Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Does the June protest & rally make a difference?...

On Sunday 10th June, over 30,000 Sikhs across the UK to remember the Shaheeds (martyrs) of 1984, those killed by the tyrant regime India and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Sikh nation. A rally took place in Trafalgar Square which had various speakers given talks on the right of the Sikh nation to freedom and human rights.

The following Sunday after the 10th June programme, I was told about an incident that happened to a Gursikh. An elder Amritdhari Gursikh who attends work meetings across the world travelled to Italy a day or so after the 10th June remembrance march and freedom rally held by the Sikh Sangat of UK. 

Bhai Sahib was sitting in an Italian airport waiting for his flight when a white Italian couple approached Bhai Sahib. They said, "Excuse me, you are a Sikh?" Bhai Sahib said "Yes" and began talking to them. The couple said, "On 10th June we were visiting London for a family wedding. During the wedding, the Sikh peaceful protest march went by. We were taking aback by the amount of people. A kind Sikh man took time out to give us a leaflet and tell us why they were here and what has happened to the Sikhs in 1984 and what is happening to the Sikhs now in India. We were moved with the cause and we support why the Sikhs are protesting." 

They added, "When we got home, we were so amazed and interested by the Sikh protest, more so than the wedding we were invited to, that we went on the Internet and researched about the issues Sikhs are facing in India."

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!

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