Saturday, July 15, 2023

A beginner's guide to Japji Sahib: Pauri 32 to 33


ik  doo  jee-bho(n) lakh  ho-eh,
lakh  ho-veh
, lakh  vees.
If one tongue became 100,000 tongues, and then got multiplied with twenty times more,

lakh  lakh  gey-Raa  aa-khee-eh,
ey’k  naam  jag-dees.

and then only the Name of the Master of the Universe is chanted hundreds and thousands of times.

ey't  raa-eh  pat  pav-Ree-aa,
chaRee-yai  ho-e  e-kees.
This is the way to the steps that give ultimate honour, climbing which you become one with Vaheguru.

suN  gal-aa
(n) aa-kaash  kee,
kee-ttaa  aa-ee  rees.
Hearing heavenly (high-level spiritual) talk, even lowly people stuck in worldliness long to follow.

, nad-ree  paa-ee-yai,
, koo-Rai  Thees.  ||32||
(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- with Vaheguru’s Grace alone can divine oneness be achieved. The spiritual boastings of those stuck in falsehood are false. ||32||

aa-khaN  jo’r,  chu-pai  neh  jo’r.

(The blessed people realise that) the power one has to speak or be quiet is not their own power.
There is a Power beyond us that is within us, without which we cannot do anything. Vaheguru’s Power is the battery that powers life. Without that Power, we cannot do even the simplest of tasks.

jo'r  na  mann-gaN,  dey’N  na  jo’r.

The power one has to beg or give is not their own power.
The power to put our hand out to beg or ask before Vaheguru or whether to put our hand out to give to others is only possible if Vaheguru’s Power is within us. One could have a stroke or become paralysed and unable to beg or ask or give. Therefore, one should always remain humble.

jo'r  na  jee-vaN,  maraN  neh  jo’r.
(They realise) the power to live or to die is not their own power.

jo'r na
raaj  maal,  man  sho’r.
The power to overcome the distractions of power and riches is not their own power.
If we stopped breathing, suffered brain damage, or became paralysed, then how could we possibly acquire power or riches? Our mind and body are gifts, if someone has power and riches, one should be humble and thankful, and not get stuck in pride and arrogance.

jo'r  na  sur-tee,  gi-yaan  vee-chaar.
The power to have awareness, possess knowledge and reflect is not their own power.

jo'r  na  jug-tee,  shhu-ttai  sann-saar.
The power to find the way of becoming free from the world-play is not their own power.

jis  hath  jo’r,  kar  vey-khai  so-e.
The One who has the Power in Their Hands, creates everything and takes care of all, i.e. Vaheguru,

naa-nak,  u-tam  neech  na  ko-e.  ||33||
(Guru) Nanak (Ji) says- they consider everyone as high, and no one as low.||33||
When one realises the Power of Vaheguru is present in all then one comes to see everyone as special, and no one insignificant or without value.

â When someone claims that they can do anything using their own power, they are mistaken. When Vaheguru takes life out of their body, which power are they left with?


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