Monday, April 28, 2008

Italy Trip

Last weekend Bhaji Sukhwinder Singh and Daas were invited to Italy for the opening of a new Gurdwara in Sabaudia, which is one hour away from Rome. We went on Friday morning and came back Monday morning. A Sri Akhand Paatth Sahib was held from Friday to Sunday with a Keertan and Kaveeshree (poetry) Darbaar after the bhog (completion) of the Sr Akhand Paatth Sahib. Guru Sahib caused us to meet a few Gurmukh Pyaare that are the hidden jewels of the Panth. These Singhs shared so much spirit and reminded me of Puraatan (old) Singhs.

Here are some photos from the trip:

Gurdwara Sahib.

Gurdwara Sahib entrance.

Langar Hall.

Nishaan Sahib.

This is the road on which the Gurdwara Sahib is built on. It reminded me of India.

Gurdwara's Darbaar Sahib.

On Friday we went shopping with the local Singhs. We were in the supermarket and came across a HUGE block of cheese for sale!

Just to put into perspective how big the cheese was!

On Saturday morning we went sight seeing in Rome.

I cannot remember the names of most of the buildings because on the tour bus they didn't have a tour guide! Instead they gave us ear phones which we had to plug in and listen to a recording. Firstly, the recording was slightly delayed in relation to the bus moving. So after going past a Church the recording would say "On your right you can see this magnificent Church..." But when you looked left there was no church because we had driven past it! Also the audio tour guide was confusing because it would say "On the left hand side you can see..." So we would look left and there was nothing there! We would look right and the building that the audio was mentioning was there. So they had left and right mixed up because no one knew whether he was talking about the left and right of the people sitting on the bus or left and right of someone who suppose was standing in front of us and explaining the tour. Waheguru!

St. Peter's church. It was disappointing that we could not enter the church because of our Kirpaans. They had metal detectors at the entrance.

Standing on top of a palace building with Colosseum in the background.

Outside the Colosseum. Again, we couldn't go inside because of our Kirpaans.

Sangat at the Sunday diwaan.

Kaveeshree Jatha from Italy. They sang really well! Beautiful voices and great poems.

Sewadaars eating Langar.

Bhai Jagtar Singh jee, student of Damdami Taksaal, who is serving as an unpaid voluntary Granthi Singh of the Gurdwara. Bhai Sahib is inspirational and shared many stories from his experience of coming abroad and his other associates which shows Sikhi Sidq and resting full faith in Kalgee Dhar Paatshaah, Guru Gobind Singh jee.

A Chardi Kalaa young child I met. He must be about 7 years old. On Saturday he came up to me and said Fateh. He was wearing a Patkaa and with a beaming smile he said, "Bhaji, I always come to the Gurdwara wearing a Pagh. Today I am not wearing a Pagh because I was in a rush and my dad did not have enough time to tie it on me. But see me tomorrow. Tomorrow I will wear a pagh." So much Sikhi Sidq at such a young age!

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Photos from West Brom Vaisakhi Camp

From 3rd to 4th April 2008, there was a Vaisakhi camp held at Edward Street Gurdwara, West Brom. The camp was organised by young Gursikhs, open to all ages. The camp was held with the main theme of Vaisakhi and also the martyrdom of the 13 Gursikhs in 1978. Daas attend the first day.

Below are photos from the camp (taken from Bhaji Bhupinder's Flickr:

Children's class.

Bhaji Bhupinder Singh ji doing a talk on how he got into Sikhi (Waheguru! The camera is really in his face!).

Slide showing photographs of Bhaji Bhupinder Singh ji before he came into Sikhi and took Amrit.

Talk on Vaisakhi.

Langar time! Baba ji with colourful Bana looking interested in Bhaji Kurbaan Singh's chips!

Bibi Daljeet Kaur ji giving a talk on Sikh Women.

Bhenji and the cartoon Bhenji look like sisters!

Painting class (this looks really fun!).

Gatka Akhaaraa.

Painting of Shaheed Bhai Fauja Singh by the children.


Sangat on last day.

Bhaji presenting certificates. Potential for Gurdwara Stage Secretary post.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Photos of Oxford Nagar Keertan

On Sunday 20th April 2008, Oxford held its Vaisakhi Nagar Keertan.

Photos below:

Veer Amritpal Singh from Leamington Spa

Panj Singhs entering Diwaan Hall.


Sangat standing for Ardaas.

Panj Singhs going outside.

Guru Granth Sahib Ji on float.

Panj Singhs.

Nagar Keertan.

Bhaji Pavitar Singh talking about Sikhi with a local Christian Vicar.

Bhaji Pavitar talking to the public.

Young Chardi Kalaa Singh from Oxford (happy Singh).

Singin along to Shabads.

Policeman walking with Nagar Keertan.

Nagar Keertan.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Attitude and Mindset

I came across this short inspirational post on a forum. A simple example but carries a lot of wisdom:

Author: Aman Singh
Posted: 26-07-2007

As I was passing the elephants, I suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break away from the ropes they were tied to but for some reason, they did not.

I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away."Well," he said, "when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it's enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free."

I was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were.Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before? So make an attempt to grow further....

"Our attempt may fail, but never fail to make an attempt."

Sometimes people say "I won't be able to stop cutting my hair", "I won't be able to take Amrit and follow Rehat" or "I can't give up eating meat". If you ask, "What's keeping you back from following Guru Sahib's Hukam?" People start to think and say "work", "friends", "family" or "I don't know."

In the House of Guru Nanak anything is possible. Satguru makes the impossible possible. If you do Ardaas and truly believe in something with full faith and devotion, the True Guru will fulfil the wish. Picture yourself free from the bonds holding you back and you can fulfil this dream. The things which we think are holding us back are like the rope holding the elephant. It can be broken any time if we wake up and realise that nothing is equal to the power of Ardaas and the Kirpaa (blessings) of Guru Sahib.

Friday, April 18, 2008

New Sikh Movies...

Recently I had opportunity to watch a new Sikh movie called "Naanak Naam Chardi Kalaa." It is a really good film which shows a Gurmukh family and the journey of their son who is corrupted by others and as a result becomes a Manmukh. Becoming a "Bemukh" (one who turns their face away from the Guru) he realizes the paap (sin) he has committed and repents. Really good film. Below is a preview of the film which I found:

Another Sikh movie which is to be released next month is "Sundri". The film is made by Vismaad production company, the same company which made the successful animation films "Sahibzadey" and "Rise of Khalsa". "Sundri" is a novel based on a non-fictional historical time period which shows the struggle and challenges of Sikhs living the 18th century as they lived as fugitives from the authorities. Sundri is the main character of the novel. I would really recommend watching the film but also reading the book. You can download the book from this link. Preview of the film is below: