Saturday, April 29, 2023

A beginner's guide to Japji Sahib: Pauri 24 to 26


ann’t  na  sif-tee,  k-haN  na  ann’t.
Endless are Their Praises, endless are those who speak (Their Praises).

ann't  na  kar-Nai,  dey’N  na  ann’t.

Endless are Their Actions, endless are Their Gifts.

ann't  na  vey-khaN,  su-NaN  na  ann’t.

Endless is Their Vision, endless is Their Hearing.

ann't  na  jaa-pai  k’yaa  man  mann’t.

Their limits and the mystery of Their Mind cannot be perceived.

ann't  na  jaa-pai,  kee-taa  aa-kaar.

The limits of the created universe cannot be perceived.

ann't  na  jaa-pai  paa-raa-vaar.

Its limits here and beyond cannot be perceived.

ann't  kaa-raN  key-tey  bil-laa-eh.

There are many who struggle to know Vaheguru’s limits,

aa  key  ann’t  na  paa-ey  jaa-eh.
but Their limits cannot be found.

ey-hu  ann’t  na  jaa-Nai  ko-e.

The limits that many humans attempt to find are not possible.

b-hu-taa  k-hee-yai  b-hu-taa  ho-e.
The more you say about them, the more there remains to be said.

v-daa  saa-hib,  oo-chaa  thaa-o.
Great is the Master, High is Their Heavenly Home.

oo-chey  up-par,  oo-chaa  naa-o.

The highest of the High, above all, is Their Name.

ey-vadd  oo-chaa,  ho-vai  ko-e.

If someone is as Great as Vaheguru (i.e. equal to Them),

is  oo-chey  kou,  jaa-Nai  so-e.
only then would they be able to understand the Great One (Vaheguru).

jey-vadd  aap,  jaa-Nai  aap  aap.
Only Vaheguru knows Their Greatness.

, nad-ree,  kar-mee  daat.  ||24||
(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- one gets this gift (of understanding of the Greatness of Vaheguru) through Vaheguru’s Grace and Kindness. ||24||

b-hu-taa  karam,  likh-yaa  naa  jaa-e.

There are lots of blessings from Vaheguru in our life that are not recorded (for us to pay back).
There are lots of blessings from Vaheguru in our life and Vaheguru does not expect anything back in return, for example, the water we drink, the air we breathe, etc.

v-daa  daa-taa,  til  na  t-maa-e.

The Great Universal-Giver has no greedy desires (in return for giving us Their blessings).

key-tey  mann-geh,  joDh  a-paar.

There are so many great warriors (despite claiming to possess power and strength) who beg for Vaheguru’s blessings (to be victorious).

key-tiyaa,  gaNat  n-hee  vee-chaar.

There are so many more beggars like this that are beyond the thought of counting.

key-tey,  khap  tutt-eh  vey-kaar.

There are so many who (use Vaheguru’s Gifts but) waste away and destroy themselves engaged in corrupt ways.
The power to see, speak and move our body etc., are gifts from God. However, the use or misuse of this power is our own free-will. Some people decide to use the gift that powers our body to smoke and drink and destroy the body, whilst others use this gift wisely and bring themselves lasting peace and happiness.

key-tey,  lai lai muk-kar paa-eh.

So many take and take from Vaheguru, but then deny receiving anything.

key-tey  moo-rakh,  khaa-hee  khaa-eh
There are so many fools (despite denying taking Gifts from Vaheguru,) who keep consuming Their Gifts.

key-tiyaa,  dookh  bhookh  sad  maar.
Many pains and hungers come in life in accordance to one's written karma.

ey-eh  bhe  daat,  tey-ree  daa-taar.

However, even these become gifts, O Great-Giver!
A spiritually wise person accepts pain and difficult situations as part of the Divine-Order. By doing so, they make themselves so strong internally that the feelings of pain and distress go away.

bann'd  khalaa-see,  bhaa-Nai  ho-e.

Accepting the Divine-Will one can be freed from being tied down to suffering and desires.

hor  aakh,  na  sak-kai  ko-e.

