A few weeks ago I was shocked to discover a letter addressed to my mum and I. (The shocking part is yet to come, don't think that the shocking thing is that I received a letter from someone. hehe). On this letter, it had "URGENT" in red stamped on it. On the back of the envelope, it had an address from India on it.
I opened the letter to find several items.;(1) an A4 leaflet, (2) a self-address envelope, and (3) two small pieces of paper - one in Panjabi and one in English. All this information had been sent from India from "Moallim Syed Azazur Rahman Burraqui" (a bit of a tongue twister!). His nickname is "Gharib Nawaz".
A black and white leaflet in Gujrati, Panjabi and English which gives details of this Sufi Baba and then says:
"If you are worldly unhappy like loss of business, not getting success in Education, any suit is going going, not marriage of children... [an endless list! He probably watches the Trisha show or Jerry Springer on Sky or something] ....I assure you will return back with success and fulfilment of your all hearty desires [I think Trisha and Jerry Springer have some competition!]..."
Then there are few phone numbers to call if you have problems. I assume you 1) pay for an international call, and 2) you have to pay extra for calling a premium number. At the end you will all be glad to know that he has said the following:
"...In case you are unable to attend personally you can mark your presence by sending any amount from your hard earned income inshape of British Postal Order, Personal Cheque, Bank Draft, and Money Order through REGISTERED POST (Recorded Delivery) to my name."
Aaah that's nice of Baba jee to be so generous and offer us ways of giving him money from our "hard-earned money" while Baba jee sits and enjoys Jaleebis and Laddoos sitting in a chair all day (paid with the compliments of gullible people who send this clown money!).
He doesn't stop there! Obviously desperate to get some pounds (every pound equal eighty rupees - so that means money, money, money!) he has repeated his requests to sort out any marital, education, work and family problems. Does he have a magic wand or something? Wonder if he can do my degree for me?
I was taken aback at the fact that this Baba in India had first got my full name and address, secondly, he has stamped my town name with a black stamp (so I assume others in the town have received similar letters), and lastly, he has gone through the effort of printing so many leaflets and a self-addressed envelope and sent them abroad. It's worrying how this man got my personal details!
Self-addressed envelope (Looks very professional! He must have spent some money printing them!).
This man has obviously gone through all this effort to MAKE MONEY! Therefore, he is desperate! If he is going through this much effort to find "customers" then why does he not sort out his own money problems and desires! Rab Raakhaa!
Interesting... hmm So you received the letter few weeks ago. This is same time Sangatan returned from India.. sounds suspicious.
ReplyDelete^ LOL ill laugh if someones playing a prank on you bhaji!
ReplyDeletebut seriously, if this is real then i actually feel very sorry for this guy. he's gone to so much effort with printing the leaflets in several different languages and the self addressed envelopes-its quite obvious nobody is stupid enough to fall for it :P
I wonder how they got your details. Especially if it is your full name and full address. Has anyone you know been to India in the past few months? They may be in with this Baba to make a quick buck!
ReplyDeleteIts a stupid idea though. You would have to be under heavy sedation and be knocked over the head with a frying pan before anyone believes in this mumbo jumbo business and this Baba who claims he can cure any disease and get anyone the job he wants etc!
OMG! lol!!! hahaha.
ReplyDeleteManvir Singh, you are sooooo funny!!!
ReplyDeleteMore please!!
ReplyDeleteReminds me of Sulemon, who was a Muslim mystic that sold riddh siddh services. For this he was condemned to suffer as a prait and was told that one day a sant would come to save him. Sulemon one day took over the body of a young boy urinating in the graveyard and went to see Baba Isher Singh ji who helped him. There are actually recordings of Baba Isher Singh ji's conversation with Sulemon online...
And I thought it was bad when telephone service companies from India were always calling us trying to get business. :O
ReplyDeleteGurfateh Veerji...this is real strange! I had the same in the post just before i got married. I wasn't bothered but all the women in the family thought something was going on! To make matters more strange...other people in our family also got it therefore some thought maybe it was a family member who has done 'jadoo' on the family lol!
ReplyDeleteIt's obviously someone who has too much time on their hands and wants to put others in doubt so that they go to them! We can thank Guruji for keeping us away from such people!
Interesting that PSD went to India for 3 months. Wonder if he made any contacts?
ReplyDeleteI searched on google and it came up with few definitions of what PSD stands for.....
ReplyDeleteUrban Dictionary results
We recieve it here in London every month. I know someone in Southampton who is also recieving it.