Bhai Shingara Singh Ji (Birmingham) passed away on Thursday 30th June 2011 at the age of 88. His nephew who looked after him went in to his room the next morning and Bhai Sahib had already passed away. He was one the pioneers of Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK.
Bhai Shingara Singh Ji came from a very Chardi Kalaa village. His parents were Akalis (devout Sikhs) and so was the rest of the village. From a young age he enjoyed going to the Gurdwara and listening to Gurbani and the explanations given. Once, when was still young, he visited his local Gurdwara Sahib and was listening to Kathaa on the coming of Guru Nanak Dev Ji into this Dark Age of Kalyug. The Giani Ji giving the lecture explained the following Shabad:ਹਰਿ ਬਿਨੁ ਜੀਉ ਜਲਿ ਬਲਿ ਜਾਉ ॥From that day, Bhai Sahib started making greater efforts in his Sikhi.
ਮੈ ਆਪਣਾ ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਛਿ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਅਵਰੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਥਾਉ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
Without the Lord, my soul is scorched and burnt. Having consulted my Guru, and now (with faith) I can see that there is no other place at all (other than the Lord). ||1||Pause||
(Siree Raag M:1, Ang 14)
Joining the Army
At a very young age Bhai Shingara Singh Ji had a desire to join the army. He had an interest in shooting and warfare, and had a strong-build. At the age of 14, Bhai Sahib went to enrol for the army. Seeing how young he was, the army told him he did not qualify to enrol. A couple of weeks later Bhai Sahib returned back to the army recruitment place and told them he was 16 just so that he could join the army. Bhai Sahib was accepted, even though he had no beard yet and was still very young. In the army he would go to sleep at 10pm and wake at 1am, without the help of anyone. He would recite the Bani, for example Salok Mahalla 9 and Shabad Hazaare, that he had memorised until sunrise. He was the most punctual of the cadets. In the mornings, he was always the first to get ready for the army parade.
Receiving Amrit
Bhai Sahib received Amrit when he enroled in the British Indian army. At the time, it was a requirement for all recruits joining the Sikh regiment to be Amritdhari. Bhai Sahib was introduced by some Gursikhs to the Akhand Kirtani Jatha. He became pulled to Naam when doing Sangat of Akhand Kirtani Jatha and so presented himself at an Amrit Sanchaar during the Akhand Kirtani Jatha's Jalandhar Smaagam. When Bhai Sahib recieved the blessings of Naam from the Panj Pyaare at this Amrit Sanchaar he commented, "pher gall banee" (this is when I got sorted - i.e. obtained spiritual intoxication). The Panj Pyaare were blessed-souls and fully-observant in Khalsa Rehat. The Jathedaar (Head) of the Panj Pyaare at the time was Master Sunder Singh Ji, a very chardikala Singh. Master Surinder Singh Ji would sit through Kirtan programmes from early evening till morning without moving an inch.
Getting arrested in the Army
At one point Bhai Shingara Singh Ji was arrested because a mischievous Hindu army chief. He was sentenced to 2 months in jail. One day in jail, he was standing in the line for food. One of the jail officers said something and Bhai Sahib replied back. The officer told Bhai Sahib to get down and do some push-ups as a punishment for having his sleeves rolled up. He said "No I am Khalsa, do you know what Khalsa is?" The officer replied, "I know very well what Khalsa is". Bhai Shingara Singh Ji said "No you don’t, today you will find out what the Khalsa is! Today we will sort you out!" He chose not to eat until he gave the officer a good lesson. He was backed by another Gujrati who was in jail. Bhai Shingara Singh Ji ended up breaking his arm, and dislocating his shoulder. Then the other guard smacked Bhai Sahib with lanterns on the head, the lanterns broke but Bhai Sahib didn’t feel anything. Seeing this, the other guards ran. As it was dark he couldn’t find an escape route and was caught. He was punched and beaten and hit with stick in his thighs. But he said he didn’t feel any pain as he was very strong. He said "my body was like iron". He was imprisoned for 2 years for this. However, he used to read a lot of Gurbani and chant Naam. When he got tired he wouldn’t stop, but would stand up and carry on.
Darshan of Guru Gobind Singh Jee
One night in jail, whilst chanting Naam with his mala (rosary), Bhai Sahib fell asleep. The mala fell on the floor. That night Bhai Sahib said Guru Gobind Singh Ji came on his horse and told him, "Today you will be freed". Later that day, when the the list was being read out for people being released, Bhai Sahib's name was also read out. Bhai Sahib had not yet served his 2 year sentence but he was miraculously freed from prison by Guru Sahib. Bhai Sahib spoke how Guru looks after his Gursikhs if he we remain his loyal and beloved children and have full-faith in him.
