Sunday, February 02, 2020

ਵਿਚਾਰ: ਯੂ.ਕੇ. ਤੇ ਯੂਰਪੀਅਨ ਯੂਨੀਅਨ ਦਾ 'ਤਲਾਕ' । A Sikh perspective: The UK's divorce with the European Union

The United Kingdom's divorce with the European Union finally went through on Friday 31st January. But what does this divorce mean for Sikhs living in the UK and mainland Europe?

A Sikh perspective: 
The UK's divorce with the European Union
Author: Manvir Singh
A Sikh perspective against Brexit
With Brexit, it's going to be more difficult for our Sikh brothers and sisters living in continental Europe to fight for their rights and liberties. Sikhs in mainland Europe are less established in the communities and political systems of their respective countries in comparison to Sikhs in the UK. For this reason, Sikhs in mainland Europe had traditionally relied on the support of UK Sikhs to represent them via British politicians in the European Parliament. With the United Kingdom's divorce with the European Union, Sikhs in Europe have lost a significant amount of political influence in European politics which governs them. 

Many Sikhs from mainland Europe, in particular Italy, had taken advantage of the UK's membership in the European Union and migrated to the UK. I feel that the UK offers the most religious freedom for Sikhs out of all the European countries. In the UK we don't need to worry about wearing the Kirpan or the Dastaar. It would be unbelievable to think that a child in the UK would be barred from a school or university for wearing a Dastaar or not be allowed to have a front-line job like working in a bank, school, civil service etc because of their visible Sikh identity. The reason for this is that Sikhs in the UK have already faced their challenges to safeguard their rights in the 1970s and 80s. 

However, countries like France currently have outright bans on wearing any religious headgear in any government school or public service job. Countries like Denmark do not allow Sikhs to wear the Kirpan (wearing it underneath your clothes is even illegal!). Countries like Belgium and Germany have certain schools which don't allow children to wear a Dastaar or even keep their heads covered. Most mainland European countries would not allow Sikhs to wear a Dastaar openly or visibly in government jobs. 

In short, intolerance towards religion in the name of secularism is increasing in mainland Europe. Some may say this is influenced by the growth in Islamic extremism. However, whatever the causes are, it effects Sikhs living in Europe. Therefore, after attaining citizenship, many European Sikhs have moved to the UK. With this divorce, the chance for Sikhs to move to the UK from mainland Europe decrease. For Sikhs in mainland Europe who don't want to migrate, there will be more inconvenience for those wishing to visit the UK to meet their relatives or attend Samaagams (religious events). 

For Sikhs living in the UK, Brexit has been reported as being a factor for the increase of hate crimes against minorities and the growing voice of white nationalism and intolerance towards those perceived to be a threat to "british-ness". This has led to a hateful rhetoric towards immigrants and immigration in the UK. As a visibly identifiable minority community in the UK, Sikhs often suffer the brunt of racism and racist attacks. 

A Sikh perspective for Brexit
European Sikhs are facing the brunt of a growing trend of intolerance towards religion in mainland Europe, from education to work. There is also a growing resistance against looking different in public life. Countries like France don't accept any ID photo with someone wearing a Dastaar. Also children have been told to remove their Dastaar if they wish to continue studying in school. Sikh legal experts have taken this case to the United Nations. Despite the United Nations direction to France for the right of Sikhs to wear the Dastaar to be safeguarded, the ruling has been ignored by the French government. 

The European Parliament is made up of European politicians. Even though the UK was part of the European Parliament, they do not form a majority. Most mainland European countries having little historic ties with Punjab or Sikhs, and having no need for Sikh votes (as Sikhs are a small minority in all European countries and in a lot of places don't have the right to vote as they are not gained citizenship). Keeping this in mind, there is little or no hope for Sikh interests to be defended by European politicians in the midst of a growing trend against religion being seen in public life. 

If the UK remained in the European Union, there would have been a danger that the freedoms that UK Sikhs have achieved in this country would come under threat from intolerant European politicians. A growing threat of radical Islam to Europe has negatively impacted on Sikhs and law-abiding Muslims.

By getting out of the European Union, the UK Sikh voice is likely to become more stronger and the UK's good-will towards Sikhs and religion in general will likely to either increase without European constraints or at least be safeguarded as it is now. 

A large proportion of the UK's public have lost faith in the integrity of politicians and the political system. People have began questioning the validity and truthfulness of claims made by politicians of both sides of the political argument. Discontent with politicians involved in expense scandals, growing fears of government cuts to essential services, and a desire for making society better than it is, led many to vote Brexit. However, the reality of situation will unfold only with time. 

