Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hamburg Smaagam Photos

With Satguru's kirpaa last week a three-day Smaagam was held at Singh Sabha Gurdwara Hamburg, Germany, to celebrate Guru Gobind Singh jee Maharaaj's Gurpurb Diwas. The Smaagam was organised by Veer Ramendeep Singh whose birthday it was during the Smaagam! Sangat from Germany, UK, Denmark, Sweden, France and Holland attended the Smaagam and Rainsbai Keertan.

I took a Ryanair flight from Stanstead to Hamburg. I realised that it is better to go on a normal airline because by the time you pay all the hidden charges, luggage cost, payment charge etc, and add up the cost and hassle of getting to Stanstead (which is in the middle of nowhere!) you realise you can pay a little extra and save hassle. Chalo. Arrived there safe and well. The flight back was aweful! A 4 hour delay! Waiting around in a half empty airport which looked like a giant tent! Left Hamburg at 7am and got back home for just over 6pm!

Despite the long journey back home the Smaagam was really nice. It was oranganised by the youth and the majority of the Keertan was done by youth from across Europe. It was inspiring to see all the European Sangat and youth get together and support such programmes. May Guru jee continue to bless the Sikh Sangat with pyaar, eiktaa, and Gursikhi.

Some photos below from Smaagam:

Saturday morning - Aasa Ki Vaar & Simran

Saturday Evening - Akaal Ustat & Rehraas Sahib Paatth

Saturday Night -Rainsbaaee Keertan

Sunday Morning - Keertan Darbaar

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bedford Youth Kirtan Darbaar


Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa | Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh |

With Guru's Kirpaa, a youth akhand keertan darbaar has been arranged in Bedford for the first time in order to encourage more youngsters to build a link with gurbani and keertan. There will be Keertanees from up and down the country.

It will be held on:

Saturday 24th January 2009
6pm till late


Guru Nanak Gurdwara
84 Ford End Road
Queens Park
MK40 4JX

For further information call: 07939 513092

Transport from Midlands has been arranged from Coventry, for further information contact Bhai Tarunjeet Singh : 07877888874

A humble request to sangat in London and other areas, due to limited transport could I please request people bring their own vehicles and bring as much sangat as possible.

Please feel free to pass this message to friends and family.

Money raised from the program will go to 'Unique Home' orphanage for abandoned girls in Model Town, Jalandhar, Punjab.

Please help support our sisters.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa | Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh |


Monday, January 19, 2009

Derby Gurmat Camp Photos

On Sunday 11th January, Daas attended a one day camp, organised by Singh Sabha Gurdwara Derby and the local Sangat to commemorate the Guru Gobind Singh jee's Gurpurb. Speakers were invited from outside to deliver talks regarding the life of Guru Gobind Singh jee to various age groups. Bhai Joginder Singh jee from Leicester inspired the over 15 group with his inspiring and motivational talk on Guru ji’s life. Dr Daljit Singh Virk amd Bhai Kulwinder Singh also took classes. Other various local Singhs and Singhnian did great sevaa of keeping all the youngsters, especially the younger ones busy with lots of colouring, fun games and stories etc.

After the talks, all the groups went to the local Museum (within the Gurdwara Sahib complex). The newly opened Sikh Museum has lots of old relics from the time of Raja Ranjeet Singh and lots of old Sikh memorabilia. All the campers enjoyed learning about 18th and 19th century Sikh history.

To keep the young children busy they had a trampoline and bouncy castle. Sevadaars found it hard getting the children off, even after 1 hour of playing :)

A Gatka display was presented by Bhai Baljit Singh ji from Birmingham. After this all the campers enjoyed the new animated movie “Sundri”.

Finally prizes were given to all the campers.

Overall everyone really enjoyed the one day camp. May Waheguru continue blessing the local Sangat with more opportunities of doing sewa of the sangat and organising more camps. I look forward to the next one!

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhi!

Note: Please ignore the date and time on the photos! I am 100% sure that it wasn't the date and time written on the photos! Must be a camera error.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bliss of Waheguru's Simran

I came across these videos of Sangat doing such awe-inspiring Simran! Enjoy!

Kaurs United Camp - Simran

ਸਭੇ ਵਸਤੂ ਕਉੜੀਆ ਸਚੇ ਨਾਉ ਮਿਠਾ ॥
Sabẖe vasṯū ka▫uṛī▫ā sacẖe nā▫o miṯẖā.
All material things are bitter; the True Name alone is sweet.

ਸਾਦੁ ਆਇਆ ਤਿਨ ਹਰਿ ਜਨਾਂ ਚਖਿ ਸਾਧੀ ਡਿਠਾ ॥
Sāḏ āeiā ṯin har janāʼn cẖakẖ sāḏẖī diṯẖā.
Those humble servants of Waheguru who taste it, come to enjoy its flavour.
(Ang 321)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Coventry Christmas Camp (Part 2)


On Monday 29th December there was a MYSTERY TRIP!!! The trip was to the "Twin Lakes Park" near Leicester. It wasn't exactly the best weather to go to a park considering how it cold it was but having said that everyone still had a really good time and lots of fun!

Some photos from the trip (taken from

Arriving at the site.

We were about to enter the stable when my group said, "Errr... this smells of India. Let's get out of here. The animals smell." It was kind of embarrassing considering Gore were standing there and enjoying the animals and that Panjabi children were finding the smell too much to handle! lol. I heard one of the Gori say, "Aaah, bless. Must be inner-city children." lol.

Singhs preparing for the next Superman film.

Looks like Sangat are in Russia by the looks of how they are all wrapped up!

Waheguru. Veer jee looks more scared than his son! :)

Some weird obstacle course type of thing.

This ride went up and down.

Being lectured by a boy about how hungry he is and how he wanted to eat parothay with sabjee.


Waheguru. Bhai Tarsem Singh jee enjoying the ride!

Amarjeet Singh - posing whilst sliding down. Looks bit too proffesional. Reminds me of those fancy fashion magazine type photographs with someone jumping in the air or something. Never know, he may have a side job :)

Amarjeet Singh stuck.

Waheguru. Looks like someone needs help getting out!

Ice skating.

So painful to watch people fall during ice-skating! Waheguru. One girl kept on falling and falling but she kept on smiling and laughing! Seemed bit dangerous.

Bhenji Kirandeep Kaur posing with Bittu's Mama (uncle).

Big slide.

"Horse" riding. :)

It was a really good camp! Everyone enjoyed it. If you didn't come this year, I would definitely recommend coming next year! May Waheguru keep the organisers in Chardi Kalaa and bestow them with the gift of doing more seva.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teri Sikhi!