Last weekend was the annual Singh Sabha Gurdwara Bradford's Sikh Youth Camp. Daas was invited to come to the camp. It was one the best organised camps I have seen with a great atmosphere and nice cosy feel.
On Friday I set off from home. It was a 3-hour train journey! The train was PACKED. With Guru's Kirpaa I got a seat to sit on after one hour. Near 6 o'clock I started Rehraas Sahib (the evening prayer). Because I took my shoes off I felt a cold draught catching my feet. This led to what turned out to be the FLU! Near Derby it was announced that there was a SIGNAL FAILURE so the train was delayed. So I had to change train. It was crazy! Everyone was running trying to get on the other train, which was packed again! Reminded me of India!
The camp started Saturday morning with an assembly led by Bhai Roop Singh jee. Anyone who's met Bhai Roop Singh jee will know that he has a great connection with kids, is a great laugh and is very INSPIRATIONAL. Over 200 children attended the camp. The morning diwaan ended with Ardaas and Hukamnaama.
The camp was divided in five zones, which the youngsters rotated around. The zones were SPIRITUALITY, HISTORY, WARRIOR, OPEN and INSPIRATIONAL. Some of the sevadaars who led the zones included Bhai Roop Singh jee, Bhaji Sukhraj Singh jee, Bhaji Jagjit Singh jee, Bhaji Gurvinder Singh jee and others (my mind's gone blank!). Daas was in the History with Bhaji Jagjit Singh jee where we mainly covered History contained in the Ardaas and the Uniqueness of Sikhi.
Bhaji Novtej Singh jee has some short video clips from the camp on his blog.
Ps. if anyone has photos of the camp then could you kindly email some to Daas ( to share on here. Thanks.
On Friday I set off from home. It was a 3-hour train journey! The train was PACKED. With Guru's Kirpaa I got a seat to sit on after one hour. Near 6 o'clock I started Rehraas Sahib (the evening prayer). Because I took my shoes off I felt a cold draught catching my feet. This led to what turned out to be the FLU! Near Derby it was announced that there was a SIGNAL FAILURE so the train was delayed. So I had to change train. It was crazy! Everyone was running trying to get on the other train, which was packed again! Reminded me of India!
The camp started Saturday morning with an assembly led by Bhai Roop Singh jee. Anyone who's met Bhai Roop Singh jee will know that he has a great connection with kids, is a great laugh and is very INSPIRATIONAL. Over 200 children attended the camp. The morning diwaan ended with Ardaas and Hukamnaama.
The camp was divided in five zones, which the youngsters rotated around. The zones were SPIRITUALITY, HISTORY, WARRIOR, OPEN and INSPIRATIONAL. Some of the sevadaars who led the zones included Bhai Roop Singh jee, Bhaji Sukhraj Singh jee, Bhaji Jagjit Singh jee, Bhaji Gurvinder Singh jee and others (my mind's gone blank!). Daas was in the History with Bhaji Jagjit Singh jee where we mainly covered History contained in the Ardaas and the Uniqueness of Sikhi.
The Langar at the camp was great. It's the first the Gurdwara Sahib I have seen where there is HOT-MILK (ਸੌਂਫ ਵਾਲਾ ਧੁੱਧ) as well as Chaa available for Sangat to drink. Usually it's just tea. So it was a pleasant surprise and very tasty! And thanks to everyone who provided Daas with cold & flu tablets, Beechams, and Lemsip - May Vaheguru bless you all.
The youngsters of Bradford are Chardikalaa and a GREAT BUNCH. They worked together to put together the camp and tirelessly did seva. May Guru Sahib keep them in Chardikalaa.Bhaji Novtej Singh jee has some short video clips from the camp on his blog.
Ps. if anyone has photos of the camp then could you kindly email some to Daas ( to share on here. Thanks.
..and it was nice meeting you in person for the first time bhai sahib :)
ReplyDeleteshame I couldnt make it :(
ReplyDeletemissed it..... next time hey :=P
wjkkwjkp! was great having you at the camp singh jee. and thanks for giving us your darshan at our humble home. may guroo saahib continue to bless you. wjkkwjkp!
ReplyDeleteBhaji Jaskeerat-Gyaan Singh jee Khalsa - thanks for the Yorkshire tea :) and darshan of your house. Please send my regards to your family for their hospitality and pyaar.
ReplyDeleteIt was a great weekend but very tiring by the end of it. Got home at 11.30pm - I felt like a zombie but next day felt okey dokey :D (Felt sorry for Bhaji Jagroop Singh and his wife who kindly gave me a lift home as they had a longer journey home and Bhaji had work this morning! Vaheguroo!)