Gurbani teaches us to prepared for the future and have far-sightedness: "...ਦੇ ਲੰਮੀ ਨਦਰਿ ਨਿਹਾਲੀਐ ॥" ("...look ahead to the future with foresight."). According to Gurbani, far-sightedness comes from spirituality and our connection with the Divine. Gurbani says, "ਸੋ ਪੜਿਆ ਸੋ ਪੰਡਿਤੁ ਬੀਨਾ ਜਿਨੑੀ ਕਮਾਣਾ ਨਾਉ ॥" ("They alone are learned, wise, and scholars, who accumulate the spiritual-wealth through connecting with the Divine."). There is no greater preparation for the future than grounding ourselves with the spirituality laid in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and remaining ready for the unknown through allowing the Guru's virtues and glory to shine through our thoughts and actions.

Bhai Gagandeep Singh, an inspiring ambassador for Sikhs in Spain on a Spanish talk show
The way forward for European Sikhs is instill Gurmat values and thinking in their children as well as focus on getting their children educated. When young spiritually-strong and educated Gursikhs in different European countries become lawyers, doctors, writers, and journalists, they will be able to express their own narrative to the wider society and respective government. Building links with local communities and host community politicians will create stronger ties. A simple thing like regularly inviting politicians, teachers and police to the Gurdwara, explaining Sikhi to them, sharing Langar with them and having friendly dialogue will build bridges with decision-makers, who then become mindful and respectful of Sikhs.

Bhai Ranjit Singh, a French law graduate, speaking in a French TV debate with French politicians
Hopefully, one day, the young talented Gursikhs of European countries can reach influential positions where they can influence law-makers to safeguard Sikh rights like the pioneering Sikhs did in UK. There is already some young Gursikhs who are active in Europe and made a positive contribution for Sikhs living in their country. Early pioneers for Sikh rights faced many challenges and had to engage in peaceful protests to gain the right to wear the Dastaar on the buses or the right not to wear the helmet. Sikhs got into politics at first as local councillors and then eventually we got to a point where we have a Sikh proudly wearing a Dastaar in parliament. If Europe has young Gursikhs who are strong in their Sikhi, attached to Gurbani and dedicated to Simran,  then their presence and aura will leave a positive effect on those they speak to. It is now time for the European Sikhs to venture out of their communities and engage in the wider community.

Sharing Sikhi with the German public, Bhai Damandeep Singh of 'Sikh Verband Deutschland'
Similarly, Sikhs in the UK can continue to help European Sikhs by keeping ties with the embassies of different European countries and continue to provide support to communities in Europe who are struggling with issues. With UK Sikhs history of fighting against racism, equal opportunities and safeguarding of religious articles of faith, we have a wealth of experience and expertise to guide our European brothers and sisters in helping to build a fairer and respectful society for all.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

ਛੋਟੀ ਦੀ ਤਿਆਰੀ ਜਾਂ ਲੰਬੀ ਦੀ ਤਿਆਰੀ । Prepation for the short or preparation for the long

ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ ਰਾਗੁ ਸੂਹੀ ਬਾਣੀ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀਉ ਤਥਾ ਸਭਨਾ ਭਗਤਾ ਕੀ ॥ ਕਬੀਰ ਕੇ   

ਅਵਤਰਿ ਆਇ ਕਹਾ ਤੁਮ ਕੀਨਾ ॥
avatar aae kahaa tum keenaa ||
Since your birth, what have you done?

ਰਾਮ ਕੋ ਨਾਮੁ ਨ ਕਬਹੂ ਲੀਨਾ ॥੧॥
raam ko naam na kab’hoo leenaa ||1||
You have never even chanted the Name of the Lord. ||1|| .

ਰਾਮ ਨ ਜਪਹੁ ਕਵਨ ਮਤਿ ਲਾਗੇ ॥
raam na jap’hu kavan mat laage ||
You have not meditated on the Lord; what thoughts are you attached to?

ਮਰਿ ਜਇਬੇ ਕਉ ਕਿਆ ਕਰਹੁ ਅਭਾਗੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
mar jaebe kau kyaa kar’hu abhaage ||1|| rahaau ||
What preparations are you making for your death, O unfortunate one? ||1||Pause||

ਦੁਖ ਸੁਖ ਕਰਿ ਕੈ ਕੁਟੰਬੁ ਜੀਵਾਇਆ ॥
dukh sukh kar kai kuTa(n)b jeevaayaa ||
Through pain and pleasure, you have taken care of your family.

ਮਰਤੀ ਬਾਰ ਇਕਸਰ ਦੁਖੁ ਪਾਇਆ ॥੨॥
martee baar iksae dukh paayaa ||2||
But at the time of death, you shall have to endure the agony all alone. ||2||

ਕੰਠ ਗਹਨ ਤਬ ਕਰਨ ਪੁਕਾਰਾ ॥
ka(n)Th gehan tab karan pukaaraa ||
When you are seized by the neck, then you shall cry out.

