Every month Derby Sikhs and Bhai Amar Deep Singh jee, who is a presenter on Sikh Channel, organise a programme at Guru Arjan Dev Jee Gurdwara, Derby called Sukhmani Darbar. The programme consists of fitness session, Sukhmani Sahib English & Panjabi translation, Keertan by youth, a lecture and finishing off with Simran and Ardaas. I was blessed with the opportunity to attend last month's programme on Sunday 20th January, although it was quite snowy that day.
I was really impressed by the format and structure of the programme. I was standing outside Darbaar Sahib talking to a Veer jee and could feel the positive vibrations of the Sangat from outside. Bhai Amar Deep Singh jee recited the first Ashtpaddee (chapter) of Sukhmani Sahib in melodious and calming voice. Three youngsters were sitting on the stage.
They had a laptop in front of them. Bhai Sahib went back to the beginning and recited one line, which was followed by one person on the stage reading the English translation and then all three of the youngsters having an opportunity to explain in their own words what they think Guru jee is saying. It was a really inspiring to see how young people were interacting with Gurbani and speaking really relaxed and confidently as if they were speaking within their family or friendship group. Each time Bhai Sahib recited a line, a different person on the stage would recite the translation line and then they would do vichaar.
Afterwards a group of Bhenjis came on the stage to do Keertan. Before they did Keertan, one Bhenji explained how it is important to know the meaning of the Shabad that it is read because when you know the meaning and hear the Shabad it will have a more powerful effect on you. The Bhenji read the Shabad "Jagat Jalandaa Rakh Lai..." line by line and another Bhenji gave the English translation and explained her own thoughts on the Shabad. Then all the Bhenjis sang together the Shabad. It was so uplifting to see Amritdhari and non-Amritdhari bhenjis and the rest of the Sangat singing the Shabad with so much pyaar and enthusiasm.
Afterwards Daas was given seva of doing a talk. The topic was 'Beautiful Sikhi'. The talk was based on the Mool Mantar and how we can learn what is Sikhi is through the Mool Mantar, illustrated with examples from Sikh history how Gurbani was applied and lived.
The programme finished with Bhai Amar Deep Singh jee invited the Sangat to come and sit on the stage to do Simran. It was nice to see people of different ages come together on stage. First of all the Sangat recited Mool Mantar together for 5 or 10 minutes and then for 5 or 10 minutes Vaheguru Simran was done. The Simran was done so beautifully that I wish I could have recorded it. I know the programme was filmed by the local sevadaars and hope it can be shared with Sangat.
It is a fantastic monthly programme and I would urge anyone who lives locally to please support and attend this programme. For more information check www.facebook.com/derbysikhs. It would be great if other Gurdwaras could do similar programmes to promote Sangat interaction with Gurbani and reach out to the Sangat that are English speaking.
Also, every week there is a class Khalsa club for young children and a workshop/lecture for elder youth and adults every Friday, 7pm to 8.30pm, at Singh Sabha Gurdwara in Derby. Next Friday Bibi Amarjit Kaur, a native Costa Rican woman who discovered and embraced the Sikh way of life, is doing a talk at Singh Sabha Gurdwara Derby. Please take benefit of these fantastic programmes.
Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
ReplyDeleteWaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
Veerji, may I ask if you are aware of a similar inspiring programme in Birmingham or close vicinity?
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
Thank you so much for attending and giving an amazing and insightful presentation!
ReplyDeleteYou have an amazing blog, may God bless you forever!
Love from
waheguru ji ka khalsa
ReplyDeletewaheguru ji ki fateh
bhaisaheji u r doing a wonderfull job maharaj taras karan aapji nu chardikala bakshan
aapji to hor eda de uprale karvaun
waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh