Monday, June 01, 2009

A Voice for the Voiceless...

A clip from the documentary ""Frontiers of the Faith" aired in the late 1990s on the 'Knowledge Network' pertaining to Human Rights Violations in Panjab:

Please show support in telling the world about the injustices that Sikhs have faced by attending the 'Remembrance March & Freedom Rally' taking place Sunday 7th June 2009 in Central London.
Click here for more info.

Recommended books to read:

- Fighting for Faith & Nation (Cynthia Kepply Mahmood)
An American anthropologist Cynthia Keppley Mahmood explores the world of Sikh militants through their own voices.

- Game of Love (Ed. Harjinder Singh)
A moving collection of stories of sacrifice, devotion, and love of Sikhs that have become martyrs in the past 30 years.

- The Gallant Defender (A. R. Darshi)
This is the first book by a Punjabi Hindu, who was a magistrate and Joint Secretary to the Punjab, paying tribute to the late Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwal, the gallant defender.

- Government Organised Carnage (Gurcharan Singh)
The book presents a horrible eyewitness account of the worst ever genocide of Sikhs in modern history.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:49 pm

    Vaaheguroo... This brought tears to my eyes!