ਕਹਿ ਕਬੀਰ ਆਗੇ ਤੇ ਨ ਸੰਮੑਾਰਾ ॥੩॥੧॥
keh kabeer aage te na sa(n)m(h)aaraa ||3||1||
Says Kabeer, why didn't you remember the Lord before this? ||3||1|| 

(Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 792 - Bhagat Kabeer Ji - Raag Soohee)

Monday, January 20, 2020

Questions regarding media coverage of tragic East London stabbings

Sadly yesterday 3 Punjabi youths tragically lost their lives in a knife crime attack. According to more recent news reports, the 3 young men were part of a drunken brawl over unpaid work which led to a knife attack. Thoughts and prayers for their families who have lost such young adults to senseless violence. 

Bhai Mankamal Singh Ji has highlighted on social media that UK media outlets are inappropriately portraying this as a “Sikh gang bloodbath”. The UK mainstream media are time and again referencing to the individual’s association to the Sikh faith when they have never highlighted the faith association of hundreds of knife crime attack victims or perpetrators in the past. As a consequence of the news emphasising "Sikhs" have been involved in a gang fight and knifed to death, I immediately thought of a someone in Sikh visible identity (ie Kesdhari, wearing a Dastaar) must be involved and the knife may sadly be a Kirpan. Why else stress “Sikh” I thought? However, this was far from the truth. If I was confused and feeling this way, imagine how non-Sikhs would be feeling about Kirpans and Sikhi Saroop from such headlines?

But something for us all to think about is the recent argument being made that Sikhs should be recognised as an ethnic group and not just a religion. This has the ramifications that you can use headlines of “Sikh gang”, “Sikh criminal”, “Sikh drug-dealer” or “Sikh rapist” and get away with it by saying that you are referring to their ethnicity and not their religion. But we would all agree that the above hypothetical incidents would have nothing to do with Sikhi or represent a Sikh cause, and be very negative for the Sikh faith community who are already are under-represented in the media. 

I think where religion has no involvement in an incident, no link to the appearance of an individual, and no link to the ideology driving behind the incident, it would be more appropriate to refer to their ethnic group. Using “Punjabi” as an ethnic identity would be the more befitting than “Sikh”. I understand many Sikhs, rightly, do not identify as Indians. However, I don’t think that can lead to the conclusion that our ethnicity is Sikh. Otherwise you could have an ethnic Sikh who is an atheist or an ethnic Sikh who is a Christian. Would a Spanish or African convert to Sikhi be an “ethnic Sikh”? 

Clearly it is confusing. I agree with the sentiments but I think the way forward is to identify Punjabis separate from Indians as Punjabis have a long common history, heritage and language which connects them and ultimately most Punjabis, irrespective of faith, have adoration for Guru Nanak Sahib Ji.  

Sikh concepts such as “Panth” and “Quam” cannot be divorced from religion, unlike the term ethnicity which can exist without religious belief or observation. Can you have a “Sikh Koum” devoid of “Sikhi”? Miri-Piri (socio-politics and spirituality) are intertwined concepts in Sikhi and not separate entities.

Monday, January 13, 2020

ਲੋਕਲ ਗੁਰਮੱਤ ਕਲਾਸ ਦੇ ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲੇ ਇਨਾਮ । Prizes given to children at local Gurdwara Class

Today children at the local Gurdwara Sahib’s Sikhi class received prizes.

Five weeks before Guru Nanak Dev ji’s Gurpurb, children were given a chart (see photos 2-3) and told that each task earns points and points means prizes. After 5 weeks, their parents and grandparents requested we extend the task deadline to January to Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Gurpurb. It is amazing that since then children have been excitingly going through the Punjabi alphabet, reciting each Guru Sahibs name, doing Gurmat Ishnaan (full body wash whilst reciting Gurbani or Simran), reciting Mool Mantar, and reading/listening to Japji Sahib, Chaupai Sahib, Rehras Sahib and Sohila Sahib everyday.

Based on their different ages, goodie bags included a set of books for children published by the SGPC for learning Sikh history, Sikh colouring books, a Saakhi book, a Simarnaa (mala), some chocolates and some children got a toy or another gift. The main theme of the gifts were to promote Sikhi learning and encourage them to carry on further. They now look forward to completing their weekly chart till Vaisakhi, when there will be another prize giving ceremony.

The parents and grandparents, who also sit in the class with their children and take an active part in the weekly class, have shown great support in getting their children to do this chart. Hopefully by sharing this, it gives Sangat in other places an idea that they can adopt to motivate children towards Gurbani and Simran.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

ਬਾਬਾ ਚਰਨ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਕਾਰ-ਸੇਵਾ ਦੇ ਕੇਸ ਸੰਬੰਧੀ ਫੈਂਸਲਾ । Case verdict relating to Baba Charan Singh Ji Kar-sewa

Today 6 Punjab Police officers have been convicted for the abduction and murder of Baba Charan Singh Ji Kaar-seva wale and 5 of his family members in 1993.

