Friday, January 21, 2011

"Why the hell do I?"...

An interesting post I found on, written by Bhai Kulbir Singh jee (Toronto)...

Bernard Shaw used to tell a story about his father, whom he was delighted to watch shaving everyday. One day the five year old Shaw looked up and asked the old man "Daddy, why do you shave?"

The father looked at his small son for a full minute and then threw the razor out of the window, saying, "Why the hell do I?" He never did again.

Sunday Tribune, dated 6th December, 1970 (Editorial)

Bernard Shaw too maintained full beard all his life and did not shave. Hopefully, our brothers and sisters who still cut their hair and shave would be as sensible as Shaw's father.

Kulbir Singh

Taken from

Dhan Hai Guru! Dhan Hai Teree Sikhee!


  1. Anonymous8:36 pm

    I don't think this is going to help anyone keep their Kesh.

    No good to keep beard and cut hair on head, or vice versa

  2. Vaheguru ji.

    I think the point Bhai Kulbir Singh ji is making is that if Bernard Shaw's father said, "Why the Hell do I" when asked about why he cuts his hair/beard... we can use the same wisdom or line of thought if someone cuts their Kesh and is from Sikh heritage to ask ourselves "Why do we cut our Kesh (i.e. all hair)?"


  3. Jagtar Singh6:56 pm

    This article is false and there is no information regarding it anywhere on the Internet, aside from 'Sikh' sources.

    Sikhi doesn't need this irrelevance and falsehood and it serves no purpose and makes us lose credibility.

    I formally request it to be removed.

    Jagtar Singh

  4. Bhaji, I have searched google and found non-Sikh references to Bernard not cutting his beard.

    Search this following poem written by Bernard Shaw, and you get many non-Sikh websites coming up:

    Hair Cut

    The Barber came to cut my hair,

    I told him that it wasn't fair.

    My hair had done him no harm,

    Without it I would loose my charm.

    The Barber he grinned a silly grin,

    Said to cut my hair would be no sin.

    That I should face it like a man,

    But I'm a coward and away I ran.

    Do you like sitting in a Barbers chair,

    With him chopping away your lovely hair.

    Once my head was full of curls,

    Covering my face with twisty twirls.

    But then the Barber came my way,

    I was a child, I had no say.

    Off came my curls one by one,

    The Barber seemed to have great fun.

    Now I'm old and very grey,

    I'm nearly bald, my hairs gone away.

    But when I see a Barbers chair,

    I feel the loss of my curly hair.

    You know I truly rue the day,

    When that first Barber came my way.

    Bernard Shaw

  5. "Hopefully, our misled brothers and sisters who still cut their hair and shave would be as sensible as Shaw's father."

    This strikes me, an American, as religious bigotry. Claiming that other people, whether you call them your brothers and sisters or not, are misled because they do not conform to your religious beliefs, is no different than the ugly islamic supremacism we see too often from muslims.

    In my city there is a new Sikh temple. I regret very much that Sikhs indulge in this type of prejudice. Especially when they are allowed to live in America which allows them the freedom to practice their religion without interference, like they have in Asia.

    Will Sikhs next be contending that all people must submit to doing everything their way? Will Sikhs be teaching that the American way of life is a bad thing and that they should not associate with non-Sikhs? If they claim we are misled because we prefer to shave and cut out hair, it makes me wonder what other prejudices Sikhs have in their hearts.

  6. Anonymous6:39 am

    mr. bob, "Hopefully, our misled brothers and sisters who still cut their hair and shave would be as sensible as Shaw's father."
    This only applies to people of sikh backgrounds who claim to be sikh but shave and cut their hair. It does not apply to non-sikhs. The intention was to inspire sikhs who dont keep up with their religion. Sikhs dont indulge in prejudice at all. We believe in freedom and universial quality. Even if sikhs may disagree with someones views or beliefs, they display respect for them and have no problem defending their rights. The 9th Guru Tegh Bahadur, despite not believing in hindu practices, sacrificied his life for humanity and the freedom of expression.
