Monday, June 02, 2008

Photos from Leamington Sikhi Workshop

On Friday 30th May a One-Day Sikhi Workshop was held at Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara Sahib. The camp was organised by the Education Group Committee at Leamington and Warwick Gurdwara with Sikh Seva sevadaars helping out. In such a short time all the sewadaars did a great job in the getting the camp organised, in particular Bhaji Baljinder Singh (Bali bhaji). The day begun with Simran and Prakaash seva followed by Hukamnama. The first workshop was a group work activity on the life of Guru Arjan Dev jee followed by a presentation highlighting Guru Sahib's main contributions to Sikhi. After lunch the younger children played games and made posters, and the elder group had a talk on Sacrifice. The camp ended with Simran and final Ardaas & Hukamnama.

Surprise celebrity guest... Can you guess who it is? (Note: please do not copy this pose, veiling one's face in the Gurdwara is not allowed. Thanks. lol)

The one and only Mr. Dhadi welcoming the children.

Satguru's Parkaash

Hukamnama for start of camp

Hukamnama vichaar in English

Bhenji Kirat Kaur reading Anand Sahib.

Children putting their hands up to do Chaur Sahib di seva (very eager children!).

Veer Dalraj Singh

All campers were divided into mixed aged groups and were given an activity sheet (kindly printed by Bhaji Baljinder Singh) to complete on the life of Guru Arjan Dev jee:

Pardip Singh spraying Rose air-freshener spray around the Diwaan hall whilst Sangat were doing group work. I don't know whether this was a hint or something. hehe.

Bhai Tarunjeet Singh's group going through the answers for the activity.

Presentation on Guru Arjan Dev jee's jeevan.


Young Balwinder Singh from Oxford doing Simran.

Bhaji Harbir Singh from London with Bhai Vijay Singh on tablaa.

Young Amritpal Singh doing Keertan.

Awards being given out at the end of the camp by Bhenji Rajinder Kaur Gill and Bhenji Surjeet Kaur.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee
(Note: Peterborough Sikhi Activity Day photos will be posted up in the next few days).

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


On Monday, my family and I attended the weekly simran programme at Leamington Spa. At the end of the programme two men approached my dad and said that need a place to stay. The Gurdwara sevadaar had made it clear that it was not possible for them to stay at the Gurdwara so they were asking around to see if anyone could help them. They said that they wanted to go to Newcastle and wanted to sleep for a few hours at the Gurdwara, and then leave at 4am to catch the train (thinking back, what train leaves at 4am for Newcastles?).

The two men were clean-shaven and looked like they had come from Panjab recently. They claimed that they had been dropped off by Lorry at the McDonald's near the Gurdwara and that a Pakistani man had told them where the Gurdwara was (slightly odd, considering that there are not many Pakistanis in Leamington). My dad asked them if they wanted some Langar but they said they had already eaten Langar (although there was no Langar before the end of the Simran programme). They began to plea with the Sangat members for help and one shed a tear or two. It seemed like a sad situation. They got out a mobile phone and started talking to someone. They said they had spoken to their relative in Newcastle who was waiting for them. One man said, "Please help. It is cold outside. We don't want to sleep on the streets." Waheguru.

Everyone else was eating Samosay and drinking hot milk. The two men were asked, "Drink some hot milk." But they said, "We don't want to drink milk." Chalo (slightly strange that young men straight from Panjab would refuse such a thing like milk!). Uncle jee from Coventry decided to take them and help them out. They sat in the car and Uncle jee asked for the number of their relative in Newcastle where they wished to go. The man reluctantly gave the number. When Uncle jee rang the number, it was a bogus number. Then Uncle jee rang the Gurdwara in Coventry to say keep Langar Paanee ready and that two men were coming. The Giani jee said that two men fitting the same description had come to Coventry Gurdwara the day before with a similar story. Something was not right!

Uncle jee asked the men if they were the same people who went to Coventry Gurdwara the day before. They now turned from being sad and emotional to becoming angry in their tone. Their body language totally changed and they now lost all the humility that they had earlier shown. Something else to note is that sympathetic members of the Sangat gave them money for their journey - in total £80. On top of that they got a bag full of Samosay, cans of coke, crisps and fruit. Uncle jee pulled over the car and said that you are not genuine and that you are crooks. They opened the car door and got out. Apparently there have been some similar incidents in Coventry and the men have been drug addicts looking for some easy cash through preying on sympathetic people at Gurdware.