Baba Charan Singh Ji's brutal martyrdom at the hands of Panjab Police in 1993
In Sikh history, Bhai Mati Daas Ji’s body was sawn alive into 2 pieces by the Mughals in 1675. The Indian state, no better than the Mughals, similarly shredded the body of Baba Charan Singh Ji Kaar-seva wale in 2 pieces. He was mercilessly tied to two jeeps that drove in opposite directions, resulting in Baba Ji’s body being ripped into two pieces.

One of the perpetrators, Police Inspector Suba ‘Singh’, was from Sirhind, where in December 1704 the younger Sahibzaade were bricked alive by the orders of Wazir Khan, Suba (Governor) of Sirhind. Punjab Police’s Suba Singh boasted that Sikhs will forget Suba of Sirhind (Wazir Khan) and will remember Suba Singh Sirhind instead. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison and ordered to pay a fine of Rs 30,000. When the media were taking photos of Suba Singh being taken to jail, he said with egotistical pride “take good photos.” It has taken 27 years to get this case to trial. Originally there were 15 people accused of kidnapping and murdering this family, but six of the accused died before the case reached trial. More than 25 prosecution witnesses also died before the case reached trial.

The dead bodies were never handed to the family and it has still not been disclosed what ultimately happened to them. 

Bhai Satnam Singh Ji Khande Wale, one one Panj Pyare of the Akal Takhat Amrit Sanchaars, spoke to the media... “This case still proves Sikhs will not get full justice in India. Someone who tortures and murders a whole family should receive the death penalty or at least life imprisonment. My family has not received full justice and many eye witnesses were intimidated and bought by the Police with bribes. However today’s verdict is welcomed and is very small success in the fight for justice against the Indian State for its atrocities committed against Sikhs from 1984-1995.”

ਸਵਾਲ ਜਵਾਬ: ਕੀ ਮੈਂ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਛੱਕ ਰਹਿਤ ਨਿਭਾਹ ਸਕਾਂਗਾ? । Question Answer: Will I be able to maintain Rehat after taking Amrit?

Above video is of the Q&A response provided from today's weekly Derby Sikh Q&A programme answered by Bhai Amrik Singh Ji, followed by Bhai Rajinderpal Singh Purewal Ji and then Bibi Parmjit Kaur Ji. Below is a short translation of the video response.

Question: When taking Amrit you should do properly and not half job. However, when I see people keeping full Rehat (code of conduct), I get scared that I will not be able to maintain this high standard of Rehat. How will I know that I will be able to keep Rehat after taking Amrit?

Answer: No one can keep Rehat. Satguru Ji can make us keep Rehat. 

First a child drinks its mother's milk, then teeth come, then those baby teeth fall out as the child gets older and the child's diet changes. Nature adapts us accordingly. Satguru Ji places his hand over head and holds our arm the day when we give our head (i.e. completely surrender) to Satguru Ji and receive Amrit. Satguru Ji reassures us that he will not us waver or fall.

If you do Ardaas (prayer) to the Panj Pyaare when they give you Rehat that "You have given us strict Rehat, but please bless me that I will be able to maintain and follow this." Beg for the gift of 'Bharosa' (faith) and the gift of 'Visaah' (trust). When you beg for these gifts and pray, "This Rehat is yours, you yourself will make us follow it, and you will work through my body. Please bless me." Truly, Guru Sahib blesses us.

Once a couple came to the Gurdwara and said, "We wish to have children, however we are scared that will be able to look after the child properly." Nature itself empowers the mother with the feelings and everything needed to be a mother. Similarly, when taking Amrit, you yourself will become empowered and prepared. Yes, begin with a base of be able to do Nitnem (daily prayers), waking up Amrit-Vela (before dawn) and doing Sangat of Gursikhs. Prepare the body-field in which the seed of Naam is to be sown. Gurbani says:
ਕਰਮ ਧਰਤੀ ਸਰੀਰੁ ਕਲਿਜੁਗ ਵਿਚਿ ਜੇਹਾ ਕੋ ਬੀਜੇ ਤੇਹਾ ਕੋ ਖਾਏ ॥
karam dhartee sareer kaljug vich jehaa ko beeje tehaa ko khaae.
The body is the field of action, in this Dark Age of Kaljug; as you plant, so shall you harvest.
(Gauree M:4, Ang 308)

Prepare the body-field with care and attention. Then when Satguru Ji sows the seed of Naam, then he will give the protective-fence of Rehat and ask his Sikh to plough the field (through practicing Gurbani) to ensure that birds (i.e. vikaars - corrupt thoughts and vices) do not take the seeds. This is Rehat. 

