Friday, April 21, 2006

Brother Off to Iraq

Photo taken last week of my brother before he left to go to Iraq. Waheguru.

He is a Lieutenant Officer in the British Army. He's been based in Germany with his regiment for the past 6 months. On Tuesday he travelled from Germany to Iraq, where he will be based in Basrah (Southern Iraq) for 6 months (I think its 6 months!).

Rab Rakha! Guru Sahib ang sang sahaa-ee hovan.

Some photos of my brother training at Sandhurst


  1. Anonymous1:15 am

    Guru Fateh Bhaji
    Ill keep ur brother in my Prayers.I know God will take really good care of him.Dont Worry.
    Guru Rakha Sada

  2. Anonymous12:20 pm

    paji, silly question but isnt ur brother married?

  3. He's getting married in 2007 after he comes back from Iraq and completes his duty in Germany. He will then be posted in UK.

  4. WaheGuru, I will pray too. I hope that your dear brother remains safe in such a troubled environment.

  5. Anonymous5:00 pm

    i wish him every success! very brave

  6. Anonymous11:43 pm

    Guru Ang Sang.

  7. Anonymous2:13 pm

    awwwwwww he's in the army :D
    I hope God protects him and I'm sure the prayer of everyone will surely reach Waheguru and He'll defo listen.

    God Bless :D

  8. prayers be with him, with all who fight for rightousness and attend the call of duty.

  9. Anonymous3:14 pm

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

    A True Khalsa Fauji!
