On Saturday, sewadaars and Sangat came all the way from London, Coventry and even as far as Manchester to take part in the camp. After the morning Diwaan and Hukamnama explanation, the campers were divided into two groups. The younger ones went took part in a poster-making class and the elder group had a talk and presentation on Science & Gurbani.
The Science & Gurbani class led by Dr. Bhai Tarlochan Singh
Bhaji leading the poster-making class.
Young girl making a Mool Mantar poster.
Another person making a Mool Mantar poster.
Young children having a fun time drawing!
London Singhs.
During the poster-making class two young Singhs said they wanted to learn how to tie a Dastaar. Their mother was with them and said that the children (about 6 or 7 years old) cry at home and say they want to learn how to tie a Dastaar. So I took them into the hallway and said I would teach them how to tie a Dastaar. That morning I had brought a small suitcase in which I store all the Dastaars that the Sangat donate for children to wear and keep at camps. I got the suitcase out and opened it up. Shock horror! Unfortunately I brought the wrong suitcase! Instead of the Dastaar suitcase, I by mistake brought my KACHHERE suitcase! So the poor boys who were expecting to get a dastaar instead were staring at an open suitcase with Kachhere in them. Waheguru. Thankfully a local aunty jee asked around and some how got dastaars for the boys.
The Kachhere story didn't end there! I left my suitcase in the hallway thinking that it will be fine and no one will do anything. Later on in the day, Bali Bhaji (a local sewadaar) said: "Bhaji, just to let you know that someone (no names mentioned) has taken a few Kachhere from the suitcase." I felt embarrassed and said, "Bhaji that is fine. Udhaa, I don't have enough Kachhere to distribute or give out. They were actual new Kachhere for personal use. But don't worry, because there were a few in the suitcase. So he can have them." Even though I said don't worry, Bhaji went to the person who got the Kachhere by mistake and got them back from him! Waheguru. Slightly embarrassing.
At lunch time there were veggie burgers, chips and beans! Waheguru! There's stiff competition now with Coventry Cross Road Gurdwara Camp langar and Leamington Camp langar! lol. The Langar sewadaars at the camp did very well! After langar there was a talk on the history and philosophy of Gatka which included a demonstration.
Bhai Gurnam Singh (Sociology Professor at Coventry University) talking about the origins of Gatka.
Young Manbir Singh asked the question, "In Gatka do you get hurt?" Bhai Gurnam Singh asked him to stand up and did a demo with a Kirpaan. Poor boy thought he was going to be chopped up but don't worry, Bhai Sahib didn't harm him!
Everyone being taught basic "Pentraa" (movements involved in Gatka).
Learning how to sit in a disciplined way and do Simran.
Waheguru. This photo looks like an ideal photo that someone could frame and put up in the living room :)
In the late afternoon the campers were divided into groups. The younger ones did a class on the meanings of the first Pauree (stanza) in Japji Sahib and the elder group had a class on "The Life of a Gursikh" that looked at Rehat (Sikh way of life) and how we can progress in Sikhi through introducing BaaNaa (physical appearance), Baanee (reading Paatth and doing Nitnem), Seva (selfless service) and Simran (remembrance of Waheguru) in our lives.
Bhaji Vijay Singh doing a talk on the life of a Gursikh.
Sangat listening. It was very inspiring to hear children put up their hand and share that they recite Mool Mantar every morning, others read Japji Sahib every day and before they go to sleep they recite Sohila Sahib.
The camp ended with Simran followed Ardaas and Hukamnama. When camp finishes, it doesn't finish for Leamington's children! It was nice that children stayed behind and wanted to learn Shabads, Simran tunes and learn Tablaa! Waheguru.
Bhaji Jasdev Singh (East London) teaching the boys some new things to play on the Tablaa.
Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teri Sikhee.
To be continued (with Sunday's photos)...