We should not stay afraid that because one thinks they will not be able to keep Rehat, they will not sow the seed of Naam. It is like saying, one does not grow wheat in the field because they get scared the birds may take aways the seeds. This is what the Sidhs (men who possessed miracles and occult powers) who living in the mountains said to Satguru Ji. Gurbani records:
ਦੁਨੀਆ ਸਾਗਰੁ ਦੁਤਰੁ ਕਹੀਐ ਕਿਉ ਕਰਿ ਪਾਈਐ ਪਾਰੋ ॥
ਚਰਪਟੁ ਬੋਲੈ ਅਉਧੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਹੁ ਸਚਾ ਬੀਚਾਰੋ ॥
duneeaa saagar dutar kehee-ai kio kar payee-ai paaro.
charpatt bolai audhoo naanak deh sachaa beechaaro. 
"(Charpatt Yogi says-) The world-ocean is treacherous and impassable; how can one cross over? O Nanak, think it over, and give us your true reply."
(Raamkalee M:1, Ang 938)

They asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji that people drown in this world-ocean, but how has he remained living in the world and saved himself? Guru Nanak Dev Ji's reply was very beautiful. 
ਜੈਸੇ ਜਲ ਮਹਿ ਕਮਲੁ ਨਿਰਾਲਮੁ ਮੁਰਗਾਈ ਨੈ ਸਾਣੇ ॥
ਸੁਰਤਿ ਸਬਦਿ ਭਵ ਸਾਗਰੁ ਤਰੀਐ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਖਾਣੇ ॥
jaise jal mehi kamal niraalam murgaa-ee nai saane.
surat shabadh bhav saagar taree-ai naanak naam vakhaane.
Just as the lotus flower floats upon the surface of the water untouched by the dirty water, and the duck swims through the stream (without getts its feathers wet); O Nanak! (In the sae way) with one's consciousness focused on the Word of the Guru and chanting the Naam, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. 
(Raamkalee M:1, Ang 938)

 Guru Sahib showers his blessings. This is guaranteed. If you do Ardaas the day you take Amrit, Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself works in the Amrit Sanchaar and gives you strength. Guru Ji works miracles. No one can say I will go into the Amrit Sanchaar and come back as a perfect Gursikh. Guru Ji blesses one with such Sangat (company) then one becomes like that. Guru Ji holds our finger and take us to that point where the story of Bhai Joga Singh Ji works.

Do not delay taking Amrit because of this fear. Your time is passing. Guru Ji beautifully says:
ਰੰਗੁ ਮਾਣਿ ਲੈ ਪਿਆਰਿਆ ਜਾ ਜੋਬਨੁ ਨਉ ਹੁਲਾ ॥
ਦਿਨ ਥੋੜੜੇ ਥਕੇ ਭਇਆ ਪੁਰਾਣਾ ਚੋਲਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
rang maan lai piaari-aa jaa joban nau hulaa.
din thoRaRe thhakke bheyaa puraanaa cholaa. ||1|| rahaau ||
Dear beloved! Enjoy spiritual happiness whilst you are newly in youth. When your days are few- your body will grow weary and old (and not able to Simran). ||1||Pause||
(Siree Raag M:1, Ang 23)

Now it is your mind to take Amrit, do not be scared of Maryada (code of living). That seed of Naam is beautiful, which is given Wwhen the Panj Pyaare place their hands on your head and sow it within you. That seed itself will help you to build a wall of protection, i.e. maintain Rehat. When one has gold at home, you yourself will want to lock the house and keep it safe. When there is nothing vaulable within the house, then you can install whatever types of locks.

Take Amrit, and do not delay. Do Ardaas, day and night, and you will receive blessings. Do Ardaas that may Satguru Ji take you to those Panj Pyaare to take Amrit who they themselves are blessed-souls and follow full Rehat and that your life can become fruitful.

Sunday, January 05, 2020

ਭਾਈ ਵਿਜੇ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਦੇ ਗ੍ਰਹਿ ਵਿਖੇ ਗੁਰਪੁਰਬ ਕੀਰਤਨ ਸਮਾਗਮ । Gurpurb Kirtan programme at Bhai Vijay Singh Ji's residence

Kirtan recordings of Bhai Pavandeep Singh (Bedford) from yesterday's house Kirtan programme in Aylesbury.

ਗੁਰੂ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ ਦੇ ਗੁਰਪੁਰਬ ਦੇ ਮੌਕੇ ਤੇ ਗੈਰ-ਸਿੱਖਾਂ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ । Message to share with non-Sikhs on Gurpurb of Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Sikh Festival:  Birthday Celebration of Tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Jee

5th January marks the celebration date for the birth of the Tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Born in 1666, in the face of oppression, Guru Gobind Singh Jee challenged authoritarian rulers with his message of unity and the right for people of all faiths and beliefs to live freely without fear of persecution and discrimination.

His legacy codifying Sikhs into a uniquely visible army of Saint-Soldiers, the Khalsa, which is dedicated to the service and protection of humanity, is a reminder for us all of our responsibilities as human beings towards one another, society, and the planet. Guru Gobind Singh Jee formalised the Sikh uniform, which made all baptised or committed disciples standout as a daily reminder of their spiritual commitment to God and social commitment to be forever in service of the most vulnerable in society, regardless of who they may be.