In short these men were CRIMINALS who were preying on Sangat of the Gurdwara. There is no doubt that they probably planned to steal money or other items from the Gurdwara if they had stayed. It is a shame that genuine people seeking for help lose out sometimes because of fraudsters like these men!


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weekend Conference for Sikhs in British Armed Forces

From Friday 9th to Sunday 11th May, the "Chardi Kala" Sikh Conference took place at the Armed Forces Chaplaincy Centre in Andover, Hampshire. The event was organised by Bhenji Mandeep Kaur, the first civilian Sikh Chaplain in the British military. This year marked the second year of the annual weekend dedicated for all the Sikhs serving in the Royal Navy, British army and Royal Air Force and their families. Daas was invited on Saturday 10th May to do a talk.

Bhenji Mandeep Kaur. She has the responsibility of providing moral, pastoral and spiritual support to Sikhs serving in the armed forces and their families.

Daas delivering presentation on the "Purpose of Life". The talk looked at the life of a Manmukh and a Gurmukh both their journeys from birth to death.

Q & A session. This was lively. It was good to hear people share different questions.

I had to leave early because I had to attend Bhaji Vijay Singh's Sukhmani Sahib & Keertan programme at Southall. This a group photo of the all the attendees and guests from Saturday late afternoon.

It was really enjoyable to attend the Sikh Conference. With Waheguru's kirpaa I met some really Chardi Kalaa people serving in the Armed Forces. May Waheguru keep them in Chardi Kalaa and bless them with Baanaa, Baani, Seva, Simran and the gift of Amrit.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Up Coming Events...

The programme for the Lions Kingdom is as follows:

Free Admission and refreshments

Date: Saturday 24th May 2008
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm (prompt start)
Venue: Warwickshire College, Trident Centre,
Trident Park, Warwick, CV34 6SW

Talks by Professional Lecturers on:

1) 'The Lioness & the Raj' - David Jones (Historian & Curator)
Lecture on the remarkable life of Maharani Jind Kaur, who proved to be a persistent stumbling block in the path of the imperialists.

2) 'Clash of the Lions' - Sarinjit Singh (Military Historian & Trustee of the Maharajah Duleep Singh Centenary Trust)
Lecture on the Anglo Sikh Wars, focusing on the battle of Chillianwalla.

3) 'Legacies of Annexation' - Harbinder Singh (Director of the Anglo Sikh Heritage Trail)
Lecture reflects on the fate of the Sikhs after the fall of Ranjit Singh’ Kingdom.

It is never to late to find out more about your faith and roots!
A special day has been organised for children and adults where you can learn about your faith & history in English.

Date: Friday 30th May
Time: 9.30am till 4.30pm
Venue: Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara Sahib, 17 A/B Queensway Trading Estate, Leamington Spa, CV31 3LZ.

The programme for the 1-Day Sikhi Workshop is as follows:

Opening Diwaan
Everyone registers at the start, followed by Simran and Hukamnama. The Hukamnama will be explained in English.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji Workshop
Interactive activity exploring Guru Arjan Dev jee's life and contributions. Followed by a presentation on Guru Arjan Dev jee's life journey.

Always enjoyable!

Shaheedi Diwas Presentation
Reflecting on the martyrdom day of Guru Arjan Dev jee

Videos & Discussions
There will be films shown on different aspects of Sikhi followed by discussions and sharing thoughts.

Closing Diwaan
The day will finish with seeking Waheguru's blessings through Naam Simran, Ardaas and then Hukamnama (explained in English).

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sikhi Camp is Back!

Sikhi Camp is back again this summer. Go to for further information and to download the application form. Below is a video showing the highlights of Sikhi Camp 2007:

>>Pictures from Sikhi Camp 2007

>>Audios from Sikhi Camp 2007
>> Application Form for Sikhi Camp 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Photos from Weekly Simran

Photos from the weekly Simran that takes place every Monday evening, 6.30pm till 7.30pm, at Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara Sahib, have been posted. Children and youngsters are encouraged to do seva and help one another to learn and do Simran on vaaja, Ardaas, Sukhaasan seva and with Guru Sahib's kirpaa Hukamnama seva.

Before Bhaji Pardip Singh jee (aka Dhadi Master) went to India he did a benti (request) to the Sangat that for the 300 years Gurgaddi diwas of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee we should all learn and be able to read full Nitnem (five prayers in the early morning, Rehraas sahib in the evening and Sohila Sahib at bedtime) by October 2008.