Fighting in World War II
During World War II, the Japanese attacked Burma on 22nd January 1942. The British called for back-up to fight the Japenese. The Sikh regiment was called there, in which Bhai Shingara Singh Ji was present. Col. F.T. Birdwood OBE wrote his book, "The Sikh Regiment in Second World War", "It was a dramatic scene, amazingly still, with a full moon high in the sky, as the Japanese were working their way forward through the jungle to the attack. The Sikhs held their fire till the Japanese were close up, and then gave a resounding ‘Jo bole so nihal, sat siri akal’, as they threw them back time after time." He goes on to write, "The shouts rang clearly through the jungle and echoed ‘round the hills, while answering ‘fatehs’ were periodically heard from men of the 4th/15th Punjab Regiment Holding positions over on the left. The self-confidence of the Sikhs was most inspiring, and the Japanese could make no headway. Before dawn they withdrew back to their positions further south." During the war in Burma, Bhai Sahib had memorised most of his Banis (prayers). He said that he memorised as much Bani as he had in his previous life and was blessed to memorise even more.
Working in a Printing Press
After the war, Bhai Shingara Singh Ji was looking for employment in India. He once went to apply for a job at a printing press. The job was night-shift work. Bhai Sahib met a Mona (cut-haired individual) who also worked there. Seeing him, Bhai Sahib lovingly asked him what his name was. The man replied, "Gursharan Singh". Bhai Shingara Singh Ji looked at his face and head and said with convinction, "Really? What makes you a Singh?... The puraatan (ancient) Singhs had their scalps removed but refused to cut their hair, and you have cut it yourself!..." Hearing Bhai Sahib's soul-stirring comments, Gursharan Singh kept his Kesh and became interested in Sikhi. The family of Bhai Gursharan Singh Ji were very happy to hear what had happened and thanked Bhai Sahib that their son had come back to his spiritual roots.
Coming to the UK
Bhai Shingara Singh Ji migrated to the UK in 1963. He was known as "Nihang Singh" because he was one of the first people to wear baanaa (Khalsa dress) in the UK. During this time it was difficult to find anyone who was Amritdhari or even just in full Sikhi Saroop. The Gurdwara Committees consisted of people who had cut haired and drank alcohol. Bhai Sahib informed the Gurdwara Committee that the Committee should be Sikhs, however it had little impact on the situation. To tackle this situation on grass roots level, Bhai Sahib began to do Langar Seva. Whilst serving Langar, Bhai Sahib would lovingly preach the teachings of Guru Ji to those coming to be served Langar.
Finding employment
Arriving in the UK, Bhai Shingara Singh Ji was struggling to find employment because of his Dastaar (turban) and beard. At the time, there was racism and a lack of tolerance towards looking different. Bhai Sahib went to a foundry in West Bromwich (Birmingham) and asked one of the managers for a job. Bhai Sahib said, "Give me the chance to work. You won't have to pay me. If after one week you are satisfied with my work, then you can pay me." The manager at the time loved the idea of Bhai Sahib doing free labour for a week and enrolled Bhai Sahib in his foundry. After working a week, Bhai Shingara Singh Ji doubled the quota of all the other workers and secured a job. Due to Bhai Sahib's hard work the manager employed more Singhs, as he quickly realised they were hard and sincere workers.
First Akhand Kirtani Jatha organized Amrit Sanchaar
Bhai Shingara Singh Ji arranged the first Akhand Kirtani Jatha organized Amrit Sanchaar in the UK. He had brought a sarbloh baataa (bowl) with him from India. However, he had a challenge to find large Kirpaans and gather Sevadaars for doing Seva in the Amrit Sanchaar. With Guru Ji's Grace, both large Kirpans and Sevadaars to serve as the Panj Pyaare were found. In the first-ever organised Amrit Sanchaar, Bhai Sahib said there were two very chardikala Guriskhs. One of the Singhs was Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji. It is said that when Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji recited Naam his body would become light and would begin to float towards the ceiling.
Bibek Rehat
Bhai Shingara Singh Ji maintained Sarbloh Bibek (eating food prepare in iron utensils by Amritdharis) for many years of his life. Bhai Sahib strongly believed that Sikhs should keep a basic level of Bibek Rehat of at least eating food cooked and served from the hands of only Amritdharis or preparing one's own food. But then again, he said that the person should be practising Nitnem and be focussed on Naam, otherwise it defeats the point of Bibek. Bibek Rehat is meant to spiritually guard one's spiritual wealth and keep one in discipline. Bhai Sahib strongly believed that one should not pick or choose Rehat and Hukams of Guru Sahib, and faithfully follow all Hukams that Guru Ji has given.
