I came across an article on the DiscoverSikhi.com forum. The article is called, "From a Weed to a Rose: Transformation of a Humbled Man", written by Bhai Jagdeesh Singh (California). Bhai Sahib was born in a Hindu family and took Amrit and become a Sikh in his 30s when living in America. He writes about his visit to India to see his family and attend a Keertan Smaagam (programme). His brother was very sick and his death was near. In a conversation with his brother Bhai Sahib suggested the only way to free oneself from their karmic account and be set free from Maya is through Amrit. His brother agreed to take Amrit and listening to the discipline (Rehat) of the Khalsa he agreed to adopt the Guru's teachings.
Below is an extract from the article Bhai Sahib has written that really moved me:
"...Finally on January 20th 2004, his day came to take Amrit. I told him to take a full shower and wear clean clothes. I gave him a new kacchera and tied a new turban on his head. He was a bit nervous. He gave me a big hug. I could feel his body shivering. I started slowly and softly doing simran while I held him in my arms. I felt his body getting calmer and his shivering dissipating by the calming effect of the Naam.

The Panj Piaarey asked him why he had come to Guru Sahib’s court. He answered:
"I have come to pay my debts with Guru Gobind Singh. I am an "akrit-ghan" (ungrateful) Hindu who has overlooked the kurbanee (sacrifice) of Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Nanak Dev jee’s teachings. Guru Gobind Singh has given his 4 sahibzaadey (sons), his army and himself for Hindustan and we as a nation turned our faces from Guru Sahib. If my body skin were made into "chappals" (sandals), I could not repay the dues for what he has given to us and to Hindustan.
I came here in Dargaah (court) to ask for his apology and be forgiven the sins I have done to him. Maybe Guru, in His kindness will take me out of this Hindu "joonee" (lifetime or existence) and bless me with his Amrit that I may serve Him as a Sikh. I have for years been watching my youngest brother growing spiritually so far from us as an Amritdhaaree baptized Singh. I have been watching his love and devotion developing and observed him changing so much from who he was before. He became a very pious soul now. I want the Guru to kindly grant me the same baksheesh (blessing) so that in this life and coming lives I can serve Guru Gobind Singh and perhaps repay my debt to him.”

Taken from:
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