Guru Gobind Singh Jee dedicated his entire life serving the people and fighting against injustice. He led by example and showed exemplary courage. For the sake of his mission to protect and serve humanity from oppression, his whole family was sacrificed. His father was beheaded in 1675 whilst defending the human right of people of another faith to be able to live with dignity in the midst of persecution from the authorities. His two elder sons, aged 17 and 15 bravely died in a unparallelled historic battle on 23rd December 1704, where the Emperor of India and his supporters with an army of 1 million surrounded and attacked 42 brave Sikhs. His younger sons, aged 6 and 9, were bricked alive and attained martyrdom on 26th December 1704 for refusing to give up their faith and give into tyranny. His elderly mother was detained with his younger sons and also attained martyrdom for refusing to give up her faith.

His teachings will continue to inspire coming generations to stand up against injustice and treat human race as one and seek to look beyond labels of religion, colour, race and gender.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

ਡੈਨਿਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਬੱਚੇ ਗੁਰੂ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੇਵ ਜੀ ਬਾਰੇ ਵਿਚਾਰ ਕਰਦੇ । Children discuss about Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Danish

On 8th December, I had the opportunity to talk about Guru Nanak Dev Ji during Sunday Divaan at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Copenhagen, Denmark. The local children's Sikhi class also attended the talk. Afterwards, the children got together and were asked to recollect in Danish what they had learnt about Guru Nanak Dev Ji and had the opportunity to hear more about the life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The children were very well composed and focused and showed great enthusiasm to learn about Sikhi. 

Monday, December 09, 2019

ਜਥੇਦਾਰ ਭਾਈ ਰਘਬੀਰ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ (ਯੂ.ਕੇ.) ਦੀ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਜੀਵਨੀ । A short biography of Jathedaar Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji (UK) [Part 3]


First-ever youth Akhand Paath Sahib
From 6th to 9th November 2008, Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK organised the first ever national Sikh youth Akhand Paath Sahib (continuous non-intermittent reading of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) at Gurdwara Singh Sabha Coventry. The Seva was co-ordinated by Bhenji Daljeet Kaur Ji and Bhai Jaspal Singh Ji from Leicester. The paatth (reading) was recited solely by the youth, in particular youth who had not done paatth in Sangat before. The Seva was carried out by around 50 Amritdhari Singhs and Singhnian from across the UK. Each person was allocated 20 Angs (respected word for pages) with an estimated time depending on the individual's ability. Individuals were given time to practise and seek help with pronunciation beforehand. Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji along with other elder Gursikhs of the Jatha like Bhai Jarnail Singh Ji (Leamington-Spa), Bhai Bhupinder Singh Ji (Coventry) etc. sat in the Sangat and listened to the entire Paatth to ensure that Gurbani was read correctly. It was amazing to hear Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji repeat lines of Gurbani without looking at the computer or any Pothi (scriptural volume) and correcting Paatthis (readers) where they unintentially made a mistake. It just shows how much abhiyaas (practice) they had of listening and reading to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The final Ardaas was done by Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji. During the Ardaas he became emotional and tears ran down his face. He was so emotional that at one point he struggled to speak. Bhai Sahib expressed his joy that the youth of UK were now not only able to do Kirtan, but also on their way to becoming Paathis. Perhaps he was reminded of his promise he made to his comrades of the Sikh freedom struggle that he would dedicate his life to building up the Khalsa in the West. After the bhog (completion), Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji, as the Jathedaar of Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK, gave a siropa (robe of honour) to each and every person who took part in the Seva. Bhai Sahib was a firm believer that along with Naam Simran and Kirtan, a Gursikh should read and also try to understand Gurbani.
ਹਉ ਵਾਰੀ ਜੀਉ ਵਾਰੀ ਪੜਿ ਬੁਝਿ ਮੰਨਿ ਵਸਾਵਣਿਆ ॥
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who read of the Lord, who understand and enshrine Him within their minds.
(Maajh M:3, Ang 127)

