Thursday, August 11, 2011

Story of a Swiss Couple finding Sikhi (Part 2)


Throughout the Smaagam I noticed that both Veer jee and Bhenji listened to the Keertan very carefully and even though they didn't know Panjabi or Gurmukhi they closed their eyes and tried to sing along.

Bhai Manmohan Singh Jee (California)

Bhenji learnt how to do Keertan. I was amazed how she learnt Keeertan when there was no Gurdwara or Sikh nearby where they lived. She told me that she learnt Keertan from a DVD by Bhai Manmohan Singh jee (California) called "How to do Keertan" which she ordered through the Internet. On Saturday Bhenji played the Shabad she learnt from the DVD to Bhai Manmohan Singh jee (California) who was also at the Smaagam. Bhai Sahib was very impressed that Bhenji learnt Keertan considering he explains how to do Keertan in Panjabi in the DVD, and Bhenji cannot understand Panjabi.

I then asked how Bhenj how she began to tie a Keski (turban). Bhenji replied, "I felt like wearing a turban one day. I looked on the Internet on SikhNet and saw videos of how women tie turbans. I got some material, tied my hair up and tried my best. I liked it. So I keep it on and since then never took it off." Bhenji keeps her Keski on even when sleeping. Vaheguru.

On Saturday evening after the Rainsbaaee there was a mix-up with rooms and Bhenji went to sleep with her daughter in a room where the Singhs were going to sleep afterwards. The Singhs came in to the room and did their Nitnem in the dark. Once we started Nitnem we realised Bhenji was lying in the corner with her daughter. At the end of the Nitnem Bhenji stood up in the Ardaas and then moved to the ladies room. In the morning Bhenji apologized that she was in the wrong room. I explained it wasn't any problem. Bhenji said, "I am glad I was in the room though because when you all did Nitnem, I felt like Mai Bhaag Kaur doing Nitnem with her brothers before going to battle. I really enjoyed it. Thank you." Vaheguru!

On Sunday I asked Veer Jee if he would like me to tie a Dastaar on him. He replied, "Not today. Today I have to go back home. I cannot wear a turban because I have to go back to the Bar. I don't want to bring shame on the Dastaar by wearing it home." It was amazing how much respect Veer Jee had for the Dastaar that he realised it was an insult to Guru Jee for someone to look like a Sikh and be near alcohol, let alone sell it.

Veer Jee and Bhenji requested the Saadh Sangat to do an Ardaas for them at the end of the Divaan that Guru jee blesses them by getting rid of their current business as soon as possible so that they can live a complete Gurmat life style and then take Amrit. May Guru jee fulfill their Ardaas.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!


  1. Jasbeer Sigh9:27 am


  2. This never cease to amaze me ,how Waheguru jee have different ways to inform us.

  3. I am a moderator for the Yahoo group, Gurmat Learning Zone. We would like your permission to reprint this post in our group, if that is all right with you. Thank you.

    Mai Harinder Kaur

  4. Waheguru Jee

    Yes you have permission to share article with your e-group.

  5. Gurufateh!

    Thank you!

  6. Gurufateh!

    Thank you!

  7. waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh............i went to california ...usa...and i learned a lot from u.......u gave us sikhi lectures that really inspired me to check out these articles that u wrote in that blog spot.........i really liked it......
    ............i have request for u........ can i copy that article to put on Facebook to share with other people...waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.

  8. Satvir Veer Jee you are welcome to share any posts/articles with others.

    Dhan Guru Nanak
