Monday, May 05, 2008

Missing Person Found!

With Waheguru's Kirpaa, a missing person has been found.biggrin.gif

Bhai Pardip Singh from "Royal" Leamington Spa has been missing since early February 2008. There have been numerous sightings of Bhai Sahib in India. Reports of his appearance at Sri Harimander Sahib were made during April 2008 when Sikhs from UK visited Amritsar.

Today Bhai Sahib was spotted at Leamington Spa Gurdwara. After confirming that it was truly Bhai Pardip Singh present today, Daas took a photograph of Bhai Sahib to share with the Sangat so that everyone knows that Bhai Sahib has arrived back home fine and well.

Bhai Pardip Singh jee.

Local Sangat excited that they have spotted Bhai Pardip Singh and know that he has been found safe and well.

There were unconfirmed reports that Dhadi Master had got married whilst in India. Concerns that he had got married increased after his family visited Panjab in April. However, these reports have been cleared. Bhai Sahib did not get married.


  1. Anonymous9:25 pm

    has dhaddi lost weight? I herd he found a mrs dhaddi.

  2. Anonymous9:46 pm

    wjkk wjkf
    tht was soo funny i was lyk wot the in monkeyss he sed he gonna extend his ticket lol jokezz!!!

  3. Akaaaaal!!!

    i thought Pardip Singh Dhaddi was missing in action!

    great to see babaji has been found, and rather darker than before judging by the looks of it!!

  4. Anonymous9:52 pm

    Thank God Pardip's back! We were planning to launch a missing person's campaign in India and contacting the embassy for help. lol.

  5. Anonymous1:17 pm

    In the time bhai Sahib was away I herd Pavitar Singh Launched Dhaddi Sabha International (Uk branch) at Oxford Nagar Kirtan!

    Will Dhaddi be commenting on this?

  6. Anonymous2:57 pm

    Shromani akali panth parvaan 108 crore jathedar sri maan sant baba pardeep singh jee khalsa, dhadhis r us, the royal lemington spaa valeh, have finally blessed the british sangat with there darshan the chanan on there face is brilliant, soooo much abhiyaaas and kamai, dhan bhaaag dhan bhaaag.... sangat jee bhai sahib hasnt got married but i hear he is looking any suggestions?



  7. Anonymous7:00 pm


    wooooooo dhadi!! haha this post and the replies rock!



  8. Anonymous10:39 pm

    oh i mey veer ji in in y city.
    his pind is very close to our town.
    he reached canada b4 he returned back to UK.
    he is really a gyaan waan guni jan