Final meeting with Bhai Shingara Singh Ji
Bhai Shingara Singh Ji was one of the early Gursikhs of Akhand Kirtani Jatha to come to the UK. He moved to the UK in 1963 and was one the few Gursikhs at the time who kept Sarbloh Bibek (discipline of eating food cooked and served by Gursikhs in iron utensils) and wore Khalsa Bana (attire). He had brought a large Sarbloh Baattaa (bowl) and Sarbloh Khanda (double-edged sword) with him from Punjab, and arranged the first Amrit Sanchaar organised by Akhand Kirtani Jatha in the UK. Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji met Bhai Shingara Singh Ji in 1976 in an Amrit Sanchaar organised by Akhand Kirtani Jatha in Southall. Since then, they enjoyed one another's company in walking the Guru's path. Two weeks before Bhai Shingara Singh Ji left this world, he started making all his arrangements for his funeral. He took a Gursikh with him to a Sikhi shop, DTF in Birmingham, and brought all his Kakkaars to wear on his funeral day. He also brought the cloth for his Bana (dress) which he wanted to wear on his funeral, and gave his daughter the tailor's details from whom he wanted to get it sewn from. He organised the Gurdwara for his funeral and also completed a Sehaj Paath (complete reading) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji up to Salok Mahallaa Nauvaa(n). Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji and Bhai Shingara Singh Ji were very good friends. On Wednesday 29th June 2011, Bhai Sahib went to see Bhai Shingara Singh Jee around 7pm, after Bhai Shingara Singh Ji had made a few requests for Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji to come and visit him. Their meeting lasted until 9pm that evening. The following morning after completing Amrit-Vela, Bhai Shingara Singh Ji left this world.
ਜਿਸ ਕੇ ਜੀਅ ਪਰਾਣ ਹਹਿ ਕਿਉ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ ਮਨਹੁ ਵਿਸਾਰੀਐ ॥
ਆਪਣ ਹਥੀ ਆਪਣਾ ਆਪੇ ਹੀ ਕਾਜੁ ਸਵਾਰੀਐ ॥੨੦॥
We should not forget that Lord-Master from our minds who has given us our soul and breath. (Whilst your alive,) resolve our own spiritual affairs with our your efforts. ||20||
(Aasa M:1, Ang 474)

The ability to read people's mind
There are numerous accounts of Bhai Sahib being able to read people's minds and know people's inner thoughts. Once Bhai Atma Singh Ji (Coventry) accompanied another Gursikh to Bhai Sahib's house in Leamington Spa. Whilst the other Gursikh was engaged in a conversation with Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji, Bhai Atma Singh Ji had the thought what he should do with his Lareevaar Sencheeaa (small scriptural volumes) as he can now read Gurbani on his devices. Soon as this thought came to him, Bhai Sahib stopped the conversation with the other Gursikh and looked at Bhai Atma Singh Ji, and said, "If you have Sencheeaa at home, then you should read from them!" He then casually carried on his conversation with the other Gursikh. Bhai Atma Singh Ji was left amazed how Bhai Sahib read his thoughts and gave him a timely response. During Amrit Sanchaars Bhai Sahib would know whether someone is telling the truth or lying. This is a quality that many Gursikhs in the past who did Seva in Amrit Sanchaars had. Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji (Derby) shared how someone told Jathedaar Ji that he and his wife had been refused Daat (gift) from the Panj Pyaare (the reason being they were told to wake up Amrit-Vela and keep Rehat for 6 months first). The other Gursikh asked if Jathedaar Ji could tell the Amrit Sanchaar Sevadaars to please bless them with the Guru's gift sooner. Bhai Sahib looked into Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji's eyes and said, "You still believe that you can live and make do without Naam?" Bhai Manpreet Singh Ji shared that he had in the back of his mind that he had already taken Amrit and didn't think Naam was that important, although he was going to the Panj Pyaare to ask for this gift. Bhai Sahib had read his inner thoughts and feelings. This reassured Veer Ji that Naam was important.
ਨਾਨਕ ਵਾਹੁ ਵਾਹੁ ਕਰਹਿ ਸੇ ਜਨ ਨਿਰਮਲੇ ਤ੍ਰਿਭਵਣ ਸੋਝੀ ਪਾਇ ॥੨॥
O Nanak! Those who chant the Lord's Praises 'Vaahu! Vaahu!' become pure and obtain the knowledge of the three worlds (past, present and future). ||2||
(Gujri M:5, Ang 515)

Life partner being Saadh Saangat
Mata Nirmal Kaur Ji, Singhni (wife) of Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji, would always accompany Bhai Sahib when going abroad for Seva or attending Keertan programmes. Mata Nirmal Kaur Ji said to me, "I am so lucky that I was married to Jathedaar Ji. I passed my life with great peace and pleasure. I never had a bad moment with him." Mata Ji said that she never had argument with Bhai Sahib but then she said, "We actually would only have arguments over one topic." She said, "That one topic was... who would wake up Amrit-Vela first." Mata Ji shared that if she woke up at 12am and got in the bathroom first, Jathedaar Ji would call out, "It's my turn first. Have a shower after me." This is the enthusiasm and thirst Bhai Sahib had for Amrit-Vela. Sometimes Mata Ji would wake up 11.45pm so she could get her shower first and sit down first for Simran. She said she would quietly get up and try to enter the bathroom but Bhai Sahib would say from the bedroom, "I can hear you! You know after so many years that its my turn first for a shower and then yours." Both Bhai Sahib and Mata Ji would wake up 12am and sit together to do Naam Abhiaas. After Naam Abhiaas they would recite Nitnem Banis together and then read Sehaj Paath together. Bhai Sahib's Ji's Nitnem included reciting Panj Granthi. They would then take time to do a Sehaj Paath, where one would read the Sehaj Paath from Guru Granth Sahib Ji's Lareevaar Saroop and the other would read the translations of the Paath read from a a Steek Senchee (translation volume) written by Giani Harbans Singh. Every day at 11am they would sit together to watch Kathaa on TV and then discuss what they had learnt. A true couple which personified Gurbani's message of making one's family into Saadh Sangat, the True Company.
ਧੰਨੁ ਸੁ ਥਾਨੁ ਬਸੰਤ ਧੰਨੁ ਜਹ ਜਪੀਐ ਨਾਮੁ ॥
ਕਥਾ ਕੀਰਤਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਅਤਿ ਘਨਾ ਸੁਖ ਸਹਜ ਬਿਸ੍ਰਾਮੁ ॥੩॥
Blessed is that place, and blessed are those who dwell there, where they chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. The place where the Sermon and the Praises of the Lord take place very often, becomes full of peace and tranquility. ||3||
(Bilaaval M:5, Ang 816)

