had never really met a true Singh/Singhni before, and I was so happy to see them that I didn’t want to leave their side. I used to look forward to these classes every Saturday. I would learn something new every week and then go home and tell my parents. Then one day I came to the Gurdwara and some people were doing Keertan (found out afterwards that it was Bhai Jagpal Singh Kanpur), and it was just so beautiful that I knew there was no way I would listen to some songs after this! That was where my love for Keertan started. These Saturday classes continued for about 2 years, the more I learnt the more Pyaar (love) I felt towards Guru jee. 

To cut everything down as much as possible, I realised that the path I had been on for so long was hard, painful and all I would do is go though chauraasee lakh joon (8.4 million reincarnation cycle) again and again. There had to be a purer and less painful way! Sikhi! Everything about it makes sense. Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee is a guide on how to live your life. I have read other holy scriptures and some of the stories seem so far-fetched when taken literally, and can come across as prejudiced. Sikhs sees all humans as equal. How perfect!

For me the hardest part was to stop consuming meat, eggs and fish and to stop cutting my Kes! But Guru jee is great! All we need to do is Ardaas (pray) to Guru jee. There is no point in rushing into Sikhi as the quicker we try to do everything, the easier it is for us to fall! I started tying a dastaar on New Year’s (my 2012 new year’s resolution!) and from there Guru jee has just continued blessing me with Sangat. Without the Sangat I have now, I would have fallen way back! Last Vaisakhi Guru jee blessed me to go to India and take Amrit from Sri Anandpur Sahib! I have never looked back at my previous life; there has never been a need to do so.

Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib, Sri Anandpur Sahib

Currently I’m trying my hardest to remain in Sangat, to keep my Rehit, and keep Amrit vela and Jap as much Naam as I can. When I look back into the past, I can’t believe how I lived without Guru Sahib.
ਮੂਰਖ ਮੁਗਧ ਅਗਿਆਨ ਅਵੀਚਾਰੀ ॥ ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਆਸ ਮਨਿ ਧਾਰੀ ॥੨॥
O God! I am foolish, stupid, ignorant and thoughtless (but you keep the honour of your innate nature); I place Your Name is my mind's only hope (that when I came to your sanctuary you will look after me). ||2||
(Ang 388)



Note: Thank you to Bhenji Manpreet Kaur for accepting the request to write her personal story and sharing it with the Sangat.

Dhan Hai , Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Divine Within All...

When I was in my second year of university in London, I went to the Gurdwara Sahib in Southall and something which the Giani jee doing Katha (discourse on Gurbaani) said stuck in my mind. Giani jee explained how Gurbaani says Vaheguru resides within all and that Vaheguru forgives and cleans the sins or filth of a sinner.
ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੯ ॥
gauRee mehlaa 9.
Gauree, Ninth Mehl:

ਸਾਧੋ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਕੇ ਗੁਨ ਗਾਵਉ ॥
saaDho gobind ke gun gaavo.
Holy Saadhus! (Forever) sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

ਮਾਨਸ ਜਨਮੁ ਅਮੋਲਕੁ ਪਾਇਓ ਬਿਰਥਾ ਕਾਹਿ ਗਵਾਵਉ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
maanas janam amolak paa-i-o birthaa kaahi gavaavo. ||1|| rahaa-o.||
You have obtained this priceless jewel of this human life; why are you uselessly wasting it? ||1||Pause||

ਪਤਿਤ ਪੁਨੀਤ ਦੀਨ ਬੰਧ ਹਰਿ ਸਰਨਿ ਤਾਹਿ ਤੁਮ ਆਵਉ ॥
patit puneet deen banDh har saran taahi tum aavo.
Vaheguru is the Purifier of even those people who have fallen in sin, He is the Support of the poor. Come, and enter the Lord's Sanctuary.

ਗਜ ਕੋ ਤ੍ਰਾਸੁ ਮਿਟਿਓ ਜਿਹ ਸਿਮਰਤ ਤੁਮ ਕਾਹੇ ਬਿਸਰਾਵਉ ॥੧॥
gaj ko traas miti-o jih simrat tum kaahe bisraavo. ||1||
Through whose Simran, remembrance, the elephant's fear was removed; so why do you forget Him? ||1||

ਤਜਿ ਅਭਿਮਾਨ ਮੋਹ ਮਾਇਆ ਫੁਨਿ ਭਜਨ ਰਾਮ ਚਿਤੁ ਲਾਵਉ ॥
taj abhimaan moh maa-i-aa phun bhajan raam chit laavo.
Renouncing your egotistical pride and your emotional attachment to Maya, keep your consciousnes focused on Vaheguru's meditation.

