Friday, August 30, 2019

Today in Sikh History: 30th August

In Sikh history, 30th August marks the extraordinary martyrdom of an extraordinary Singh. “Anokh” means extraordinary. On 30th August 1987 Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar was martyred by the then Punjab Police. According to the written account of his martyrdom in the book “Te Deeva Jaagda Rahegaa” (written by Bhai Amardeep Singh Amar), every bone of Bhai Anokh Singh Ji’s body had been broken through torture, yet the saintly-lion kept chanting God’s Name, “Vahiguru”. Bhai Sahib awoke from consciousness to see darkness, to later realise that the barbaric torturers had ripped out both of his eyes. When he asked the prison guard what the time was, he replied “7.15pm”. Bhai Sahib said, “time for ‘Rehraas Sahib’ (name of the evening Sikh prayer)”. Bhai Sahib began reciting Bani (sacred prayer). 
On completing the Bani, he wanted to stand for Ardaas (standing prayer) but unable to as they had tortured him so badly. Whilst sitting he prayed to Vahiguru that he was blessed to have had such a peaceful and happy day passing in His Divine-Will and may the night also pass happily in His Will. Not being able to tolerate Bhai Sahib reciting “Vahiguru” over again, the torturers cut off Bhai Sahib’s tongue.
Scene from movie 'Toofan Singh' depicting Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar's martyrdom
A true example of a saint-soldier who never gave up on his Nitnem (daily prayers) or Simran (meditation upon the Lord’s Name) even when faced with the most evilest tortures imaginable. Bhai Sahib’s shaheedi (martyrdom) shows the extremes of humankind. On one end the tortures show how low humankind can go in cold-heartedly destroying life. On the other hand Bhai Anokh Singh shows how amazing humankind can be in being selfless in happily risking and sacrificing one’s life to protect and defend others.

“Dhan Guru, Dhan Guru Ke Pyaare” (blessed is the Guru, and blessed are the Beloveds of the Guru). The spiritual life, seva (selfless service) and shaheedi (martyrdom) of Bhai Sahib will continue to inspire the lovers of humanity and God.🙏ðŸŧ.

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