Love for Gurbani
Bhai Sahib was blessed with being able to memorise a lot of Gurbani. To the point that he could sit in an Akhand Paath and correct the Paathis without looking. Bhai Sahib shared that he memorised Gurbani by writing it down on cards. He would keep these cards with him and refer to them everytime he forgot a line. Whilst driving trucks, Bhai Sahib would put small cards with Gurbani written on them on the dash board and whilst driving he would keep reciting a Shabad over and over again. In this way, he learnt many Banis and many Shabads. Truly, Gurbani was Bhai Sahib's life. Bhai Sahib stressed the importance to memorise Nitnem. Once Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji along with Bhai Rama Singh Ji and other Gursikhs travelled to Thailand to spread the message of Sikhi. On the return flight, there were quite a few Gursikhs together in the plane. Suddenly, Bhai Raghbir Singh Ji, who knew Bani by heart, started the Nitnem. Everyone listened to the Paatth of the Five Banis, One Singh looked at the time and asked, "Bhai Sahib, why did you start the Nitnem so early?" The England time at the time was 3am. In this way, due to force of habit, Bani is timed and recorded in the minds of Gursikhs and the Paatth starts automatically. Bhai Sahib also put equal stress on learning the correct pronunciation and meanings of Gurbani. Once at the Derby Vaisakhi Smaagam, the youth were reciting Nitnem in Sangat at Amrit-Vela. Bhai Sahib spoke to Bhai Hardip Singh Ji from Slough afterwards and said, "Today the youngsters reading Nitnem made so many mistakes. With such incorrect proncunciations how do they expect Gurbani to wash away the filth of their vikaars (corrupt thoughts)? Gurbani is very powerful in cleansing the mind, however only if one reads it correctly."
ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਬਾਣੀ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪੂਰੇ ਕੀ ਜਿਸੁ ਕਿਰਪਾਲੁ ਹੋਵੈ ਤਿਸੁ ਰਿਦੈ ਵਸੇਹਾ ॥
The spiritual-life giving Bani (Word) of the Perfect True Guru dwells in the heart of one who is blessed by the Guru's Mercy.
(Raamkalee M:5, Ang 961)

Departing for the Guru's Abode
Bhai Sahib became physically weak and was admitted into his hospital in mid-November 2019. In hospital hundreds of Gursikhs from across the country came to give their respects to Bhai Sahib. It came to a stage that the hospital had to say no to visitors. During Bhai Sahib's last days, he was still committed to his Rehat of waking up 12am for Naam Abhiaas and only ate home-made food. Mata Nirmal Kaur Ji stayed with Bhai Sahib in the hospital room and together would do Nitnem. A day or so before leaving this world, Bhai Sahib began to talk about the Shaheed Singhs (martyrs) of 1984 and the Sikh freedom struggle. It was as if each Shaheed Singh whom Bhai Sahib had done Sangat with was coming to visit him one by one, and as they appeared to Bhai Sahib, he would begin talking about them. Bhai Sahib shared visions of Sachkhand and how beautiful it is with the Gursikhs in his hospital room. Whilst Benti Chaupai Sahib was being recited, Bhai Sahib commented that it was raining. When the Gursikhs said that it wasn't raining, he replied that it was pouring down with Guru's blessings. On Tuesday 19th November 2019, Bhai Sahib was induced into coma. During coma, a patient cannot move or speak and is put to sleep. However, before Bhai Sahib breathed his last, he spoke twice in a loud voice, "Vahiguru..., Vahiguru....". It is amazing that those who are not in coma and seem fully aware, struggle to say Vahiguru's Name, however a Gurmukh in coma can still speak Vahiguru's Name. Bhai Sahib will be remembered as role model saint-soldier and beloved Gurmukh.
ਚਲਿਆ ਪਤਿ ਸਿਉ ਜਨਮੁ ਸਵਾਰਿ ਵਾਜਾ ਵਾਇਸੀ ॥
Such a mortal departs with honour and respect; their life is beautified and redeemed, and the heavenly trumpets resound with their glory.
(Soohee M:1, Ang 730)