Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brilliant awareness poster...

I recently came across this poster, which is quite humorous approach to tackling alcohol awareness in the Panjabi community. I assume the poster is made for Panjab...

Translation of poster:

Good news! Good news! Good news! Good news!

A golden opportunity for those who take intoxicants
Take the most intoxicants and get the biggest prizes
Take cigarette, tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, weed, opium and obtain big prizes

  • First prize --> at home and outside getting hit with shoes
  • Second prize --> perforated lungs
  • Third prize --> liver and kidney damage
  • Fourth prize --> guaranteed Tuberculous
  • Fifth prize --> 100% cancer disease, the burden of debt
  • Sixth prize --> destruction of family life, including children, wife and parents
  • Seventh prize --> 3 1/2 yard plot, 300 kilos wood, and 2.75 of plain white cloth
  • Distribution of prizes ---> done by Dharamraaj (the Righteous Judge) personally
  • Place for prizes ---> crematorium of every village and city.
Arriving guests: All drug addicts and enemies of the local area

Note: Coupons for the prizes will be distributed at all off licenses and by drug dealers.

Intoxicants - a license to die.
Save yourself!

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