With Waheguru's kirpaa you can see the great devotion of all the children in increasing their Nitnem week by week. Some children are at the stage of doing Mool Mantar Abhiyaas (meditation) for 5 minutes in the morning, some are reciting full Japji Sahib and some are reciting nearly all full Nitnem banian every morning before they go to school. By October 2008, Guru Sahib kirpaa karan, it would be great to see all the children as full Nitnemi Sikh (reading all the prescribed Banian) and become tyaar-bar-tyaar Amritdhari Gursikhs.

Guru Nanak Dev jee says:
ਸੁਣਿ ਮਨ ਮਿਤ੍ਰ ਪਿਆਰਿਆ ਮਿਲੁ ਵੇਲਾ ਹੈ ਏਹ ॥
Suṇ man miṯar pi­āri­ā mil vėlā hai ėh.
Listen, O my mind, my friend, my darling: now is the time to meet the Lord.

ਜਬ ਲਗੁ ਜੋਬਨਿ ਸਾਸੁ ਹੈ ਤਬ ਲਗੁ ਇਹੁ ਤਨੁ ਦੇਹ ॥
Jab lag joban sās hai ṯab lag ih ṯan ḏėh.
As long as there is youth and breath, give this body to Him.

ਬਿਨੁ ਗੁਣ ਕਾਮਿ ਨ ਆਵਈ ਢਹਿ ਢੇਰੀ ਤਨੁ ਖੇਹ ॥੧॥
Bin guṇ kām na āvī dẖeh dẖėrī ṯan kẖėh. ||1||
Without virtue, it is useless; the body shall crumble into a pile of dust. ||1||
(Ang 20)

Now is the time to do as much as we can. May Guru Sahib do kirpaa on us all that we do not waste this life and dedicate time to remembering Waheguru and join with Gurbani and Naam.

ਮੇਰੇ ਮਨ ਲੈ ਲਾਹਾ ਘਰਿ ਜਾਹਿ ॥
Mėrė man lai lāhā gẖar jāhi.
O my mind, earn the profit, before you return home.

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਲਾਹੀਐ ਹਉਮੈ ਨਿਵਰੀ ਭਾਹਿ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
Gurmukẖ nām salāhī­ai ha­umai nivrī bẖāhi. ||1|| rahā­o.
The Gurmukh praises Naam, and the fire of egotism is extinguished. ||1||Pause||
(Ang 20)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

BBC Asian Network Discussion

Today I was invited to take part in a discussion on BBC Asian Network on the Nihal show (10am till 11am) at the BBC London studio in White City. The topic was "what comes first religious law or civic law." I was meant to arrive at the studio at 9.45am, however I got late for various reasons. Firstly, two out three of the ticket machines at the train station were out of order. Secondly, because of the ticket machines not working, the queue to buy the train tickets was huge and so I missed the train. Thirdly, the next train that was meant to leave at 8.08am was 30 minutes late! Chalo, I eventually got to the studio (15 minutes into the show) after rushing in the underground!

As soon as I got to the BBC, someone took me straight to the studio. Because I had rushed to get to the studio I was out of breath. As soon as I sat down, the presenter asked me a question (I thought at least let me catch my breath!). I was struggling to breathe and talk at the same time! Waheguru. It was a good show and some "interesting" callers.

>>Tuesday 6th May - Nihal Show's Divine Debate
(the 'Divine debate' starts at 1hr into the programme)

BBC Studio

Standing with Nihal (the presenter). He is a really down to earth and nice guy.

On the way back home I decided to take the train to Southall. I visited Park Avenue Gurdwara Sahib. As I entered the Gurdwara Sahib I thought there was an audio CD of keertan being played. When I entered the diwaan hall I was pleasantly surprised to see a keertani jatha doing keertan. The keertan was so beautiful and sweetly sung. Waheguru. Bhai Santokh Singh from Damdami Taksaal were doing keertan. The jatha were young in age. It's the first time I have seen or heard them! May Waheguru continue to do kirpaa on them.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Missing Person Found!

With Waheguru's Kirpaa, a missing person has been found.biggrin.gif

Bhai Pardip Singh from "Royal" Leamington Spa has been missing since early February 2008. There have been numerous sightings of Bhai Sahib in India. Reports of his appearance at Sri Harimander Sahib were made during April 2008 when Sikhs from UK visited Amritsar.

Today Bhai Sahib was spotted at Leamington Spa Gurdwara. After confirming that it was truly Bhai Pardip Singh present today, Daas took a photograph of Bhai Sahib to share with the Sangat so that everyone knows that Bhai Sahib has arrived back home fine and well.

