Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I Have Lost My Train Ticket and Need Money!!! PART 2

Continuing from the last post....

About May time, I was going to Southall to go to the Gurdwara Sahib and afterwards to do the radio show. I arrived at Paddington Station and went to the screen to find out when the train was leaving. The display board hadn't yet shown which platform was leaving so I waited near the screen.

An Asian looking man, who I thought looked Pakistani, came up to me. He spoke to me in a mixture of Urdu and Panjabi. He said, "Sardar Ji, Sardar Ji, I have lost my train ticket and need some money." I thought WAHEGURU!!! Here we go again!

He further explained, "I was sitting on the tube, and I left my coat there. It had my ticket and wallet. I need to get to Luton." I said, "Well, I am going to Southall, so if you want you can come with me to the Gurdwara." He said, "I thought I saw a fellow Panjabi brother, and would ask for help. I know little English." I said, "Sorry I can't help you, please go to the police, report the incident, get a crime number and then go to the train help desk and they will help you."

He was persistent that he wanted my help. I said, "The man sitting in the Information desk is also a Sardar Ji and will help you." He then said, "I have a watch, I am willing to sell it, but I need money to go to Luton."

Considering I had two previous experience which were similar. Actually three. During London Sikhi Week a Gujrati guy asked me for money for his train fare from London to MANCHESTER. I didn't hear the bit where he said that he wanted money, so I stood with him. I kept talking to him Panjabi and said, "Don’t worry". Another Bhenji who I was with, said, "Let’s go!" I told her, "That’s a bit rude." She said, "Didn't you hear him, he wanted your money!" Guru Raakhaa!

So I thought of this man - is he genuine or his fraudster. Has he come to ask me for help because he saw a Sikh Sardar wearing a white Kurta pyjama and standing out of the crowd? Or was he taking advantage of me? Eventually I said, "Sorry Bhaji, I can't help you, please go to the Sardar at the help desk or ask someone else."

It is weird that after having bad experiences, you don't know who is genuine and who is making a quick few pounds.

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