From Wednesday 26th to Saturday 29th December 2007, the Annual Winter Sikhi Camp was held Cross Roads Gurdwara in Coventry, which was organised by S.H.A.R.E. It was the first camp I've attended in Coventry! I am so glad I went. Chardikalaa Gursikhs, sevadaars and children! Three words to sum up the camp are - pyaar, inspiration and FUN!
Around 140-160 youngsters participated during the week. Everyone was divided into age groups. The 14+ had their own talks, discussions and a special group project which they worked on during the week. The younger campers rotated around zones throughout the day - seva zone, simran zone, saint zone, soldier zone, and fun zone. Other than the chardikala Gursikhs, Sangat and opportunities of getting closer to Naam and Bani, the highlight of the camp was the LANGAR. Waheguru! Langar was so tasty and the variety of items was unbelievable - tortia (sabjee in roti wrapped around), Burgers, Jacket Patotoes, Pizza, Cakes and more cakes. Waheguru! A lot of hardwork and effort put in by the aunty jees, bhenjis and parents helping out in Langar!
Some photos from the camp (from
5 years old, Sahib Singh, doing Ardaas. Waheguru.
Young children's class with Bhenji.
Bhai Sahib Tarsem Singh jee taking class in one of the zones.
14+ years boys group having open discussion with Bhai Nirmal Singh jee (Birmingham).
Bhai Pardip Singh jee 'Dhadi' (Leamington Spa Wale) ran classes on how to do Guru Sahib's sewa from Parkaash, Hukamnama and how to do Sukhaasan. All the children I asked said that learnt lots from this class.
Archery and paintballing.
Bouncy Castle! I think there were a few holes in the bouncy castle (probably someone's kirpaan or pagh sly made a hole), so you easily fell over! Good fun for everyone.
14+ years group
Children doing Simran. Waheguru!
Waheguru!! Langar time. In the background you can see the cartoon cut out of a singh character. There were cardboard cut outs of characters of Singhs and Singhnees around the camp. First time I have seen this much creativity by camp organisers. Looked really good!

The "Family" - cartoon characters of a Singh family :) (I think the Aunty jee from the family is missing in the photo!).
Young children doing "Shin Kin". (Looks like the children are strangling one another!!!).
I think this is called "Buckaroo". Looked bit dangerous! Didn't look nice to get thrown around by a mad bull and nearly get squashed! :)
The camp finished everyday with children doing Simran in the Diwaan.
Waheguru. At the end of each day there was cake and drinks for everyone. Resisting all the cakes and treats was a tough job!!
Part 2 to come...
the camp was amazing and wouldnt have been the same without bhai manvir singh ji khalsa! thanks for coming!
mmmm langar
sat sri akal....
This camp seems to be very well organised welldone to all!!!!
Really like the idea of the Sikh cartoon cut-outs
We are organising a camp at Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurudwara Bradford, on the 9th and 10th February. Please attend if you can, more details to follow...
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
I was just wondering if you would be able to find out who made those carboard cutouts? I live in Australia and wished to get something like that made for an event coming up. So it would be great if you could send me an email at if you can give me a contact as to who has the graphic to print etc. Would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,
Harjit Singh
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
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