Bhai Pardip Singh jee.

Local Sangat excited that they have spotted Bhai Pardip Singh and know that he has been found safe and well.

There were unconfirmed reports that Dhadi Master had got married whilst in India. Concerns that he had got married increased after his family visited Panjab in April. However, these reports have been cleared. Bhai Sahib did not get married.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Drugs, Meat & Alcohol - Gurbani Vichaar

One of the inspirational people I met during the Italy trip was a Kathaavachik named Bhai Balbir Singh who does a huge amount of sevaa. Conversations on Gurbani with Bhai Sahib were mind blowing and his knowledge of Gurbani was inspiring.

Bhai Sahib was doing vichaar on people who are continuously challenging Gurmat and show little faith in Gurbani. He said, "Some people ask where is it written in Gurbani that meat and sharaab (alcohol) are forbidden?" Bhai Sahib with so much pyaar and humility started doing vichaar of Bhagat Kabeer Jee's Salok (couplet) on Ang (respected word to refer to 'page') 1377 in Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee.

Below is the vichaar of the following Salok:

ਕਬੀਰ ਭਾਂਗ ਮਾਛੁਲੀ ਸੁਰਾ ਪਾਨਿ ਜੋ ਜੋ ਪ੍ਰਾਨੀ ਖਾਂਹਿ ॥
ਤੀਰਥ ਬਰਤ ਨੇਮ ਕੀਏ ਤੇ ਸਭੈ ਰਸਾਤਲਿ ਜਾਂਹਿ ॥੨੩੩॥
Kabīr bẖāʼng mācẖẖulī surā pān jo jo prānī kẖāʼnhi.
Ŧirath baraṯ nėm kī­ė ṯė sabẖai rasāṯal jāʼnhi. ||233||

Literal Translation:

"O Kabeer! Those mortals who consume marijuana, fish and wine
- no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, it all goes to waste and is of no use. ||233||"
(Ang 1377)

Through the Revealed Word of God, Bhagat Kabeer jee explains to himself to instruct the world about the prohibitions in religious discipline (kurehits). It is false to believe that this salok (hymn) only prohibits the consumption of cannabis, fish and alcohol. One has to look beyond the surface level and dive deeper into Gurbani. Guru Ji cannot make a vast list of drugs, foods and wines that one is forbidden to eat or drink. This would be a waste of time and difficult task to include the continuous new intoxicants or meat and alcohol products for sale around the world. Instead Guru jee categorises drugs, meat/flesh/killed animals and wines/alcohol under three categories which represent all products associated and in the same category.

Meaning of words:

ਭਾਂਗ (bẖaaʼng) = marijuana, cannabis |
The category of 'cannabis' or 'bhung' includes opium, heroine, tobacco, and all drugs whether inhaled, eaten, smoked or injected through needles. Some people argue that "bhung" (marijuana) is part of Sikh tradition and argue that it is part of Nihung Singh Maryada. However, who was given gurgaddi (guruship)? The answer is only Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee. Rehit-namas (ethical codes of conduct), Panth Prakaash granth or any other historical granth (scripture) was not given gurgaddi (guruship). So who do we listen to and obey first? The answer is Gurbani. People make mistakes, traditions can get distorted and adopt new things and writers can be misunderstood but Gurbani is Perfect, Unchanging and the Truth. Therefore, it is clear "bhung" and all intoxicant drugs are forbidden.

ਮਾਛੁਲੀ (maacẖẖulee) = fish |
The category of 'fish' includes all killed animals. Gurbani is not saying "Don't eat fish but you can eat a duck." This category refers to all types of meat whether sea animals (e.g. cod, haddock, crab, whale etc) or land animals (chicken, goat, cow, pig etc.) and all allied products like egg, i.e. all meat and flesh. People argue that one needs meat for strength, but Khalsa ji, the strongest animal on earth is the elephant. The elephant lives on nuts. In the old days when the Khalsa lived in the jungles as fugitives then the Khalsa stayed alive on "sholay" (chick-peas) and berries.

ਸੁਰਾ (suraa) = liquor, alcohol |
ਪਾਨਿ (paan) = one who drinks |

The category of alcohol or wine includes all types of alcohol. This does not mean that someone can argue "I can drink white whine but not drink whisky". Guru jee means all wines and types of alcohol, whether it is beer, whisky, rum, brandy, or any type of wine etc. This is irrespective of the brand name of the alcohol, how it is packaged or whether it is 1% alcohol or 20% alcohol.