ਨਾਨਕ ਕਹਤ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਪੰਥ ਇਹੁ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹੋਇ ਤੁਮ ਪਾਵਉ ॥੨॥੫॥
naanak kehat mukat panth ehu gurmukh hoe tum paavo. ||2||5||
Nanak says, this is the path to liberation from sin. But only be becoming a Gurmukh, this path can be attained. ||2||5||
(Ang 219)

Giani jee explained how at the end of Ardaas we all say together:
ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮ ਚੜ੍ਹ੍ਹਦੀ ਕਲਾ।ਤੇਰੇ ਭਾਣੇ ਸਰਬੱਤ ਦਾ ਭਲਾ।
naanak naam chardee kalaa, tere bhaane sarbat da bhalaa.
O Nanak! May the Name of the Lord flourish, and may the whole humanity benefit and prosper within Your Will.
(Sikh Ardaas)

"Yes, we say, 'Sarbat Da Bhallaa’. We ask for the good of ‘all’. Guru Gobind Singh Sahib jee did not say, ‘I ask for the good of all except for Aurangzeb who cowardly murdered my two young sons’. No! When we do Ardaas we do not say, ‘Sarbat Da Bhalaa, but NOT that person who swore at me last week… I don’t want his bhalaa (good).'"

A beautiful analogy was given to illustrate that the Divine is within all. We say Vaheguru is within all, but seeing Vaheguru in all can be difficult. The example given by Giani jee was:
"A lady works hard to earn a living. On the side, she saves a little bit of money at a time, so that they she can save up to buy a gold bracelet. Eventually, the lady saves enough money to go the jeweller’s shop and buys a gold bracelet. She gives the bracelet to her child. The child one day is walking with the bracelet and accidentally drops the bracelet in the gutter. The gutter is dirty. God knows what is in the gutter. Urine, dirt, people’s spit, and the smell.

Would we expect the child to leave the bracelet in the gutter and walk on home? No. Why not? Because he knows how hard his mother has worked to earn the money, which she used to buy the bracelet. Therefore, he stretches out his arm and picks up the dirty bracelet. He goes to wash the bracelet with water and soap, and then puts it back on his hand.

Vaheguru has made all of us. Vaheguru sees us all in an equal light, because the Lord has created us and the Lord knows how beautiful we are within despite how much filth and dirt we throw on ourselves."

Giani jee explained that Guru Nanak Sahib jee did not only reveal Gurbaani, but he also lived Gurbaani. Guru Nanak Sahib jee stretched his arm out to help people. Guru Nanak Sahib jee stretched his arm out to help people out of the gutter of Kaljug. Guru Nanak Sahib jee stretched his arm out of people to give them the chance to realise that they can clean themselves and realise that under this dirt and filth lies a beautiful treasure.

Guru Nanak Sahib jee gave his arm out to Bhumia Chor, a bandit and thief, and helped him to become a sant, saintly person. Guru Nanak Sahib jee gave his arm out to Kauda Raakash, a cannibal who ate men, and inspired him to remember Vaheguru and live a truthful life. Guru Nanak Sahib jee gave his arm out to Sajjan Thagg, a deceitful murderer who would rob people of their money, and made him realise the consequences of his actions and change his life.

Guru Nanak Sahib jee gave his arm out. He saw Vaheguru within all, because he knew that Vaheguru had created everyone and that the Lord has made everyone perfect. It is the perversion of the mind that is evil, not the person. Just as the child stretched out his arm to get out the gold bangle from the dirty gutter because he knew his mother had worked hard to buy it, similarly a Gurmukh sees divinity within all, despite the dirt and filth which one throws upon his self.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Woolwich Keertan & One-Day Sikh Family Camp...

Woolwich Ramgarhia Gurdwara

On Saturday 2nd February, the monthly TGI Saturday Keertan was held at Woolwich Singh Sabha Gurdwara. Then on Sunday 3rd February, a one-day Sikh Family Camp was held at Ramgarhia Gurdwara in Woolwich. The camp was organised by South London Sikh Youth, along with the local Saadh Sangat and Gurdwara Sahib. The one-day camp included talks, question and answer session, arts and crafts, dastaar tying, gatka, and workshops. The local Sevadaars and Sangat did a great job and with Waheguru's kirpaa may the Gurmat parchaar flourish.