No one else can say any different.

jey  ko  khaa-ik,  aa-khaN  paa-e.
If some fool should try to say that there is,

oh  jaa-Nai,  jey-tee-aa  mu-eh  khaa-e.

then they will know how many strikes on the face they receive (as a result of this foolishness).

aa-pey  jaa-Nai,  aa-pey  dey-e.

Vaheguru Themself knows, Vaheguru Themself gives.

aakh-eh  se  bhe,  key-ee  key-e.

Few, very few are those who acknowledge this.

jis  no  bakh-shey  sifat  saa-laah.

(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- one who is blessed to sing the Praises of the Lord,

naa-nak  paat-shaa-hee  paat-shaah.  ||25||

is the king of kings. ||25||

a-mul guN, a-mul vaa-paar.

Priceless are the Virtues of Vaheguru and priceless are Their Dealings.

a-mul vaa-paa-ree-ey, a-mul bhann-daar.

Priceless are those who deal with Them and priceless are Their goods.

a-mul  aa-veh,  a-mul  lai  jaa-eh.

Priceless are those who come to Them and priceless are those who take (away blessings) from Them.

a-mul  bhaa-e,  a-mu-laa  s-maa-eh.
Priceless is Love for Them and priceless is absorption into Them.

a-mul  Dharam,  a-mul  dee-baaN.
Priceless is the Divine-Law of living and priceless Divine-Court.

a-mul  tul,  a-mul  par-vaaN.

Priceless are the scales and priceless are the weights (that measure the deeds of all beings).

a-mul  bakh-sheesh,  a-mul  nee-shaaN.

Priceless are Their Blessings and priceless are Their Signs.

a-mul  karam,  a-mul  fur-maaN.

Priceless is Their Mercy and priceless is Their Royal Command.

a-mulo  a-mul,  aa’kh-yaa na jaa-e.

Vaheguru is pric
eless beyond pricelessness cannot be described!

aakh  aakh,  reh-ey  liv  laa-e.
By continuously speaking of the Ultimate Power, Vaheguru, one remains absorbed in Them.

aakh-eh,  vey’d  paaT
h  pu-raaN.
Readers of the religious texts of the Vedas and Puraans acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond them.

aakh-eh,  paR-ey  k-reh  vakh-yaaN.
Learned people who deliver sermons acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond.

aakh-eh  bar-mey,  aakh-eh  inn’d.
Many Brahmas and many Indras acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond them.
People worship different gods, demons, people with spiritual powers, and personalities (as mentioned in these several lines), however, all of them talk of a Power that is greater than them, i.e. God. Therefore, one should speak about God and worship Them directly, rather than worshipping those under God.

aakh-eh  go-pee,  tai  go-vinn’d.

Many Gopis
(female servants of Krishna) and many Krishnas acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond them

aakh-eh  ee-shar.  aakh-eh  siDh.

Many Shivas and many Sidhs (spiritual achievers) 
acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond them.

aakh-eh,  key-tey  kee-tey  buDh.

Many Buddhas (Buddhist monks) created by Vaheguru 
acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond them.

aakh-eh  daa-nav,  aakh-eh  dey’v.

Many demonic and godly beings 
acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond them.

aakh-eh  sur  nar,  mun  jan  sey’v.

Many angelic humans, sages, and devotees 
acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond them.

key-tey  aa-kheh,  aa-khaN  paa-eh.

acknowledge and speak of the Ultimate Power beyond them and try to describe Them.

key-tey  keh  keh,  uT
h  uTh  jaa-eh.
Many have left this world having spoken over and over about the greatness of Vaheguru.

ey-tey  kee-tey,  hor  k-reh.
If Vaheguru were to create as many again as there already are,

aa  aakh  na  sak-eh,  key-ee  key-e.
even then, they could not describe Them.

jey-vadd  bhaa-vai,  tey-vadd  ho-e.

Vaheguru is as Great as They wish to be.

, jaa-Nai,  saa-chaa  so-e.
(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- only the True Lord knows (how great They are).

jey  ko  aa-khai  bol-vigaaR.
If anyone presumes to describe Vaheguru,

aa  likhee-yai,  sir  gaa-vaa-raa  gaa-vaar.  ||26||
they shall be known as the greatest fool of fools! ||26||