Monday, April 11, 2011

Nishkam Primary School...

With Waheguru's kirpaa, the first Sikh Primary School in Birmingham is opening September 2011. At the moment there is a Nishkam Nursery which has children from Hindu, Muslim and other backgrounds as well as Sikh children. Below is a video about the school:

Nishkam Primary School Video from Be Inspired Films on Vimeo.

There is a positive newspaper article about the new Sikh school as well. See link.

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!


  1. Anonymous6:34 pm

    Paji, listening to your katha, i've heard you've been a substitute teacher at a primary school " the story with the little girl thinking its fine for girls in sikhi to cut their hair :) bless" Anyway,.. i'm not sure if you are a full teacher now or what, but singh, you should totally apply for being a teacher their, you'd be awesome :)

  2. Vaheguroo. Daas is a secondary school teacher. However, I would definitely love to become a teacher at a Sikh school. Hopefully they will make a Sikh school soon around Coventry.

  3. Anonymous11:53 pm


  4. Anonymous7:49 pm

    Do you think they will let kids wear Kirpaan at the school?

    I hope they dont take Kirpaan of when they have to go to meetings with world leaders.


  5. Anonymous1:58 pm


    ofcourse all gursikhs who are amritdhari and practicing will be allowed to wear kirpaan in school