Some photos from TGI Saturday Keertan and the one-day Sikh Family Camp:

 TGI Saturday keertan

TGI Saturday Keertan

TGI Saturday Keertan


 Bhaji Azaadvir Singh showing the lastest Wootz artwork for sale

 Bhenji Harsimrat Kaur talking Hukamnama

 Under 5s learning about Guru Gobind Singh jee

Video of younger children learning about the Khalsa

Big Bang talk with 16+
 Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee

 5-10 years

 5-10 years workshop

 11-15 Sevadaars

 11-15 team building

Happy Langar sevadaars
 Gatka demo
 16+ group

 "Does God exist?" talk

 Camper gift packs

 Fear and love talk

 Teaching Gatka

 Parents talk
 Question and Answer Panel

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Friday, February 08, 2013

Seeing Pain and Happiness as One...

Thank you to Bhaji for emailing this beautiful story to share with the Sangat:

In May 2012 Bhai Amrik Singh jee Chandigarh vale were doing Katha at Sri Dashmesh Culture Center Sahib in Calgary, Alberta in Canada:
"The following is what the Gurdwara Management Committee of a Gurdwara Sahib in Delhi told when I went to talk to them.
ਜੇ ਭੁਖ ਦੇਹਿ ਤ ਇਤ ਹੀ ਰਾਜਾ ਦੁਖ ਵਿਚਿ ਸੂਖ ਮਨਾਈ ॥੩॥

Jae Bhukh Dhaehi Th Eith Hee Raajaa Dhukh Vich Sookh Manaaee ||3||
Even if You give me hunger, I will still feel satisfied; I am joyful, even in the midst of sorrow. ||3||

We all read this line but how many of us actually feel this way. This bachan of the Guru was witnessed at the Gurdwara Sahib by the Management Committee.

One day a (worldly) poor Gursikh Pyaara rode up to the main gate of the Gurdwara Sahib on his bicycle. On the bike there were little snack packs that he sold to school children for  just 20 paise (a fifth of a rupee!). He got off of his bike and as he walked in through the gate he carried a little package with him.

The man had only been Amritdhari for around 2 years. After doing Matha Tekh to Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee he sat in a little corner of the Darbaar Sahib, away from the Sangat's view. As it was early morning, there was only a few Sangat members and the few Gurdwara management committee members.

The Gurdwara management committee members witnessed the Gursikh looking around to see if anyone was watching. He then opened his package and pulled out a parshaada (roti). The committee members continued to watch as they tried to figure out what this poor man was doing. They suspected he may be attempting to steal money from the Golak (money box). 

After he had finished eating he was about to leave. The management committee members came up to him and asked, "After you have done Matha Tekh, what were you doing sitting down?" The Gursikh replied, "I have been Amritdhari for only a few years now. My fate was such that after I had taken Amrit of my Beloved Father my financial condition took a turn for the worst. I now have to sell snacks to school children for 20 paise. Today there wasn't even any achaar (pickle) in the house for me to eat my parshaada. Today was the first time I had parshaada with salt. I came to the Gurdwar Sahib to thank my Beloved Lord for this chance to at least eat parshaada with salt."
The Gurdwara management committee replied back with, "Why were you hiding and looking around as if you didn't want anyone to see you? We were suspecting you for something else." The Gursikh answered, "I didn't want anyone to see me and say today the son of Dhan Sahib-E-Kamaal Guru Gobind Singh Jee has to eat a Parshaada with loon (salt). I didn't want people to start blaming and making fun of my Beloved Father."
May Vaheguru Jee bless us all with such prem (love), fear and Gursikhi Jeevan. May Naam and Gurbani and abide with us forever.
Bhul Chuk Maaf Karnee Jee.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Back to Sikhi: Inspiring Transformations... (Series 15)

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਲਾਹਾ ਲੈ ਗਏ ਮਨਮੁਖ ਚਲੇ ਮੂਲੁ ਗਵਾਇ ਜੀਉ ||੧੯||
"The Gurmukhs reap their profits and leave, while the self-willed manmukhs lose their investment and depart. ||19||"
(Ang 74)
Continuing photos of people who have reverted back or found the True Guru's Path. Many people who are looking for strength and confidence to follow the Guru's Path find these transformation pictures and stories of people's experiences of Sikhi very inspiring and motivating. If anyone else would like to share their story of how they came in or came back into Sikhi and share photos with the Sangat then please email me. (Email address is displayed in side bar).

