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On 4th June 1904, Bhagat Puran Singh jee was born in the house of Bhai Chaudhari Chibu Mal and Bibi Mehtab Kaur at Rajewal, district Ludhiana. As a child Bhagat jee was named "Raamjee Daas" was raised in a Hindu household. Due to poverty he had to leave school and his parents made him do seva at Gurdwara Shaheed Ganj and Gurdwara Dera Sahib. From an early age, Bhagat jee's mother had taught and inspired him to help others and to do Nishkaam Seva (fee selfless service). Bhagat jee wrote: "From my childhood, my mother had asked me to do personal service to all the creations of God. This tender and distinct feelings of virtuous tasks was ingrained in my mind. My mother had taught me to provide water to the animals, plant trees and water newly planted saplings, offer feed to the Sparrows, Crows and Mynahs, pick up thorns from the paths, and remove the stones from cart tracks. This had embedded the Name of the Almighty in my heart. She had entrusted me to the custody of Gurdwara Dera Sahib [in Lahore] and started me on a path of virtuous living. By following this path your mind can never waver."
Becoming a Sikh
In his early life Bhagat jee used to travel a lot from village to village and would stay at a Mandir (Hindu Temple). One day when he was staying at a Mandar (Temple) and the Brahmins (Hindu priests) told him to clean the temple and then when he was done they sat in front of him and ate the food without offering any to him. Incidentally the next time he had to stay at a Gurdwara Sahib, the Gurdwara Granthi Singh not only gave him good food (Langar) but also a cot and a glass of milk afterwards, without asking for any seva (service) for the Gurdwara in return for the hospitality. After this incident of recieving indiscriminate pyaar (love) and affection from the House of Guru Nanank, Bhagat Puran Singh jee embraced Sikhi without thinking twice. Bhagat jee wrote: "Every night 25-30 travellers would come to the Gurdwara to stay; they were all served food from the common kitchen. This culture of the Gurdwaras deeply affected me"
Dedication to the Cause of Humanity
In 1924, at the age of 19, Bhagat jee he vowed a life dedicated to seva and serving humanity. Since then Bhagat jee tirelessly carried out seva barefooted, day and night in scorching heat and biting cold, in rains and under dust storms, undeterred by adversities, undaunted by criticism, and unruffled by the obstacles that crop up on the path of social service. Friend of the abandoned, helper of the helpless, a ready nurse for a patient of any disease however loathsome, infectious, unmindful of his personal health; safety or convenience, making not the slightest distinction on the basis of caste, creed or community regarding the person in need of his service; this single man has, by his example and precept, inspired many and with their co-operation has, in a short space of nine years, built from a scratch what may justly claim to be an institution. Bhagat jee served and cared for both humans and animals.
Institution of Pingalwara
In 1947, Bhagat jee founded the institute called "Pingalwara" meaning "The Home of the Cripple" with a few discarded cripple or sick patients. The word "Pingal" means "Cripple" and "Waaraa" mean "Home". Today, this institute which is run by Bibi Dr Inderjeet Kaur jee cares for over 1000 patients.
Environmentalist & Writer
Bhagat jee was also writer as well as publisher and an environmentalist. Bhagat jee's contribution in spreading awareness about the global dangers of environmental pollution, increasing soil erosion, etc are now well recognised. For his dedication and unreserved service to humanity was awarded with many honours from many quarters. Prestigious among these was the "Padamshri Award" in 1979, which he surrendered in the wake of the army attack on the Sri Harmandar Sahib (Golden Temple) and the bloodbath in Panjab in 1984.
Bhagat jee left for his heavenly abode on 5th August 5 1992, aged 88 years. Bhagat Puran Singh jee's life practically shows Guru Nanak Sahib jee's divine words:
ਭਾਉ ਭਗਤਿ ਕਰਿ ਨੀਚੁ ਸਦਾਏ ॥ ਤਉ ਨਾਨਕ ਮੋਖੰਤਰੁ ਪਾਏ ॥੨॥
Bẖāo bẖagaṯ kar nīcẖ saḏāė. Ŧao Nānak mokẖanṯar pāė. ||2||
With loving devotional worship, abiding in humility, O Nanak, salvation is attained. ||2||
(Ang 470)
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