Monday, November 17, 2008

Poem: "Another Tree Falls"

I came across the video on YouTube. It is from a conference or talk in America called "Lahir 2008". Bhai Rubin Paul Singh poetically highlights human rights issues. It's a really creative way of raising awareness. Watching the video you feel overpowered by the words of the poem.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhai Hai Teree Sikhee.


Ravjeet Singh said...


Anonymous said...

never miss a chance to stand for Truth and Justice.

I am touched by your poem Manvir Singh. Keep it up.

Navkiran Singh Advocate.
counsel for Paramjit kaur Khalra,in the case of Dissapeared Persons of Punjab.

Anonymous said...

Really moving poem. I forgot how moving poems can be when read out by their authors.

atma singh