Veer Rajdeep Singh, Kent (UK)

Veer Jasraj Singh Jee, Crawely (UK)

Bhenji Manpreet Kaur, East London (UK) 

Bhai Mandip Singh, Coventry (UK)

ਸੇ ਚਰਣ ਸੁਹਾਵੇ ਜੋ ਹਰਿ ਮਾਰਗਿ ਚਲੇ
ਹਉ ਬਲਿ ਤਿਨ ਸੰਗਿ ਪਛਾਣਾ ਜੀਉ ||੨||
Those feet which walk in the Lord's Way are beautiful.
I am a sacrifice to that Congregation in which the Lord is recognized.
(Ang 103)

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Story of Veer Jasraj Singh...

ਪ੍ਰਾਣੀ ਤੂੰ ਆਇਆ ਲਾਹਾ ਲੈਣਿ ||
praanee thoon aaeiaa laahaa lain |

O mortal! You came here to earn a profit.

ਲਗਾ ਕਿਤੁ ਕੁਫਕੜੇ ਸਭ ਮੁਕਦੀ ਚਲੀ ਰੈਣਿ ||੧|| ਰਹਾਉ |
lagaa kith kufakarrae sabh mukadhee chalee rain |1| rehaao |
What useless activities are you attached to? Your life-night is coming to its end. ||1||Pause||(Ang 43)

There comes a point in life when you’re sitting alone thinking "what is my purpose in life" – this was the exact story with me in 2010. I was sitting at Sachkhand Sri Hazoour Sahib whilst thinking this and the Raagi Jatha sang the shabad above - at the time I had no knowledge of Sikhi and had just started to keep my Kesh with no intention of taking any further steps. I started to keep my Kesh because my mum's side of the family are all Singhs. 

Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib, Nander (Maharashtra)
The Ragi Singh then started doing Katha of the shabad above and it felt as if my question was being answered whilst I was sitting there. I didn’t think much of it at the time, then on the way back to the place where we were staying (at Baba Buddha Nivaas), a Nihang Singh approached me and randomly asked me if I read Bani. I replied that I didn’t and he said that I should start doing Japji Sahib every day and told me to do Amrit Vela at Hazoour Sahib – for those who haven't been this is when the Sangat get the Jal (water) in the morning from the river Godavri whilst doing simran. Again, I thought nothing of what the Nihang Singh had said to me, but I decided to go the next morning just to see what it was like. I had never been to something like this before, being from a typical Panjabi family it was all about partying and having a good time, i.e. going against Gurmat. The experience I got that morning was so peaceful and I would do anything to go back there again.
Younger Sahibzaade
Anyway, when I got back to UK I started reading Japji Sahib but still carried on with my typical Panjabi lifestyle. Then, one day I was going to work and someone on the bus asked me why I don’t wear a turban, as I used to wear a patka at the time, and what the reason was of me keeping my kesh? I didn’t know what to answer him with, I felt embarrassed and stupid at the same time. Why did I keep my kesh? I came home and tried to find an answer to his questions. Whilst doing this I came across the Saka of Sirhind when Baba Zorawar Singh and Baba Fateh Singh were bricked alive. I read the ithiaas (history) for the first time, I never knew our elder brothers had been tortured and killed in such inhumane manners. That the was triggering point of when I started getting into Sikhi and started going to the Gurudwara more and getting sangat of Naam rangeh Gursikhs. With Maharaj’s apaar kirpa Guroo Sahib blessed me with Amrit last year in December 2012.
The more I think about all the incidents that happened at Sri Hazoour Sahib and when I came back to the UK, I realise that they were ways in which Maharaj was drawing me towards them and pushing me towards keeping some sort of rehat by doing Japji Sahib every day. All I did was keep the Kesh on my head in 2010, not my beard and now Guroo Sahib has bless this gareeb with Amrit. It goes to show that if we take that one step towards Guroo Sahib Maharaj will take a million towards us and bring us to his charan.
ਚਰਨ ਸਰਨਿ ਗੁਰ ਏਕ ਪੈਡਾ ਜਾਇ ਚਲ ||
charan sharan gur eik painddaa jaae chal.
Take one step towards the True Guru,
ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕੋਟਿ ਪੈਡਾ ਆਗੇ ਹੋਇ ਲੇਤ ਹੈ ||
satgur kott painddaa aage hoe leth hai.

(and) the True Guru takes millions of steps towards you.
(Bhai Gurdaas Jee)

Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh


Note: Thank you to Veer Jasraj Singh jee for accepting the request to write his personal story and sharing it with the Sangat.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Derby Sikhs Monthly Programme...

Every month Derby Sikhs and Bhai Amar Deep Singh jee, who is a presenter on Sikh Channel, organise a programme at Guru Arjan Dev Jee Gurdwara, Derby called Sukhmani Darbar. The programme consists of fitness session, Sukhmani Sahib English & Panjabi translation, Keertan by youth, a lecture and finishing off with Simran and Ardaas. I was blessed with the opportunity to attend last month's programme on Sunday 20th January, although it was quite snowy that day.

