Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Birthday

Master of Dhads, Bhai Pardip Singh Ji

Many happy returns on Dhadi Master Pardip Singh (Royal Leamington Spa Wale's) birthday who turned 22 yesterday!


  1. Anonymous10:17 pm

    i hear dhadi master is now lukin to get married and wants a wife who can play dhad and sarangi.

  2. Anonymous11:12 pm

    does bhaji go to bham uni? think i've seen him around!

  3. Anonymous11:21 pm


    thank u very much for puting my bday on the internet so the whole world (not). now i can become a famous dhadi and make loads of money around the world. im gona use ur blogs of advertise my programmes. lol

    ok first of all, i am NOT going get marrided. not now, not ever!!!! so ppl been telling lies. i bet its sum from the west midlands or even a (ex)student of bham uni.

    H Singh: yes i am from bham uni. study here as does baba giani manvir singh ji khalsa. its my final year. where have u seen me????

  4. Anonymous6:46 am

    Hey I think i saw that pic on! no jokes man. wow.

    Keep up Good work. I hope your dreams of a rishta come true very soon. Hope you keep up parchaar of SRM in Bham!

    go pardip go pardip go pardip Dhadi maaaaaaan woho.

  5. Anonymous10:34 am

    you check out dhadi master's b'day pics from last year here.

  6. Vaheguroo I didnt know it was Bhai Sahib jis Birthday.

    Happy Birthday Dhadi Master Bhai Sahib Baba Pardip Singh Ji 108. May Guroo Sahib Bless you with a Naam Abhiyaasy Tyaar -byTyaar Gursikhi Jeevan and you strive to do parchaar for PANTH.

    May you jaap naam with every swaas and may us paapis get darshan of such Chardi Kala Panthic Gursikhs who clock it like you. GurooGuroo ;-)

  7. Anonymous3:16 pm

    Happy 22nd birthday bhai sahib... may guru ji bless you as RSINGH has mentioned...but good luck with the dhadi...and of course marital search!



  8. Anonymous4:23 pm

    happy birthday

    so wud d.m. want his lavan sang dhadi style or kirtan? wud do a dhadi demo at ur own weddin?

  9. Anonymous4:25 pm

    thank u everyone.

    can bham taxi tell where on he saw my photo?

    also as i've sed b4, i am NOT going to get married. please dont go round looking for a wife for me. cos im NOT getting married.

    vaheguru vaheguroo vahegurooooo

  10. Anonymous4:32 pm

    dhan mahapurash.

  11. Anonymous6:38 pm

    btw there is an Amrit Sanchar in December in Coventry for more info see

  12. Anonymous7:38 pm

    theres also an amrit sanchaar in bham on the 24th of december at main smethwick gurdwara

  13. Anonymous8:32 pm

    Coventry Rainsbaiii gonna be maddd VAHEGUROOOOOOOOOOOO

  14. Anonymous10:05 pm

    what dhadi's getting married?

    does anyone have any dates/locations of this gupt occasion?

    hes keeping it on the hush hush, something unusual for this bushy singh

    keep smiling pardip singh

    you wont be laughing after the lavaaan hehe

  15. Anonymous10:28 pm

    right thats it!! im not happy wiv all these ppl who wont disclose their names!!!!!

    first of all im NOT getting married. if i was, yes dhadi wud do the lavan as per dhadi tradition of the mid-late 20th century. i've seen dhadi doing anand karaj and its wicked. also y wudnt i be laughing after the lavan? all of the sangat will get into bir ras after the dhadi finish.

    im sure cov rainsbai wud be mad, but has that got to do wiv my bday or my marriage?(cough cough...rav)

    bham taxi: i wud like to get ur darshan and we can disuss the SRM

    rsingh: all my lectures which i do for dhadi are panthic and according to the actual historical events, not history which has been made up by recent self proclaimed "panthic vidvaans".

    also can all these anonymous ppl say their names? i wont go into bir ras mode. infact listening to dhadi calms me down. vaheguroooooooo

  16. Anonymous1:05 am

    for all of those picking on pardip singh....... PLEASE STOP, you're not leaving anything for me.
    Pardip Singh Ji Khalsa, I appreciate your sangat and your mad laugh. (anyone whose heard it will know what i mean)
    Cant wait the wedding singh! be sure to invite me!
    by the way keertan at timbuktu gurdwara this saturday! gona be crazyyyyyyyyyy

  17. Chardikoala jee - Where is Timuktu Gurdwara? Sounds African.

  18. Anonymous1:43 pm

    lol hahahhahahahaha theres also youth keertan at Slough ;)

  19. Anonymous2:35 pm

    i think Timbuktu is somewhere betwen Warwick and Banbury. the sangat there is propa chardikala and panthic. i heard the kirtan there is wicked, madddddddd

  20. Anonymous10:09 pm

    is pardip paaji a nihung? coz i seen him wearin the round type big pagh. i just saw this pic of him.

  21. Anonymous12:57 am

    wow a nihang dhadi. maybe his singhni will have a sarangi tied into her boonga.

    my mind is exploding just thinking about this occasion and really hoping i get an invite or atleast get the location before i find the photos on manvir singhs blog - lol!

  22. Anonymous12:58 am

    Pardip Singh Ji
    Have you done your schooling from Baru Sahib School(located in India)?
    AP sandhu.

  23. Anonymous11:58 am

    haha we will prob find a hom video of the wedding on manvirs blog haha :=P

  24. Anonymous12:27 pm

    AP Sandhu Sahib are you plannin to make a movie of the jeevani of Baba Pardip Singh Royal Leamington Spa wale? I can just picture the video starting with Dhadi Master's early baby years holding a Dhad and smackin it and then his school years followed by him lukin to get married. hehehe. VaahiGuroooooooooooooooooooo

  25. Anonymous2:10 pm

    i hav had no schoolong from baru sahib. nor do i plan on going there.

    as i sed b4, im NOT getting married. there will be NO nihung dhadi wife for me. i aint getting married

    there will be no video of my jeevan either.

    but im flattered by all the comments. thank u

  26. Anonymous2:38 pm

    happy Birthday to Parkash sigh Badal...

    woops I ment Pardip Singh Dhadi

  27. Anonymous11:40 pm

    Dhadi Fan ji,I was just asking...beacause I have been to Baru Sahib school and I know how wonderful and skillful student's they have!!
    AP sandhu
