Monday, November 17, 2008

Poem: "Another Tree Falls"

I came across the video on YouTube. It is from a conference or talk in America called "Lahir 2008". Bhai Rubin Paul Singh poetically highlights human rights issues. It's a really creative way of raising awareness. Watching the video you feel overpowered by the words of the poem.

Dhan Hai Guru, Dhai Hai Teree Sikhee.


  1. Anonymous11:29 am

    never miss a chance to stand for Truth and Justice.

    I am touched by your poem Manvir Singh. Keep it up.

    Navkiran Singh Advocate.
    counsel for Paramjit kaur Khalra,in the case of Dissapeared Persons of Punjab.

  2. Anonymous3:14 pm

    Really moving poem. I forgot how moving poems can be when read out by their authors.

    atma singh