ਜੋ ਜੋ ਪ੍ਰਾਨੀ (jo jo praanee) = whosoever, everyone |
ਖਾਂਹਿ (kẖaaʼnhi) = eat, consume |

Gurbani is not prohibiting drugs, meat and alcohol to only Sikhs. It is clear that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is addressing everyone, i.e. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and the whole world.

ਤੀਰਥ (Ŧeerath) = pilgrimages |
Guru Ji is addressing everyone and not only Sikhs. For Hindus, pilgrimage is bathing at the sixty-eight sacred places revered across India. For Muslims, pilgrimage is going on Hajj, i.e. visiting Mecca. For Christians, pilgrimage is visiting Bethlehem and Jerusalem. For Sikhs, pilgrimage in a physical sense is visiting Sri Harimandir Sahib (also known as the 'Golden Temple') in Amritsar as well as other historical Gurdwaras in India and Pakistan, but in a spiritual sense pilgrimage means travelling from your mind to one's soul through bathing and immersing oneself in Naam.

ਬਰਤ (baraṯ) = fast |
Hindus keep fasts on certain days related to their deities as an act of penance. Muslims observe 'Roza' or a fast during the month of Ramadan. Christians keep a fast or give up certain foods during 'Lent' (before Easter). Sikhs observe the permanent fast of not telling lies, not cheating anyone else or stealing the wealth of others, i.e. living an honest life.

ਨੇਮ (nėm) = (religious) routine, practice |
ਕੀਏ (kee'
ė) = perform, follow |
Hindus perform daily rituals (puja) and chant devotional prayers as part of their daily routine. Muslims perform five prayers (namaaz) as part of their daily routine. Christians say the Lord's prayer as part of their daily routine. Sikhs recite Nitnem (daily prayers) at Amrit-vela (the early ambrosial hours), in the evening and before bed. In addition to this Sikhs peform religious practices of holding Akhand Paatths, doing Langar seva and reciting Sukhmani Sahib etc.

ਤੇ ਸਭੈ (ṯė sabẖai) = they will all |
Again, Guru Ji talks about everyone. There are no exceptions.

ਰਸਾਤਲ ਜਾਂਹਿ (rasaaṯal jaaʼnhi) = become useless, there is not an iota of benefit, go to hell. |233|
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Pefect True Guru, the Complete Truth, the Word of God, the Universal Truth, instructs us that if anyone (irrespective of faith or background) consumes drugs or intoxicants, eats any fish or meat, or drinks any wine or alcohol then all their pilgrimages, fasts and religious practices and prayers lose their value and become worth nothing. So, irrespective of how many Akhand Paatths one holds at the Gurdwara, how many times one pays for Langar seva, or how many Sukhmani Sahib programmes one holds at their home, they will not reap the the true benefits. That person becomes worthy of hell and reaps no benefit from his religious commitments and efforts. If you collect many 'zeros', it means nothing. However, add '1' to three zeros and you will get 100 or add '1' to six zeroes and you get 1 million. Similarly, those of us who do good acts and pray to Waheguru but still follow our mind are collecting zeros but when we follow the Guru, become the Guru's Sikhs through Amrit and keep Rehit then it is like adding '1' to all those zeros collected.

This salok on ang 1377 is crystal clear that a Sikh is prohibited from eating meat or any flesh. Anyone who accepts and has full faith in Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee as their Satguru will not doubt Gurbani (the Guru's Word). With one Hukam from Gurbani a Sikh accepts and obeys. On the other hand, a Manmukh (one who follows his own mind) would continue to ask for further proof or evidence and remain unsatisfied and unwilling to submit to the instructions of Satguru.

In such simple language Bhai Sahib did Kathaa of this salok. Waheguru. May Waheguru bless such souls to carry on with more seva. This reminded me of an incident I read about in "Se Kineyha" from the lifetime of Baba Harnam Singh jee (Rampur Khera wale). Baba jee came to UK and was invited to a house in Hounslow, West London that was claimed to be haunted or had negative vibrations. I will share this story another time.

ਮਾਸੁ ਖਾਨਿ ਗਲ ਵਢਿ ਕੈ ਹਾਲੁ ਤਿਨਾੜਾ ਕਉਣੁ ਹੋਵਸੀ ॥
maas khaan gal vat kai haal thinaarraa koun hovasee |
I think about the plight of those (like you) who cut the throat of animals and eat their flesh.
(Bhai Gurdaas jee - Vaar 25: Pauri 17)

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee