Friday, September 06, 2019

ਭੁਲਣਹਾਰ ਤੇ ਦਯਾ ਕਰਨੀ । Being compassionate when people make mistakess...

Today I saw a video of a sincere mistake that a young Singh made when doing Guru Ji’s seva (which I don’t wish to dwell on) that prompted this post as sometimes people use the smallest opportunity to jump on the wagon to put down others faced in an unfortunate situation (which could sadly happen to anyone!). 

This reminded me of a story from Bhai Vir Singh Ji’s book "Gurmukh Sikhyaa". The book shares a story of when Bhai Vir Singh Ji's friend is on his death-bed. His friend helplessly says to Bhai Vir Singh Ji that he is a big sinner and has no chance to be saved or get peace. Bhai Sahib asked him “what is bigger- a boat or the ocean?” The friend replied “the ocean, with no doubt.” Then Bhai Sahib said, “What is bigger- your sins or Guru Nanak’s Nadar (Grace)?” His friend’s eyes welled up with water and said “Guru Nanak’s Nadar (Grace)!” This is the reality. 

Anyone can make mistakes, and it is easy to say I have got my mistake forgiven. However, Gurbani teaches to not just to remember Guru is always All-Forgiving, but to also remember we are always going to make mistakes. And therefore a Sikh lives in continuous Ardaas for Vahiguru to forgive them and also show them the correct way. Just as Guru is All-Forgiving to those who come to seek His sanctuary, the Sangat also reflects the Pyaar (love) of the Guru in being All-Forgiving. When Kauda Bheel the cannibal fell before Guru Nanak Dev Ji and asked for forgiveness for his mistakes, Guru Ji lifted him up and made him into a Saint. 

I think, if that was today, would we really allow Kauda to move on from a cannibal to saint, because Guru Ji did? Or would people share his mistake done in ignorance of the true wisdom and make it viral on Facebook and Whatsapp and have a free for all mud slinging match? It sometimes feels that mistakes not even close to what Kauda done in his past life as a cannibal are highlighted and made public in today’s world not because they are threat to someone or the Panth (nation), not with the intention of spreading education of Sikhi but enjoyment in seeing others mistakes (especially if they are from a different Jathebandi/group or have different views from us) not realising that it could be us tomorrow. 

Let’s follow the footsteps of our Great Guru, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji and receive his happiness and blessings🙏🏻

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