Inspiring Bhai Rajinder Singh Ji (Dudley)
When Bhai Rajinder Singh Ji (Dudley) was approximately 19-20 years he approached Bhai Shingara Singh Ji after an Amrit Sanchar
at Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick. Bhai Rajinder Singh Ji was doing Seva of cleaning shoes and Bhai Shingara Singh Ji had just entered the Gurdwara Sahib. Bhai Rajinder Singh Ji approached him and asked “When should a Sikh
take Amrit?" Bhai Shingara Singh Ji replied that when the Siddhs asked
Guru Nanak Dev Ji the same question, Guru Ji replied that: ਪਵਨ ਅਰੰਭੁ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਮਤਿ ਵੇਲਾ ॥Bhai Rajinder Singh Ji was so moved by Bhai Sahib's explanation that over a 6-12 month period, he would go to Bhai Shingara Singh Ji's house and discuss Sikhi & gurmat. Bhai Shingara Singh Ji gave Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Ji's autobiography book for him to read, which changed his life. In April 1972, Bhai Rajinder Singh Ji took Amrit during an Akhand Kirtani Jatha Rainsbai Kirtan at Smethwick Gurdwara.
From the time one begins to breathe, one should think and learn from teachings of the Guru.
(Raamkalee M:1, Ang 942)
No short comings
Bhai Shingara Singh Ji said Gursikhs must live a householder's life, earn an honest living and never eat food that has been begged for. He said that Sikhs should have honour and work hard for what they have. He would quote that Guru Nanak Dev Ji worked 18 years of his life farming the land, which was used for supporting the Langar. Having a strong work ethic, Bhai Sahib used to daily work 12 hour shifts in a factory. Bhai Sahib said that Guru Sahib never let his money run out and that he always had too much, no matter how much he spent. Once, his daughter who worked in a bank, wanted some money from her father. Bhai Sahib wrote his daughter a cheque for £2,000. His daugher checked Bhai Sahib's account and was shocked to know that there was only £250. However, when she checked again later, there was £10,000 in his account. Bhai Sahib also bought a tractor in Punjab so that his nephew could start doing some labour and stay away from the drugs.
Advise on Occult Powers
Once Bhai Shingara Singh Ji's cousin-sister told him that she had a problem of feeling frightened. She told Bhai Sahib that whenever she went to sleep, she would feel scared. Bhai Sahib told her to keep a big Kirpan by her bedside and that Guru Sahib will help her. Later, Bhai Sahib came to know that his cousin-sister used to pray to obtain 'riddhya siddhya' (occult powers). When Bhai Sahib found this out, he told his cousin-sister that this was the reason for her fear. Bhai Saib explained that a Sikh should only pray and ask Guru Sahib Ji for Naam and the opportunity to get closer to Vahiguru.
Importance of Gurbani and knowledge
Bhai Shingara Singh Ji expressed the importance of Sehaj Paatth. He shared his view that Akhand Paatths today have become a business and there is little benefit from such commercialised Paaths. He said that once his daughter completed two Sehaj Paatths and then she rang him and said that now she understands what Gurbani is. He said that is because in a Sehaj Paatth it is read at a pace were it’s easier to understand Gurbani. Bhai Sahib had a Larreevaar Saroop (joint-up words in accordance to the Guru's tradition) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. He used to perform a Sehaj Paatth everyday from around 3pm-7pm followed by Rehraas Sahib and Sukhaasan. In addition to this he had Pothis (small volumes) of Sri Dasam Granth from which he would study from and recite. He used to read a lot of books and was very knowledgeable and also believed it was important to stay in touch with the news so that one knows what is happening in the world.
Bhai Shingara Singh Ji was very pleased at seeing other Gursikhs keeping Bibek Rehat and said that one needs to make sure that they keep Naam as their focus to ensure the Rehat has value. On another occasion Bhai Sahib stressed that each Sikh should keep Shastars in their homes and ensure they protect their homes and families. Bhai Sahib said that each Sikh should at least have a 3 foot Kirpaan in their home. I've heard some stories about the spiritual experiences of Bhai Sahib as well. From what I've seen and heard, Bhai Sahib was a strong-minded, high-charactered and disciplined Gursikh. May Guru Ji bless us all with the love of Naam, Baani and Rehat.Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!
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Vaheguru!!!, Dhan Guru Pyaareo!!!
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