Photos from the weekly Simran that takes place every Monday evening, 6.30pm till 7.30pm, at Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara Sahib, have been posted. Children and youngsters are encouraged to do seva and help one another to learn and do Simran on vaaja, Ardaas, Sukhaasan seva and with Guru Sahib's kirpaa Hukamnama seva.
This week it was Bhenji Gurpreet Kaur's 19th birthday. Bhenji's family made some lovely chocolate and chocolate chip cakes, as well as ahloo tikkian. It's always a pleasure to have darshan of the children of Leamington Spa because they have so much shardaa and enthusiasm. With Waheguru's kirpaa, a 7 year old veer ji came up and said that now his morning Nitnem is Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Svaiye and Chaupai Sahib. His 10 year old cousin's morning Nitnem is now Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Svaiye, Chaupai Sahib and Anand Sahib. Waheguru.
10 year old Vikram Singh doing Simran.
Bhai Pardip Singh doing Chaur Sahib seva.
5 year old Jeevan Singh doing Simran (Waheguru. So cute! Most children his age are too shy to talk but this Singh is great. His mum ties a Dastaar on his head and always happy to do Simran).
10 year old Amritpal Singh on Vaaja and 10 year old Dalraj Singh on Tablaa. Both are amazing! Dalraj Singh is the Tabla maestro! Vaheguru!
9 year old Manbir Singh.
7 year old Beant Singh (Manbir Singh's brother. These Singhs are Chardi Kalaa. Lots of energy and I am sure will become great soldiers for the Khalsa!)
Amritpal Singh doing Chaur Sahib seva.
Don't know the name or age of this boy. He has a lot of devotion and pyaar for Sikhee. His grandparents with Guru's Kirpaa have encouraged him to come into Sikhi. Guru kirpaa kare, he will soon keep his Kesh.
Bhenji Gurpreet Kaur. It was Bhenji's birtdhay yesterday! May Guru Sahib bless them with Gursikhi Jeevan, blessings of Naam and everlasting love for Waheguru.
10 year old Amritpal Singh taking Hukamnama at the end of the Diwaan. His grandmother sat with him for support. Great to see young children making progress and building to become Parchaariks of the future.
Dhan Guru, Dhan Guru Ke Pyaare.
Chardi kala to see Amritpal Singh finally taking Hukamnamma Guroo Sahib kirpa karn and Khalsa go from strength to strength.
ReplyDeleteWaheguru. The parents of all these children should be really proud of them. Really happy to see such blessed children. I am sure they will all become great Gursikhs.
ReplyDeleteThis is really spready sikhi.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such a nice explaination.