I was really impressed by the format and structure of the programme. I was standing outside Darbaar Sahib talking to a Veer jee and could feel the positive vibrations of the Sangat from outside. Bhai Amar Deep Singh jee recited the first Ashtpaddee (chapter) of Sukhmani Sahib in melodious and calming voice. Three youngsters were sitting on the stage. 

They had a laptop in front of them. Bhai Sahib went back to the beginning and recited one line, which was followed by one person on the stage reading the English translation and then all three of the youngsters having an opportunity to explain in their own words what they think Guru jee is saying. It was a really inspiring to see how young people were interacting with Gurbani and speaking really relaxed and confidently as if they were speaking within their family or friendship group. Each time Bhai Sahib recited a line, a different person on the stage would recite the translation line and then they would do vichaar.  

Afterwards a group of Bhenjis came on the stage to do Keertan. Before they did Keertan, one Bhenji explained how it is important to know the meaning of the Shabad that it is read because when you know the meaning and hear the Shabad it will have a more powerful effect on you. The Bhenji read the Shabad "Jagat Jalandaa Rakh Lai..." line by line and another Bhenji gave the English translation and explained her own thoughts on the Shabad. Then all the Bhenjis sang together the Shabad. It was so uplifting to see Amritdhari and non-Amritdhari bhenjis and the rest of the Sangat singing the Shabad with so much pyaar and enthusiasm.

Afterwards Daas was given seva of doing a talk. The topic was 'Beautiful Sikhi'. The talk was based on the Mool Mantar and how we can learn what is Sikhi is through the Mool Mantar, illustrated with examples from Sikh history how Gurbani was applied and lived.

The programme finished with Bhai Amar Deep Singh jee invited the Sangat to come and sit on the stage to do Simran. It was nice to see people of different ages come together on stage. First of all the Sangat recited Mool Mantar together for 5 or 10 minutes and then for 5 or 10 minutes Vaheguru Simran was done. The Simran was done so beautifully that I wish I could have recorded it. I know the programme was filmed by the local sevadaars and hope it can be shared with Sangat.

It is a fantastic monthly programme and I would urge anyone who lives locally to please support and attend this programme. For more information check It would be great if other Gurdwaras could do similar programmes to promote Sangat interaction with Gurbani and reach out to the Sangat that are English speaking. 

Also, every week there is a class Khalsa club for young children and a workshop/lecture for elder youth and adults every Friday, 7pm to 8.30pm, at Singh Sabha Gurdwara in Derby. Next Friday Bibi Amarjit Kaur, a native Costa Rican woman who discovered and embraced the Sikh way of life, is doing a talk at Singh Sabha Gurdwara Derby. Please take benefit of these fantastic programmes.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Over 100 Dalits come into the Khalsa Fold...

Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India
In December 2012, the Akhand Kirtani Jatha held an Amrit Parchaar Smaagam in a remote area of Madhya Pradesh in India. Over 100 Dalits were blessed with the gift of Amrit and joined the Khalsa Panth in village Guna, distract Aron. With Guru Sahib's Grace the new Khalsa Sikhs are following Gurmat Khalsa Rehat and in good spirits. It is said that the new Khalsa Sikhs overcame a lot of hardships from local village leaders and police who tried to prevent them from taking Amrit and becoming Khalsa because of their so-called 'low caste'. They were denied basic daily needs such as clean water, yet they did not waiver and were determined to become the Khalsa of the Guru. From farmers to teachers, all these Sikhs are proud Khalsa and we should support them and their families.

The Sevadaars who organised the Amrit Sanchaars in these remote areas of India are now helping these Khalsa Sikhs with their basic day to day needs and teaching them Gurmukhi, Gurbani Santhiyaa and Keertan. They are also planning to build a Gurdwara in the village where the Amrit Sanchaar took place. The sangat are requested to support our brothers and sisters who have newly come into the fold of the Khalsa Panth. If anyone would like to make a donation for this seva or help in any other way then they can contact Bhai Malkiat Singh Seattle (USA) - (253) 682-9337

Another Amrit Parchaar Smaagam will be organised in June 2013. It is said that hundreds of more individuals, thirsty for Naam, Baani and gift of Amrit are ready to take Amrit in the next Amrit Sanchaar. May we all do Ardaas for our new brothers and sisters that Guru jee blesses them with strength, courage and Sikhi spirit.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!